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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Interesting documentary. What are your thoughts? [gvideo]4433387097497016625[/gvideo]
  2. Nice one Brownsfan. Excellent opportunities for rangebound trading after the initial move up. Notice the stopping volume at the 5min WRB also. Showing clear selling. Note: Also the resistance is teasing the VAH and previous day high level. Good level to play.
  3. Please see video I posted today in the premium section. It shows how I use CCI to time trades. Thanks. http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f10/es-trading-feb-27-2008-cci-3531.html
  4. Live recording from Feb. 27, 2008 showing some strategies discussed here. The clip is quite long (37 mins) and you will hear me talking to myself alot and personal things I will not normally mention publicly. So please beware. Thanks for watching. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
  5. Mister ed will be joining the mod team to help moderate the time. Thank you for the support and please welcome him on board
  6. Looks like you are drawing them correctly januson. You can also plot fibs from the swing high (high of day) to the swing low (low of day). You get that nice little retracement around 558 back down to 545.
  7. Please see todays market recap. Thanks. TL! Videos
  8. I use CCI hooks to wait for price retracement. If I see a long setup I am reading price bars and volume but will have a tendency to wait until the CCI is hooking upwards. (similar to how I use TICK) I use CCI only for this purpose.
  9. Thank you very much for starting this thread Walter. I am very interested in the various timing methods traders use to enter trades. $TICK is one of them for me but I also use the 10 period CCI on a 5min to time entries. Will look forward to reading about your techniques.
  10. Hi RSI, Yes there is a download link available. Please see attached.
  11. After hard work, we have finally put together a video sharing system: TL! Videos. We are looking to grow this portal so please contribute any finance/trading related videos. Enjoy!
  12. Welcome Db... read through some of your posts on t2w and ET. Good to have you on board
  13. Try our fileshare system (top navigation bar). Users wont have to wait for download limits like rapidshare. Thanks
  14. Thanks Shreem. Though I dont consider my MP knowledge extended at all.... traders like Alex Benjamin (alleyb) are the real experts trading solely of MP charts. I grabbed what was useful for me and learned in depth on how to utilize them into trading strategies. I dont think I follow all concepts of MP to the dot... MP helps me create a roadmap for the trading day. This comes in forms of pattern recognition, tails, profile shapes, IB extensions, etc.. But it is still a tool for me as a candlestick & volume chart comes top priority for me. Understanding the combination/relationship between price & volume is far superior that any method in my opinion. Just learn the sections from Steidlmayer and Dalton where they get into profile types/day types & opening types by heart. That information is gold.
  15. Hi, Short term analysis based on the past 5 sessions. Will need more to see the longer term strength or weakness. Please see attached.
  16. I think the best trader that can offer you some insight would be alleyb on this topic. You might want to check out his site too at http://www.tradingclinic.com/index0212.php/
  17. Hi genki desu. Are you Japanese btw?
  18. Sure I understand. I have had Joel do 2 webinars for us here. I have not taken his course and mentorship program so do not have a credible review regarding his services. However, whether a trader seeks mentorship or joins a trading room.... the bottom line is, "The holy grail is YOU." I have found analyzing myself and mistakes & working on my own methods far more helpful than studying other traders.
  19. Published here: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/24f73610-c91e-11dc-9807-000077b07658.html
  20. Joel has live sessions every Wed. So might be best to attend one and see for yourself. I was in 2 weeks ago and was quite impressed. The markets was extremely choppy and dull.... he emphasized on recognizing days where trading opportunities was minimal. Learning when not to trade is equally important so I found this live session quite valuable. One thing I really enjoyed also was his discipline in trading as well.
  21. First... are you making money trading off a 1minute? I ask this because almost every single trader I met will the say the same thing. 1 minute charts are not for trading... way too much noise. Second, your stops should be dependent on your particular setup/trade. For example, are you fading the previous day high? If so, a stop above this level would make sense. Are you buying a pullback of an uptrend? A stop below the previous swing low would make sense. Playing breakouts? A stop below the breakpoint and then move to b/e would make sense. Why are you entering a buy/sell? Based on what? You need to study your strategy and reasons for the trade more in depth in order to find the stop placements that are optimal for you. Some use stops that are dependent on volatility, ATR, candles, pivots, or fixed stops. Perhaps post a chart of a particular trade and members here can add some input so you can figure this out.
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