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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Its quite interesting.... none of my family supported my trading. As a matter of fact my first 2 years was hell as I was completely surrounded by negativity. I am actually too optimistic by nature which kept me going (plus my drive). I agree that its important to be aware of your own internal thoughts and the external factors that may affect you. My stubborness definitely helped continue learning this game (though it did lead to conflicts while trading). Ahh the mind.... beautiful but yet so complicated. NLP definitely helped overcome negative thoughts and taught me how to control and be aware of them. Takes practice but the mindset can be changed with practice over time. Now, I am so aware of negativity that I can instantly shut them out of my mind. Its interesting too.... cause you can see a persons character and drive just by the way ppl phrase things. Example: Two guys go to a car dealer shop looking at a Ferrari. Person A goes "There is no way I can afford that." Person B goes "How can I afford that?" The difference in mindset is huge.
  2. Post Edit for a time limit of 30minutes is enabled once again. The bug has not been fixed but due to requests, this feature is back up. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, Wanted to see some feedback regarding whether or not to include a poker forum. I dont want to call it "Poker Forum" but more in the form of "Trading and Poker". If you have read Zen and the Art of Poker, you will see how these two professions share many similarities from discipline, patience, probabilities, and psychology. I am sure poker players have a lot they can discuss in relation to trading. (it can get quite deep!) Any feedback is appreciated! Also, if you have a title for the forum please post here! Thanks.
  4. Seriously? Maybe Ill throw a poll on this. Maybe call the forum poker and trading, etc..
  5. Yea, Im not interested in introducing spread betting here. Thats more of a feature for T2W or casino forums. I would rather have a poker forum than a spread betting forum... though either one is unlikely to be introduced here.
  6. Hi Kiwi, Yes, the edit button is being fixed at the moment. Enabling the edit feature allows members to delete attachments which was the problem with PP. I am waiting for any fix on this. I have been finding that some Asian contracts are better suited on a smaller timeframe. I traded the TOPIX yesterday on a 1minute chart and realized volume was easier to read... also surprised by the number of 1-2tick scalpers in that market. Regarding plotting HSi for trading MHI, its some of the things I do for the mini Nikkei as well. I trade both since the mini allows me to get filled while waiting in line for the OSE contract can be a pain sometimes. Mini-topix has been introduced recently. Still thin but thinking it should pick up as it allows the retail crowd to enter this contract. 500JPY a tick... similar to the mini Dow futures.
  7. Hi traders, For new traders looking for a place to start with minimal risk, I find the Mini Hang Seng Index Futures contract a good market to begin your trading journey. This is due to the small tick size of $10HK or approx $1 USD. The focus should not be to make money but to learn the art of trading and focus on good trades. This will take time for new traders and the risk is relatively high for those that want to jump right into various popular futures market. Hence, the Mini Hang Seng.... intraday trades can be placed with minimal risk of approx 20-30 ticks. That is almost equal to 2 ticks on the ES. A great starting contract for new traders. See attached contract spec and chart.
  8. Asian markets extremely weak today with a solid downtrend. Every attempt of support and bounce was immediately followed by a new wave of selling. Seems big boys are in need to liquidate today. Goes for Japan, Hang Seng, and Kospi. Could be a reaction from the US yesterday..... but to gap down and sell off entirely, is fairly weak which could transfer over to the US. Nikkei did hold at key 13,000 level but will watch to see if it breaks during the evening session. Hang Seng was a monster today... selling off like crazy. (interesting market btw) Not seeing any form of accumulation... though it appeared around early afternoon only to be sold into strength again towards the close. Heads up guys.
  9. Used to be available here. But not anymore under request of the developer. Theres a bunch of commercial ones available for around $200-$300. Probably worth the price compared to subscribing to a new vendor for MP charting.
  10. Thanks for all the responses. Although I may reconsider implementing something like this in the future, I will leave this issue as closed. I will re-open this thread once we have a few things that may be implemented to receive further feedback. For now, any promotion will not be allowed on TL. Thanks.
  11. This has been fixed now. Thanks.
  12. What sort of forum category would you like to see? Thanks
  13. Thanks blowfish and james, I initially started the workshop for that purpose but realized the limitations of it.... as it does not allow attachments, charts, etc... I think some type of interactive chat sessions to discuss specific elements of trading may be of interest. Perhaps covering topics less talked about such as psychology, risk control, money management, timing, overtrading, discipline, etc... I could send out a newsletter to inform members regarding such events. The only problem is I may not be able to attend due to the 13 hour time difference I have with New York. But Im sure there will be no problems even without my attendance. What do you all think? Ive also been wanting to implement a recognition section for all the great contributors. Perhaps a thread/post/indicator nomination per week/month. I think members here deserve some credit for all the inputs.
  14. Hi all, I am welcoming all user requests and feedback. I am looking to implement a few more things on the site for further improvement. What are some of the features you would like to see? What are some of the things you would like improved? Please share your thoughts. Thank you.
