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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Thats also available under thread tools. Thanks
  2. Favorite threads was temporary disabled due to an error. All is fixed now.. please report any bugs if you find them. Thanks!
  3. Wow.... thanks for the share James. I wasnt aware of this news until this post. Additional info can be found here.
  4. Let me look into this. Do you know of a board where is in place? A specific url perhaps as I am not familiar with this. Thanks.
  5. Couple differences in the trade setup is I would need to see the previous day value area. Also I cant read a 1 min chart so would prefer to take a setup based on a 5min. But would take this particular pattern: It would help to know where price is relative to value area... past sessions profile pattern, and the level of support where price reversed to break the trendline.
  6. I have added an ignore thread button. This feature will allow you to ignore a thread and prevent it from showing up on your unread posts and search results. Please see pic below. Thanks.
  7. 1396ish where the previous day value low is. Would wait for a retracement back to it after the break of the trendline.
  8. Thanks fw, looking forward to it. Would like to learn more about ppls methods on reversals. On top of the chart explanations, I would like to add that I place great importance to where price is relative to previous day value area, previous day range, and control point.
  9. Second follow up with chart. Pretty swift move down to developing VAL.
  10. Hi, I received a number of requests regarding marking threads or posts. Can someone elaboreate on this? I am not too sure what is required.. will need to let my coder know. Thanks
  11. Hi, Theres been a problem with uploading large files via the attachment feature. This has been fixed now as well as a forum system upgrade to a more stable version. A couple of more requests such as mark threads will be implemented as well. Thank you. Regards, James
  12. I would like to dedicate this thread to specifically reversals. I have been taught to build strategies around reversals in the futures market and momentum with stocks. Hence, will post some charts explaining setups and patterns that are common of reversals in global markets. Hopefully many of you can share your insights as well. The first chart shows the KOSPI futures from today. A classic reversal patterns developed today with an obvious volume spike hinting first sign of accumulation/short covering. This is my first clue to watch for. The second clue is a lower low or test of low on diminishing volume. The third sign I prefer to watch for (not always as I may enter before this on an aggressive trade) is a break of a trendline. The fourth is a push through supply volume bar. Basically after absorption and climatic selling, I need an extra bar of professional buying which will force others to join and lift price higher. Higher prices will attract further buying as the late comers will climb on board. More to come...
  13. There is no way for the system to add a moderator to the ignore list. I do not want to customize this and enable it as communication between members is a must. If there is a problem with any of the mods, just pm me and I will try to think of a solution. Thanks
  14. Hi ztrader, Tradingrooms is not an option at the moment. We had it in the past but it is way too buggy to even use it. Im scheduling an update of the forum system shortly so lets see if that fixes it first. Thanks.
  15. Currently looking into the chat problem. Could be a database problem and might need to wait until the next forum system upgrade. Hopefully that will do the trick.
  16. Welcome EBG! I like your positions... a pure speculator
  17. Imo charts tell it all. Please see below a composite profile of the ES starting from 2008 till present. Yesterdays high at 1441 was pretty much the top of the distribution. It will fail on the first attempt majority of the time it reaches levels like that. Check the daily charts below also. So I wouldnt call it a crash. More like a significant point of resistance.
  18. Agreed. Especially in line with S&R levels.
  19. London was a blast. I just got back to Tokyo but I absolutely loved the city. Especially the drinking culture there is a lot of fun. Met some nice ppl there as well. Definitely a place I would love to go back sometime... preferably more than 4 days next time.
  20. ahh okay... some of us are not familiar with T2W. Sorry for the confusion. Welcome aboard guys... good to have some UK based traders here.
  21. Ok was this a joke or...? I cant tolerate crap like this.... but not familiar with T2W so thinking its some type of inside joke?
  22. Things have changed now... almost everything in London is double that of Tokyo from a bottle of water, the tube, clothing, restaurants, rent, etc... Residents get billed weekly for rent here? I keep seeing rental property and housing priced by the week.
  23. Thanks Blowfish. I will definitely try to meet some of you located in UK in the future. This trip was rather short.... was supposed to stop by the US as well but can no longer do so either. Weather was definitely lovely up until today. Cant even seem to find a store that sells umbrellas Been a good trip overall though. Great city... maybe a bit expensive though.
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