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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. I have figured out a way to skype off it and my service provider is going to kick my ass. The app is around $30 and provided by Shape Services. The catch is this: "When you make a call both the contact person and you will get the call. This is because when you use IM+ for Skype you are actually making two calls: one - to Skype contact on PC and another - to your callback number. As you receive an incoming call to your callback phone you will be charged for it. The call is possible due to Skype credit on your SkypeOut account." The key is to input a landline as the callback number. Get an unlimited calls to landline subscription via skype for $12.95 a month. Make sure to get the full internet package of your phone provider and then dial away. I personally use skpe on the iphone to dial overseas only. Skype to skype will cost you money on the iphone. Reading PDF's I also figured out how to do this with ease. There is an app on iTunes called "Folders" for around $2. This app allows you to download pdf files via the web or direct from your pc. Then itll allow you to open ebooks offline, stored directly on your iphone.
  2. Never seemed to like the IPOD as much but recently purchased an iPhone. It is hands down the best cellphone out on the market. Are there any other iPhone users here on TL? I have a second version 3G iPhone... curious to know how I can jailbreak it to read offline pdf files stored on my iPhone. Also, just a thought but couldn't skype build a gadget for users to call through skype in the iPhone? Obviously the service providers would be pissed off but it would be interesting to see this happen. Any other recommended gadgets? Thanks.
  3. Let me guess.. you are using esignal? The volume count is: 11/13: 4,458,484 11/14: 3,380,653
  4. Hi ian, Very strange, please keep me posted if this problem goes away. Im going to send this issue off to my programmer. Thanks
  5. You wont find intraday charts going back so much in time for free. You need to purchase data especially if its intraday.
  6. Hi ian, what browser are you using? Which page are you trying to login from? I am unable to replicate this error and would like more info. Thanks
  7. You need to watch for levels you trade off in order to trade with the tape. I have seen some insane scalpers trade strictly off the tape and nothing else... (this guy was drinking 20 red bulls a day!! and literally shaking while trading. And yes, he was very profitable) so it is possible but not for everyone. I personally would not trade off the time and sales alone... I cant scalp, tried it and was never that good at it. But in thick markets like the Nikkei, the ability to read the tape is extremely helpful in spotting when institutional are likely to jump in. Especially around psych levels of 00.. usually you can spot big lots appearing a tick or 2 above these 00 levels. what happens is that the suckers think there is a breakout and they buy as soon as price breaks the 00 levels upwards... just to have a few 300+ lots pound the bid. Its quite fascinating to watch imo. So one strategy I have is to watch for rejection at levels like 8210 - 8220, 8310 - 8320, 8410 - 8420. (big lots hitting the bid) Just by tape you can grab 3-5 ticks off the Nikkei doing this. I also know a trader who makes a living taking 1 tick off the Nikkei everyday using a similar strategy. Trades in 20 lots... roughly $2k daily. His winning percentage is around 90%.
  8. Thank you Julie. I would like to give TRO a chance to participate on TL. Some members may definitely find value in his work. And personally I think TRO has been banned from other forums (mainly TS) because he is a threat to trading vendors selling indicators for over $1k. Now regarding the rudeness/hostility... well I would like to request that we all ease out a bit and let this thread run. (including TRO please) Now some of you may be concerned about the spam/soliciation techniques. I have zero tolerance for this and will act accordingly to protect the interest of the trading community here on TL. For any further comments regarding my post or this thread, please feel free to pm me or open a new thread in the support forum. Cant we all get along? Thanks.
  9. Hi TRO, Would it be possible to have you post some of your free indicators on this board? Thanks
  10. Hi TRO, It would be valuable to the trading community if you can dig further into your methodology. Though you may have already done so on other sites, many may not be familiar with your work. From just the brief explanations and your charts, I find it rather difficult to comprehend what exactly you are basing your decisions on. (not to mention the chart descriptions are very small to read) Thanks.
  11. Very minimal from what I have seen. Usually within an entire team of traders I would be lucky to spot one trader using MP charts. Those that do... tend to live by it. Only 1 trading book has touched market profile in Japan so far. I have the author myself and interestingly enough he is not a trader.
