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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Thanks gilligullu, I definitely want to check out Bond Street. I also heard about Funky Budda... will check that out if I have the time. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Only here for another 2 days so hopefully get to visit a few of the places mentioned above.
  2. Hi gang, Im currently in London for business and will be here for a few more days. Just wondering if anyone has any recommendation on where to go.... any places that I MUST visit while in London? The city is absolutely beautiful and the women... wow! lol Thanks!
  3. Hey brownsfan, You might be interested in this site: http://crazy-coderz.net/forum/tutorials-18/
  4. Interesting chart here on ES. Simple support and resistance levels. PDH = previous day high.
  5. Hi, Please take a look at the following snapshots. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:
  6. Hi erie, Are you still encountering issues with images?
  7. Hi, Programmer is currently working on some fixes. We should have it done this weekend. Thanks
  8. I wrote a review on the Wall Street Jungle located here. The book is quite interesting with alot of insights on market manipulation and specialist manuevers. However, It did get a little slow towards the middle especially the section on tax benefits that specialists take advantage of. Its worth a read, especially when its listed on amazon for only a few bucks now.
  9. Hi cantana, welcome aboard. Sorry but the SDS popup glossary cant be removed. If you need any reference regarding the forum, please check out this manual. Thanks.
  10. This is me: You are an Independent Trader! If the markets interest you, you'll probably work to develop a logical explanation for how they work. This is because you love theoretical ideas and abstract concepts (in fact, much more so than people interactions). This can be great for trading success, if you don't get too theoretical. This type of trader profile suggests that you value knowledge above all else. As a result, you'll be constantly generating new ideas about the market or trying to disprove the ideas that you learn from others... One of your Trading Strengths You can quickly determine if a new style of trading or system will fit well with your personality. One of your Trading Challenges Your trading could dominate your time and you could become socially isolated, which in turn could upset others, particularly if you have a spouse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmm.. interesting. I had issues balancing work and personal life so made some drastic changes starting in 2008 to enjoy my social life.
  11. Oh well... always the next setup.
  12. :crap::crap::crap::bang head::bang head::bang head:
  13. Exit 1 chart. Second exit was stopped out at b/e. Possible reversal setup as price fails to breakout of IB creating a double top, price & volume divergence. Probably should of just scalped this trade as it was based off tape.
  14. Heres an interesting chart for today from the KOSPI 2000 index futures. No real setup until the IB developed. Value was shifting higher and Nikkei had held within previous sessions value area with support at VAL. Sudden rush of buying on tape hinted of possible IB extension to the upside, hence long @ market. First Chart shows Nikkei price action: Second chart shows KOSPI setup with tape and mp concepts: Third chart shows initial target level. Looking to exit at IB breakout. Not looking for a trend upwards so exiting as price leaves IB.
  15. Very nice Szymon. Thank you very much. I wish I had the skills to create such things.
  16. Might be slightly off-topic but, in regards to intraday market profile levels, I use this especially for the KOSPI 2000. What I do is have developing value areas plotted on my candlestick charts. I use these as dynamic support and resistance levels. If you wonder why in rangebound market, price turns before reaching the previous swing low/high... take a look at the developing value area. It can be quite enlightening
  17. Im with you on that smwinc... holding on some deep OTM options as well. Financial sectors are due to stabilize anytime as many banks and securities firm are merging. Societe Generale and Calyon, the corporate bank of Credit Agricole have merged their brokerage activities to form a divison called Newedge. RBS is also merging with ABN AMRO this year. I am sure there are a few more merging related talks floating around.
  18. lol too funny. :rofl: Once I return from the office, I will go ahead and ban the spammers. Thanks for the notice.
  19. Thank you very much smwinc. I know a few institutions that trade through EBS.... Ive seen the buy/sell execution EBS keyboards. Not an option for me either. I used to use Reuters... I believe it was the Kobra version. I did like the PowerPlusPro feature but found the charting to be unbelievably horrible. I never used such an inferior product in my life... primarily because I only use charts and was trading futures while using Reuters. I use CQG and IRT at the moment. CQG for charts and backtesting and IRT for market profile (also charts). CQG has one of the worst market profile packages. Went to the Tokyo Grain Exchange the other day and browsed around different execution vendors. How is TT? I chatted with a few vendors including Platz, TT, Reuters, and GL. Thanks again for the info.
  20. Hi, I have reopened this thread and made it a sticky. We have a Part II thread but hopefully folks with any questions on this particular thread can interact here as well. Thanks!
  21. Have been extremely busy lately and been a while since I posted. I thought I would share some of the things I watch for now. What has helped me alot is to increase my vision into the global markets. It gives me a clearer picture of the psychology behind global traders/investors. Should of posted this premarket but wanted to share a few things. First, yesterdays global market action was extremely fascinating to watch in preparation of the US opening. I am actually quite bullish at the moment holding on to Nikkei contracts on the long side from the third week of March. We have had heavy accumulation at the double bottom (previous low from January) Hence, the past few days of sell-off I viewed as a pullback for higher prices. Now going back to market action for April 1st, 2008. I want to first go back to March 17 – March 20 to take a look at a key piece of market information. There are various information which led me to initiate a long position on a more longer term timeframe. Lets begin with price action. March 17 was the test of the previous low established in January. Up until this point, the markets had a tendency to lift on positive news and then followed through with further decline. However, March 18 and 19 was different. Markets lifted on March 18 on positive news and although the markets declined on the 19th, value area placement was overlapping to higher. This was extremely key information. The above MP chart gave me confirmation on a technical level. Furthermore, after talking to many Japanese brokers during this time the hottest topic was JGB (Japanese Government Bonds 10 yr). Basically the public or dumb money was buying JGB’s which I used as a contrary indicator. At the same time my JGB system fired 2 short signals back to back. (based on price and volume) Okay, lets take a look at the Nikkei and KOSPI from April 1st. Both markets were pretty rangebound but established overlapping to higher value placement. What was particularly interesting was the Nikkei price action for the evening session which went on to establish even higher value area. The DAX followed through as well, testing the VAL from the previous day and then trending upwards for the remainder. Pretty positive global market action? Now, lets take a look at the ES. I got home around 7am EST and noticed extremely key information on the premarket ES which alerted me of a possible trend day. Each attempt to move price higher was on an increase in volume or push through supply volume. This action hinted me that this was actual buying from the smart money to build a position. Hence, my long at premarket.
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