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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Don't ever let your lack of educational background limit you from doing the things you want in life. I know plenty of successful people without college degrees who have made it on their own. I never judge a person based on their educational background.... but rather what he/she does is what earns respect from me. Graduating a good university does help in landing a job in a front office environment. Most of the people I have met in the institutional environment did graduate from a reputable university, interned in an investment, and landed a front office job. Most start out as assistants or junior traders. This is where they learn the ropes.... even those without any market understanding are able to pick it up in this environment within a year. Work 12 hours a day in this environment and you are bound to pick things up quickly. If you entered right after college, by the time you are 27-28 you are probably trading in 100 lots. Though there are quite alot who become burnt out and switch roles. However, there are few without any college degrees working front office roles. I know plenty of brokers who do not have a college degree. Some eventually move to a trading job. So there are the exception. Finding your niche is a matter of enough screen time and practice in my opinion. Its similar to a talented athlete but without the necessary training and facility he will never live up to his true potential. Whether you get a BA, MA, or PHD... I do not believe this is going to help you become a better trader. You might become a good economist/analyst.... but trading has nothing to do with the amount of higher education you receive. Its really about knowing yourself and controlling the nasty little habits we have of greed, fear, impatience, and lack of discipline.
  2. Hi Bf, The private threads is rather limited for now but will continue to follow up if I obtain any updates or additional features for this implementation. Thanks.
  3. Hi atto, Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. I have sent in an inquiry but this will require editing whats been hard coded which is somewhat of a problem. If I hear back anything I will keep this thread posted.
  4. Econoday is not free for integration in a website. I approached them over a year ago and the pricing was over $1,000 a month from what I recall. They offered a light version exclusively for my website but there were layout issues that I can not implement.
  5. Yes, it will remain visible. Private threads only deny access to the content when a user visits the thread. Ill look to see if the requests can be implemented but please do not count on it for now.
  6. No not at the moment. Though I am looking into it to see if this is possible.
  7. Econoday is not free and charges quite a bit for usage. With forexfactory, I do not like their free version. I will look around.
  8. It appears that the source is not updating. I have added a different calendar for the time being until I can find a better source. Thanks
  9. Character limit has been fixed. Thanks
  10. Might be a corrupt file. Ill see if I saved another copy of it.
  11. Hi, I have extended the character limit to 512. Also changed the font size to 12. Please let me know if you need bigger fonts. Thanks
  12. Sorry Midknight. I do not know. I did create a Nikkei TICK though using Reuters PowerPlusPro and then pluggin that figure inside metacharts. Dont use Reuters anymore so pretty useless now.
  13. Another video I made a while back. Please see link below. Tutorial on the Premium
  14. Video I made a while back. Please see link below: NYSE TICK TUTORIAL
  15. This might be off-topic but I find it interesting how this happened smack at the start of the Olympics. The world is so focused on the Olympics that this war receives minimal exposure especially in Japan. I doubt many people here are aware of what is going on in Georgie at the moment. Also, funny how Bush is attending the China-US basketball game during this conflict. A friend of mine had an interesting idea. He mentioned that this could be a politically and economically staged war. Georgie would only benefit from Russia's economy if Russia took over. Hence the leaders are all involved and perhaps US is aware of it?
  16. Ill look into this asap. Thanks for the feedback guys.
  17. Hi Tune, I changed the quote text color and size. Let me know if this is better. Thanks.
  18. Just dropping in to say hi. Done for the week and on my way for mojitos after an interesting week. Currently 80% of my focus has been on the Nikkei. Its quite interesting how shifting your focus on one market takes your focus away from another. Though I still like the ES due to its liquidity, I am slowly moving away to trading the Asian markets only. Heres my analysis for today for those that have missed it: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f2/es-nikkei-analysis-august-8-2008-a-4281.html Ive been trying to get involved here posting live trades but i have found it close to impossible to keep up while trading. Might be easier if traders can upload order statements directly but could also be a privacy concern.
  19. Hi tune, Ill have to wait for some additional feedback before making any changes. I will not be able to alter the background but possibly able to change the quote texts; both size and color. Would this be sufficient?