  15. I think there are degrees to the confirmation. This could be one extra bar, two bars, indicator based, etc... The more confirmation you require, you are in with the herd.
  16. I disabled the customization for that forum temporarily until my coder gets back. Hopefully I will have a fix for this by early next week. Thanks.
  17. Interesting thread... throughout the early years of my trading career, I went through a phase where I would be right about short term moves in the market but could not seem to profit from it. After thorough analysis, I realized I was overly aggresssive which forced me to jump into trades too early. Even my old mentor mentioned I was too aggressive. As a result, one of the things I struggled to change was to hold myself back and wait for further confirmation.... allowing me to time my trades better. This took practice and time as I started to learn that being conservative didnt necessarily mean you had less balls. It was simply practicing more discipline and patience. In the end, all that really mattered was your PNL.... and thus changed my style of trading to a more sniper approach, crafting my timing and entry as careful as possible.
  18. They use high end platforms that cater for algorithimic trading. I think its around $150,000/year per system. CQG is being used alot for prop trading and insitutional technical based trading. I would assume alll other types of insitutional traders stick with Bloomberg terminals at roughly $2,000 a month.
  19. Hi traderpsyches and welcome aboard. Would you mind sharing with us how a trader would go into the self discovery of finding the type of style that fits his or her personality. I have found mine simply through trial and error but I am thinking there was probably a better way to do so and would of avoided alot of pain. Thanks.
  20. Looking into this now. Will have a fix shortly. Thanks.
  21. thats not the mods fault.. simply my miscommunication with the mods to resolve this problem swiftly. Thanks.
  22. Hi, Ill write a follow up but currently off from the desk so will make this brief. After consideration and feedbacks from members of TL, I have decided to implement a zero tolerance policy for promotion/ad/spam on the forum. As much as I think it would be creative to allow members to promote their works, these can lead to disastrous outcomes and the future of TL may be affected by it. Therefore, until there are more requests regarding solicitation from loyal members I will not allow this on the boards. In the future, we may decide to implement some creative solution. For now, I am considering adding a donation button per user. This way those who benefit and want to give back in return can simply donate. Not sure how effective this is but it is still in talks at the moment. I should have more updates shortly. Thanks.
  23. HI Blu Ray, Is it possible to have it so that the green is always at the bottom? The bid ask coloring is split by ratio? Thanks
  24. omg blu ray. You ARE the MAN! I care less about the width as I prefer to just read the volume panel. Is this coded in .ELD? If so, would you mind posting it? Thank you!
  25. Excerpt from Think For Yourself by Robert P. Crawford ".... when the great majority of people expect a certain calamity to come, it does not come because they have taken all the precautions to be ready for it. Hurricanes do not kill people when people have prepared for them. When people expect still worse financial conditions, they liquidate everything that can be liquidated and are "sitting tight" awaiting the worst. Of course the worst never comes. In 1929 the great majority of peopl expected still better conditions and were hanging on to their possessions. Nearly everyone expected things to continue upward. That made them all much more vulnerable." So the question, Is The Worst Over? Take a look at a ES daily chart with triple bottom action. July 1st shows a bar of strength. Most financial firms have taken every measure now to overcome the credit crunch. Layoffs have been completed... are they likely to lay off more ppl? I do not want to pick bottoms but my intentions are to show that there is a good risk/reward opportunity in place at the moment. Cant quite explain how I see this but June 26, 2008 seemed like a desperation sell-off with July 1st a reversal caused by bull confidence. Interesting article here "Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi said he was troubled by the current high levels of petroleum prices, but added, "We have nothing to do with prices where they are today. He denied the problem is one of immediate oil supply." I have to agree with Ali al-Naimi. The crowd has been led to believe we are facing an oil crisis. Is that really so? There are massive reserves available in Brazil and now Iraq is auctioning its oil fields. My view is that with high oil prices, technology to use other sources of energy will become more efficient decreasing the consumption of oil. And by the time this happens, it will be as cost effective to use other sources of energy than oil. Also, fewer people are now consuming oil due to high oil prices. There are fewer cars now on the streets and consumers are more conscious about using energy. Have we reached the tipping point where instead of the assumption of increased oil consumption, we are likely to go backwards to using less oil? Public transportation will probably be used more... public buses, subway, etc... meaning less cars and less oil. Flying overseas is now unbelievably expensive. A retail roundtrip ticket from Tokyo to Brazil costs $10,000! On top of this, I do not think we will ever get to a point of using the last bit of oil left on this planet. Mankind are not idiots.... we will most likely resort to an alternative altogether. And when we do, expect oil prices to tank. So, I have my eyes on companies like Toyota who lead in hybrid technologies. I see this oil hike as a potential opportunity in other sectors of the market. My random thoughts here.... always feel free to disagree. Thanks.
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