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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Hi atto, Thanks for this. Seems to be an issue since we upgraded the system yesterday. I should have this fixed once my programmer is awake. Thanks.
  2. Excellent atto, will add this for now until I get the coding sorted out. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, Chat room will be down for a bit. Theres a conflict with how the chat room popup window shows up and the actual function within vbulletin used for the attachments. Enabling one disables the other so I have enabled attachments for now. Will get this sorted out as soon as possible. Thank you.
  4. There seems to be a conflict with a certain function in the chat room script that interferes with the attachments. I have disabled this for now to enable attachments and will work on fixing the chat room asap. Thanks.
  5. Yes, I see the issue. I am looking into this problem asap. Thank you.
  6. I found this post on "Re: Thoughts from a Professional Trader" interesting and have nominated it accordingly for "Topic Of The Month January, 2009"
  7. Hi all, Today I have launched our new advanced trading chat room. This is a browser based chat room with advanced features like: 1. Uploading images 2. Web cam with audio and video support 3. Friends/Buddy List 4. Gamezone - Play chess, checkers 5. Create individual rooms with password protection ability 6. Predefined Messages 7. Change background colors 8. Change skin colors The new chat room is extremely stable and can cater up to 250 users at once. I am still working on a few remaining fixes. Any feedback or comments are welcome. Thank you.
  8. Hi, Thanks for the notice. We have been adding further anti-spam protection. We even ran a system upgrade today but still experiencing mass pm spam. I have lowered the daily limit for a registered members (except premium) to 5 pm's a day. We also had a link detector by new members to alert spam. However, the problem is spam bots are now using techniques like copying a random post and making 5 posts to abuse the pm system. I am working on ways to prevent this as well. Thank you.
  9. Yep, looks like they are slowly figuring out our anti-spam system. Will look on switching things around a bit. Thanks for the notice guys.
  10. The attacker was only able to exploit our attachments directory. This has been fixed now with extra security implemented. I apologize for the inconvenience, it was a learning experience on my end as well.
  11. Hi, We lost about 300 out of 10,000 attachments about 2 weeks ago when we were hacked. The hacker thought he could destroy the site by deleting all attachments. We had a backup of all the files but could not recover roughly 300 of them. My apologies on this, it seems like that particular page you indicated was affected. We have extra security now with a real-time offsite backup and minute by minute restore point to protect the site. Thanks.
  12. Hi fw, do you have any references for the quotes or are you the author of them?
  13. Hi Bf, You might want to start playing around with Dreamweaver to create websites. Personally I have found it more fun to create drafts, hire designers and programmers, and then create a site according to plan. I didnt have a slightest clue about web design and website creation but over the past 2 years have gained alot. Just know that site creation is sort of like working in a limited environment. You have layouts you need to create which is almost always seperated in columns, rows, and boxes. Once that is established, its a matter of knowing what to include in each space. Designing requires skills like photoshop. Here is an amazing clip: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=8K_NQe57C-k
  14. Hello, Ive moved this thread over to market internals as I think it is better suited. Also, please check the sticky thread in the market internals forum for a TL exclusive discount link for TradersAudio for those that are interested. Thanks.
  15. What is up with these spam bots. A bit more intelligent then what Ive seen in the past but gosh are they annoying!!! Please post here if you spot anymore. Thank you.
  16. Thanks blowfish, working on it now.
  17. I would say the Nikkei resembles that of the 30yr bonds. Not necessarily since the credit crunch but prior to it. Excellent depth with minimal intraday swings that could bore a trader to death. JGB's on the other hand is too illiquid compared to the 30yr... and at almost $100 a tick makes it a risky instrument without sufficient capital and knowledge of the markets. You could make or lose $1k per contract in a matter of seconds at times... pretty wild market. Any bond markets down in Aussie?
  18. Hi Papa, Looks like we will need to stick to a CQG thread as not many users of CQG on this board.
  19. Poll is now closed. Thank you all for voting and congrats to Bf for winning this round.
  20. Hi JohnE, Alex posts under the name alleyb and best to pm him or ask him direct. Hopefully he can shed some light on your question on the boards. Thanks.
  21. Its complete manipulation by black box systems. Its unfortunate the US exchanges allow such behavior.... I don't see this happening on the Japanese futures market. I mentioned somewhere, the CME will charge a hefty fee if too much order modification is done by black box systems. The future of trading in my opinion will be harder for new traders. The learning curve for entry traders may become drastically higher. Exchanges and system vendors are promoting algorithmic trading because of the size of the transaction. Regulations will cater for institutions and will care less about the average retail trader. Japanese exchanges are already like this... protecting securities firms and banks, allowing trading to be advantageous for them. Block trades are allowed by institutions without showing on the tape, iceberg orders to hide size, etc... The whole system is designed to take money from the mass and distribute amongst the few.
  22. Hi Papa, Though I have minimal knowledge with coding, I can definitely help with the platform functionality. I do use it quite intensively running scanners, alerts, backtest, optimization, custom studies, etc... Perhaps we can create a CQG group on the forum?
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