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Welcome to the new Traders Laboratory! Please bear with us as we finish the migration over the next few days. If you find any issues, want to leave feedback, get in touch with us, or offer suggestions please post to the Support forum here.


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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. This forum is a simple ticket based support system. If you have any questions or problems with the site, please open a new thread (ticket) and post it here. If the issue has been resolved you have the option to close the thread resulting in a closed ticket. You can re-open the ticket at anytime as well. Please note that the administrator can also close or open the ticket.
  2. Hello, Yesterday we confirmed that the chat room is running smoothly. As a result, in the upcoming days we will be moving the chat into our own media server. In order to prevent further issues we will be removing the whiteboard altogether. It is simply not worth the trouble to get this working. Instead we have been offered to replace the whiteboard for other options. I have selected the following. 1. Chat room scripts to be stored in database 2. Vote to kick - allows moderation by chat room members. Members can vote to kick users. Thank you.
  3. Hi all, Due to the increase in activity we are in need of volunteers who are interested in helping us moderate the forums. We have also lost a few mods who have been inactive for some time now and are looking for replacements as well. We are looking to place 1-2 mods per forum and to maintain the quality and integrity of the boards. We also want to make sure everyone on TL is respected and every opinion counts! In order to qualify as a mod, I am requesting that members have at least a minimum of 50 posts and that you have been a member on this board for at least 3 months in order to understand the atmosphere we share on TL. If you are interested, please reply here or shoot me a pm with the forum of choice. New mods will be notified later and selection criteria will be based on post count, quality, and time spent as a TL member. Thank you
  4. Excellent. Glad it's finally working. Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.
  5. Right after I left and tried to rejoin I am experiencing issues. Anyone else have this problem as well? Or is it just my internet connection which has been having issues connecting with my TL server all day.
  6. I actually had a chance to play around with the whiteboard earlier and I guess it could come handy for traders. Especially in a tutorial way or to explain charts. It will also be useful for any scheduled tutorial sessions we may decide to introduce in the near future.
  7. Dont know Db... i dont see much use to it either but was requested and added. Ive told the development team I could live without it so will wait to hear back on what they come up with.
  8. Japanese stock market regulations are by far the strangest amongst the major markets. First we have a daily price limit for Japanese equities based on the share price. For example a stock priced below 100JPY will have a daily fluctuation limit of 30JPY or approximately 30%. A stock priced at 5,000JPY will have a daily fluctuation of 500JPY or 10%. More info... Second why do we halt trading during lunch breaks from 11:00am to 12:30pm? Do you realize that this leads to only 4 hours of actual trading? Third, this is dedicated to the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. How are you still in business? Below is the daily trading volume for Feb. 3, 2009 for the the products listed: 1. Aluminum: 4 contracts 2. Crude Oil: 1,125 contracts 3. Gasoline: 6,693 contracts 4. Gold: 36,785 contracts 5. Kerosene: 3,308 contracts 6. Mini Gold: 20,626 contracts 7. Mini Platinum: 1,010 contracts 8. Palladium: 91 contracts 9. Platinum: 5,622 contracts 10. RSS3 Rubber: 14,308 contracts 11. Silver: 161 contracts More info...
  9. Dear all, Due to licensing issues, I can no longer revive the old chat room. What we did was end up translating the old chat room to implement into our new Japanese site of TL.com. (yes we are offering a Japanese version of TL as well since most Japanese users can not read or understand english) I had already switched the licensing over to the Japanese domain and as a result can no longer be installed on TL.com. For now, we have moved our media server to be hosted by the developers of the chat room system. The chat room is now running on a completely separate environment (fms server) and has solved the issue with instability. We will move this back to our server once we find out the problems. Worst case scenario, we will be forced to remove the whiteboard as it causes alot of issues leading to crashes and freezes. If we can not resolve this issue by this week, I will be removing the chat room to resort to other systems. Thank you for the patience. We are doing our best to get the ball rolling as quickly as possible.