  12. Hi Blowfish, Yes, the green up arrows are indicating the bid/ask moving up a level while the red arrows are indicating the bid/ask moving down a level. Ive only recently started using this tool so will need to observe a bit more... but so far useful information includes big lots being canceled or shifted downwards/upwards. I think the pulled limits are quite fascinating to watch... sometimes they are bots trying to manipulate the markets. Happens often premarket when the markets are still thin. However, I think both information are equally important if you are a tape reader. Traditional tape only get you information of hit limits... with this tool one can see order adjustment which imo is quite powerful. The fact is that even the biggest trader will always end up taking some heat. Whats interesting on the tape on a rally for example; is to watch for big traders add some selling pressure then lots dry up as price lifts. Alot of these bank traders tend to use extremely wide stops so they can handle a bit of heat.
  13. I would like to see this thread move forward without any hostility. TL has a very respectful environment so there is no need for bashing of one another. There is an ignore system available for those that prefer not to see this thread. Please use this accordingly. I plan on keeping this thread open as information should be passed freely. However, if things do go out of hand, I will close this thread. Thanks.
  14. Was in a rush to make this as its creeping past midnight here and need to get some sleep. 11minute video on tape: CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
  15. Sure Ill make one tonight if I have time on the ES. Nikkei is preferred but cant record during Tokyo hours as I do not work from home. The delta chart is known as Tradeflow.... separating the percentage at the bid vs ask per bar. It can be plotted as a tick chart or minute chart. Imo... its the same as market delta but a visual version. I requested it here on TL for Tradestation and Blu-Ray once again created it. This is located here. I use it personally in combination with regaular volume histograms. I tend to look for high volume at resistance in combination with tradeflow to see more contracts at the bid. (or vice versa at support) See snapshot below:
  16. Your proven track record of profitability and consistency. Firms do not like traders that are volatile by nature and prefer to pick someone who is more conservative and consistent regardless of the P&L. They may also require you to take a psychology test to determine whether you fit into their model of traders they prefer. Remember, risk conscious traders are preferred.
  17. Yes, I know a few but need to have a track record and a deposit to get started. However, the number of markets tradable is limited with prop firms here... you are looking at mainly commodities on TOCOM and TGE as well as TOPIX and Nikkei Futures. Also depending on the firm, they may have access to CME as well but limited to index futures only.
  18. If you can trade full-time, why not move to a prop firm instead? All you need is the initial deposit.
  19. Hi Steve, thanks for sharing. It would be valuable if one of you guys can record this sometime and post it here for others to watch. Though I do see this happen once in a while it is usually not the case so would like to see it on the markets you guys currently trade. Ive seen 500+ lot traders come into the Nikkei and try to push it around just to have it reverse on them. I can see them liquidating right away but that is still a $150k - $200k loss in matter of seconds. Its probably bank traders... at the previous firm I traded for we would come in with 500 lots into the close to create artificial momentum and then get out at +2 ticks. So this behavior is quite common.
  20. As long as it stays clean I am okay with this thread. Thanks.
  21. One element that causes traders to avoid taking losses is our stubborness to be right. The need to be right in the markets will lead to financial suicide as a trader. The markets move based on the perception of other traders; whether they are using fundamental or technical, it does not matter. Price action is the collective action of all market participants. You have hedgers, speculators, investors, etc... Do you think it is possible to understand the intentions of all market participants? A big player may short in anticipation for price to fall. Sure, this can be read through volume at resistance levels. A bot may start offering 100's of contracts above the current market price. Though there are ways to spot this, most trader do not have the tools to do so. A fund manager may decide to sell 2,000 contracts in order to balance his position. This has nothing to do with how the markets are behaving.. whether price is act at a significant resistance or not. The result is price decline without any technical reason. Here there is no way to know for sure what will happen next in the markets. Trading is a game of probabilities. Losing is just part of the business. The key is to limit your losses and ride your winners. (easier said than done) And do this on a consistent basis. There is no certainity in the markets... just because all your indicators line up and the perfect setup occurs the trade may go against you. Price action is reality.. and you must learn to accept it. The market is neither right or wrong. It's just.... the markets. Thats what it is. So trying to decipher every information correctly will get you nowhere in trading. So always manage risk appropiately regardless of how beautiful the setup looks. In any moment, a fund manager may pound the makets only to adjust his porftolio. This is the unexpected... the uncertainity of the markets.
  22. None that I know of.... any European traders here that may want to add some input?
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