  20. Market Analysis for August 8, 2008 taking a look at both the Nikkei and ES. Starting with a daily chart, notice the divergence. ES went to break the lows in July while Nikkei made a higher low. Some strength for the nikkei on a daily timeframe. MP chart on Nikkei shows value placement overlapping to higher with opening intraday reversal for a decent trend day. Volume is also highest in 3 weeks showing strength, although afternoon opening rally seemed like shorts were scrambling to cover with momentum traders hopping on. Towards 2:30ish pm we did some some distribution but signs of accumulation exists towards the close. Im sensing further rally next week and would be interesting to see how strong we can hit the 13500 and 13660 mark, two levels of potential resistance. The key to the Nikkei for intaday trading has been extreme patience and discipline trading around well established S&R levels. Low risk trades are born applying a sniper like trading discipline. Todays low can be seen in the support zone posted in the mp chart above. Taking a look at ES. Short term uptrend on the dailies with successful higher lows. 3rd attempt at the 1290ish mark failed yesterday with clear demand drying up at those levels. However, Nikkei divergence and today's Asian markets action is making me sense a possibility for a breakout of that level. Early July volume and price action is showing strength in the background from a technical perspective. 1275 - 1276 level will be a key pivot for me today. MP chart is showing value placement within the upper portion of the range regardless of the late afternoon break down. I have seen bounces occur after patterns like this so any price acceptance above 1275ish will have me trading on the long side only. Last chart on ES showing retracement at key fib line (yesterdays low). Also note the confluence area of VAL for August 5th. Another potential support line if we come back to that level. So looking more on the long side today until the markets prove otherwise. Happy trading all.
  21. Quotes from The Practicing Mind on Discipline, Focus, and Practice "Everything in life worth achieving requires practice. In fact, life itself is nothing more than one long practice session, an endless effort of refining our motions. When the proper mechanics of practicing are understood, the taks of learning something new becomes stress0free experience of joy and calmness, a process which settles all areas in your life and promotes proper perspective on all of life's difficulties." "A paradox of life: The problem with patience and discipline is that it requires both of them to develop each of them."
  22. I found this post on "Re: Edge VS Mentality" interesting and have nominated it accordingly for "Topic Of The Month August, 2008"
  23. On my way to Heathrow airport in London, I had an interesting conversation with a cab driver. A very nice man who gave me a tour around London driving to the airport... we started conversating on poker and how the gambling culture of UK was shocking compared to Japan where it is illegal. The driver, over 60 years of age was once a successful employee and business owner. His turn in life? Impulsive gambling. At a young age he had started playing 5 card poker which escalated by the time he reached his 20's. Once an employee, he stole money from the firm to fund his gambling habits. Served a few years behind bars.... and then started 2 successful businesses in his 30's. However, once again his gambling problem turned against him and lost his business and family. He had been clean for almost 10 years.. attending counseling throughout. This story is nothing new. I have met many impulsive gamblers during my time. Some who showed up frequently on the poker tables and to a point where we had to convince him to stop playing due to his behavior. There was a player who used to bet thousands on sports betting and ended up in huge debt. The last time I ran into him, he was on parole for something I rather not know. Then there are the volatile types who get a kick out of making money and losing money quickly. These players come for the adrenaline rush. Then there are types who can never seem to keep his emotions in check. High when winning and depressed when losing. Never looking within himself to improve his game. Then we have those that become heated easily... losing his mind and gambling away all his money until he is left with none. Only when he loses his entire stake does he realize what he has actually done. Though my own psych and emotions are nowhere close to ideal... I have learned a great deal from other people and their mistakes. Studying the traits of others has helped me identify my own. In trading, impulsive behavior is your worst enemy. No matter how much you study the markets, go though screen time.. with a impulsive personality it is only a matter of time before your stake is gone. Impulsive behavior can be controllled but as harsh as it sounds.... if you can identify with the following examples above you should stay away from trading.. especially smaller timeframe trading. Personality can be changed, but takes time and constant exposure to an environment where your impulsiveness can be brought about will not fix the problem. If you have an impulsive personality and this is clearly affecting your trading, take a step back and reflect. If you are struggling to find success in trading... remember the only thing in your way is YOU. For me... this light only appeared after years of learning the art of trading. Once you learn the art of trading, you will then realize that you only came 20% far... the remaining 80% is mastering yourself. FYI - Factors Contributing to the Development of Pathological Gambling
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