  10. Want to say congrats to firewalker for winning January's post of the month. Thank you all for the nominations.
  11. Our tech team has found the problem: We have almost figured out the root cause of the failures, here is the latest information we have: 1. The following error was registered by Red5 itself and shows memory heap allocated for java is running out of the space what results in complete block of this process. 2009-01-30 21:30:31,362 [NioBlockingSelector.BlockPoller-2] ERROR o.a.t.util.net.NioBlockingSelector - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2. We have been closely observing memory consumption on your server and ongoing increase was confirmed. 3. Having revised all updates the most apparent reason of this issue is a collision between red5 and whiteboard plugins code. It appears that the issue has been the implementation of the white board. Anyhow I will revert back to the old chat room later today until I have this thing fixed completely.
  12. Ill be reverting to the old chat room for the time being. My apologies.
  13. Also note that Suri is a member on this board with alias suriNotes.
  14. Sure no problem. Will get that launched right away.
  15. Hi Shaun, thanks for the post. Could you inform us the timespan of your composite profiles? Do you have certain rules to plot the composite profile charts? Thanks.
  16. Videos can be uploaded using our video system located in the top header navigation menu bar. Simply visit "Upload a Video". Then, enter the title and description as well as select the category the video belongs to. Allowable Video Format: The following formats are allowed on the TL! Video System: 3gp, mp4, move, asf, flv, mpg, avi, mpeg, wmv, and rm. Important notice: please do not put any spaces within the title of your file. So if you have a video titled "TL rocks.avi" make sure it is changed to "TL_rocks.avi" before uploading.
  17. I have created two subforums under "Tools of the Trade" for Ninjatrader and Tradestation. I may rearrange this later again. Thanks.
  18. Which post should win this monthly nomination contest? Choose from the topics (posts/threads) listed throughout the forum(s), and vote for your favorite post now. What is Topic Of The Month? Topic of the Month is a contest that select posts on which we would like the community to commit to as a group and then comment/discuss on them during the course of the selected week/Fortnight/month. Any listed topic (thread) is eligible for the Topic of the Month selection. What determines a Topic Of The Month? Topic Of The Month is based on a simple nomination system. Throughout the selected forums, members with adequate permissions can nominate their favorite topic by clicking on the award nomination button below the post. The topics with the most nominations during the course of the week/month are displayed on this thread using the poll feature. At the end of the month, the first three topics with the most nominations are the award winners of the contest. Topic of the Month Winners Every month, a $20 Amazon Gift Certificate is awarded to the Topic of the Month winner. A pm will be sent out to confirm your email in order to receive the gift certificate.
  19. Yes, a bit disapointed on my end as well. I am looking into this issue. Thanks.
  20. Sure thing, let me put some though into how to arrange this. Ill have it setup shortly. Thanks.
  21. Hi, I was away last night and logged in today to see the chat room froze again. Did anyone experience any issues on Fridays session? Thanks.
  22. Hi all, we are up and running on a fresh media server. Please report any errors. Hopefully this time we are all set to go. Thanks.
  23. Updates >>>>>>>> I have some updates regarding the chat system. Our technical team monitored the chat system for 12 hours last night and have concluded that the server simply shuts down after being heavily loaded by requests. In order to fix this problem, we are installing a new media server. I have been told that ETA is 40minutes, but I suspect will take over 2 hours. After we sort this out, please expect a stable chat system. My apologies for the issues. Since this is our first time implementing such an advanced system within our boards, there has been numerous technical problems as well as delays. Hopefully this will all be taken care of today. Thank you.
  24. The only US bank that I know of that will allow foreign citizens to open up accounts without physical presence is Wells Fargo. Not sure if this has changed recently but worth looking into. Like MidKnight mentioned, going there would be the easiest choice. I did this a few years back as well. HSBC Premiere would be another option but minimum 100k or so. Citibank will open a US account only if you have been a client for a minimum of 1 year.
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