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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Not sure which book, but both Dalton and Steidlmayer may have mentioned it. Regarding the chart I am simply showing stopping volume. Divergence is one thing but I am reading the bars and relationship of volume. That is a 10 period CCI.
  2. drsushi, MP patterns for me come in forms of normal days, neutral days, normal variation days, "P' shaped profiles, "b" shaped profiles, IB range, etc... For example, in the first chart below you will see profile on the ES from 2/13/08. The profile shows that of a neutral day in which range extension exists on both sides of the initial balance. Although value shifted slightly higher compared to the 12th, the neutral day is telling me that there is conflicting opinion by the sellers and buyers. Once price shifts in one direction, this is going to cause one party to act strongly. On 2/14/08 the markets opened up near the 13 high and failed to take it out shown by the weakness appearing at the rallies. (chart below) This weakness caused a nice downtrend as those long on 2/13 (neutral day) are now wrong and need to sell. Value shifted higher > lower. See chart below. So in this example, based of these two patterns you could of positioned yourself on the short side for 2/15. If you had a plan to look for signs of weakness an example short could of been initiated at the gap fill. Please see chart below. More importantly than the trade example is the concept I am using like MP pattern recognition to develop a trading plan.
  3. Hi, Can you please address in this thread what you want explained? Thanks
  4. I was afraid this was going to happen. A few attachments broke during our upgrade. I was able to recover 99% of them but seems like this one may have been affected. I will see if Jerry can repost this if possible.
  5. Hope everything works out okay James. See you soon.
  6. Hi David, Could you start a new thread on this topic? I will post a few charts.
  7. Thanks. I think I got it to work.
  8. Thanks mister ed, I will play around with the settings to see what I get.
  9. Still playing around with it to get the same format as Chad. Attached is my chart so far. I feel like I am missing something?
  10. Hi Chad, Just saw your post on Volume Breakdown. You mentioned you plotted it 3 times? How do I overlay the indicator on top of each other? Thanks
  11. What are the settings for the volume breakdown indicator to get it into the format as the chart?
  12. Looks good Chad! Loving the IRT platform every bit.
  13. Hi David, I will not vouch for any indicator simply because I do not use them. If you can read volume and price bars volume delta related indicators are not necessary. However it can be a good tool to visually aid you to see price and volume divergence. Regarding MP... you can choose to make it as simple as that or more complex than that. It comes down to how you want to use MP in your trading.Are you going to combine MP with other techniques or use MP as a stand alone trading tool? On top of MP pivots like VAH, VAl, POC.... I personally prefer to watch for pattern recognition so I know what type of day we may have. This allows me to place trades accordingly.
  14. That is the Infinity AT platform. If you are interested pm me.
  15. Interesting chart here on ES using price, volume, and mp levels. First sign of weakness shown by the first transparent sphere. The second weakness was screaming for a short.
  16. Dear traders, Please help support TL! by inviting your friends to join our trading community. Use our easy email inviter system. Thanks for the support! Regards, James
  17. Attached is a .pdf copy of the Ney report. Please read it if you haven't yet. Thanks NeyReport.pdf
  18. You can call from any phone. Not familiar with what a TW Digital Phone is rodney. Skype rates are very much so recommended for such an event.
  19. Okay, so we have finally started rebuilding attachments and things should be good to go shortly. Been up over 24hrs now so will need to complete the rest when I wake up. If anyone has any issues uploading attachments or viewing attachments please let me know. Thanks. :sleep:
  20. Update: Attachments problem. We had a directory problem since our recent system upgrade. As a result we are still experiencing some attachment issues. A few attachments have been broken while other attachments are not viewable. We have been working to get this fixed asap. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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