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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Anyone seen this yet? Only saw the preview one point mentioned is the the gov is trying to regain control of the banks. Its a bit of a controversy after watching the Capitalist Conspiracy in which the elites were trying to gain control of the government through the banking system by lending money to the gov. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7886780711843120756
  2. Hi Johnny, Ive used IRT in the past and from what I recall you could merge profiles by selecting the date range. The right person to pm would be LS_Chad. I currently use CQG but no way of merging profiles without doing so manually. Another vendor I know of is Windotrader but not sure if it can provide what you are looking for.
  3. Dear all, We have launched a Ray Barros forum which will be moderated by gassah. Further details can be found in this thread. We are very excited to bring on this new forum and many thanks goes out to gassah for making this happen. Please feel free to leave any feedbacks here. Regards, James
  4. Here is the link to the full show for those that missed it: http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/index.jhtml?episodeId=220533
  5. I saw this a while back before it was removed off youtube. It will probably be removed again. Interesting stuff but its how the big operators play the game. The youtube comments regarding it is too naive.
  6. Thanks bf, didnt get a chance to watch these being in Japan. Man, I miss the Daily Show. Funny stuff here and glad John Stewart is bashing CNBC!
  7. Hello AgeKay, I will discuss this with my marketing agency. Please accept my apologies, I do not handle the marketing side of TL due to time limitations. I appreciate your input and will take it into consideration.
  8. I believe those posts were all related to the argument between trader28, steve, etc...? Ive removed posts from that thread that were clearly irrelevant to the thread and off topic. I had assumed they were all related somehow. Was this not the case? If so, please pm me what the situation was. Thanks.
  9. Hello Sincere, could you provide a chart for this instance? It would probably get more people involved. Thanks.
  10. Thank you all for the input. Ill put in some more thought into this and will consult a few others before moving forward. There are some good valid points from both sides which makes it quite tough to come to an agreement inside my head. Will keep this thread updated. Thanks again.
  11. Quick note on this thread. This thread should not be treated as a ego boost nor to prove yourself anything to others. Many cultures despise others from posting or discussing profits and wealth publicly. I was raised in these cultures. On the other hand, many may also be trading multiple accounts or institutional accounts. This could prohibit the trader from disclosing such materials as well. (compliance, legal, contract, etc...) Please keep this thread objective and to the point. It is not to be treated as a show-off thread to compare each others cohonas. Thank you.
  12. Hi bf, If you are referring to Swingfade, I deleted it. Why? The user is using multiple aliases to stir up personal fights with a particular member on TL. Seems like unsquashed beef from another board which is absolutely irrelevant and useless to what we cater on TL. So far Ive caught 3 different aliases of swingfade using 2 different IP's. Ive banned them both and instead of banning the user only, I ran a complete ban which removes any post and pm swingfade had created. I have absolutely zero tolerance for such kindergarten behavior and if they want to behave this way I am more than happy to recommend other forums that they can participate on.
  13. Could you please post the thread in question. Moderation is quite a difficult task.. especially trying to prevent things from going loose like it is in other boards. I am against over-moderation but one bad apple can spoil the entire site in a forum based community. Hence my quick action to remove abusive posts and ban abusive members. Trading boards should attract a mature audience as well. I am gradually working on features where mods can communicate better amongst themselves in order to obtain a second opinion on what to do. This will be implemented over the upcoming weeks.
  14. No it is not available to the public yet. The app is still in its early beta stages and I have signed up as a beta tester for them in order to include TL free of charge and to make it available for TL members as quickly as possible. Regarding availability for global countries, I will let them know as well. Thanks.
  15. Closing this thread. Please refer to this thread here for info. Thank you.
  16. Okay so I learned today that the iPhone can take snapshots of its own screen. Below are snapshots of the First Stage of the TL! iPhone App. 1. The application is currently labeled as Tapatalk 2. This is the main directory which lists the network of forums available through this application. (TL is listed in Business and Investing) 3. TL listed in the category (developer needs to upgrade logo) 4. The main page once you enter TL separated by categories and not forums. 5. Clicking on a category takes you to the forums listing. 6. Snapshot of particular thread. (avatars and attachments are not functioning. Posts and replies can not be made at this beta stage as well.) 7. Latest threads page
  17. Dear TL members, Many new traders often fall victims to fraudulent trading websites or services. Some have posted reviews here and elsewhere. I understand that this is a frustration for many of us and those looking to obtain the proper education. In order to protect the trading community from such services I have decided to launch a new page (name not decided yet) that will list all valuable and recommended educational services by TL. There are a few things I would like to accomplish with this. 1. Eliminate all fraudulent websites. Consumers shall not be fooled! We need to put an end to this. 2. To raise the level of education provided by these services. Since information is available for free on TL and other websites, our message is this: "Provide further value in regards to trading education or get eliminated. No more demo account chat rooms. We expect education by real successful professional traders." 3. To revolutionize the current industry where vendors prey on newbies. What we are after is to create industry standards. In order to accomplish this I am thinking of the following methods: 1. Thorough research of the trading service 2. I will personally attend a free trial. If other members would like to participate in this collective effort, we urge you to attend these trials and send us feedback. 3. Review of track records. 4. Value of service in regards to level of education. What I am planning to do is to list only valuable services. Vendors who do not meet our standards or those who we believe are fraudulent will not be listed. Simple as that. We will not bad mouth any vendors nor will we post bad reviews. There are vendors and services that honestly seek to help traders and provide value to the trading community. These services do not deserve to be classified with those that provide absolutely no value. As a result, the page will be dedicated to these valuable services and will try to add credibility for them. Please let me know your thoughts. This is a gradual process that we will try to accomplish throughout the year. Members contributions and help to make this project possible will be appreciated and will speed up the process. Feedback please. Thank you.
  18. Im wrapping together something regarding rants and reviews. Theres a law protecting and allowing any content posted on website but that only protects the site owner. Apparently firms have the right to pursue lawsuits at the actual poster. Anyhow, still doing some research on my end so will have something for the boards shortly. FYI - Communications Decency Act Interesting material by the Ripoff Report (could be a good place to post your rants and reviews and linkback to TL)
  19. An interactive workshop provided by Denise Shull aka traderpsyches. It consists of 2.5 hours of lecture and 15 exercises that should be done over a 4-12 week period. Denise has allowed me to share the program with TL! members. Enjoy! Note: within the zip file is a .exe program. This workshop will require an install into your pc. The software is safe and checked. If you still have concerns then simlply do not install. :missy: Thanks. Link for download - TL! FileShare
  20. Btw, for those of you who are not aware Denise Shull posts on TL as traderpsyches.
  21. Contact Debra Douglas 646-530-8377 ext 2 Debra@traderpsyches.com http://www.traderpsyches.com/ Shull Redefines human reaction to market volatility NEW YORK, New York, March 5, 2009 – Denise Shull, President of Trader Psyches, in her annual CME Group address on March 10, 2009 will explain how investors and traders can use their fears to their benefit even in the scariest of markets. Ms. Shull says traders and investors can tap into their brains to take the mystery out of the emotions we use in market decisions and derail the tricks our perceptions play in assessing risk. Ms.Shull is a CME member and high frequency trader who has revolutionized intelligent trading psychology. She received her Masters in the Neuroscience of Unconscious Emotional Processes at the University of Chicago. She got her financial start in Chicago at one of the first electronic trading firms before moving to New York where she ran two trading desks before establishing the consultancy Trader Psyches in 2003. Trader Psyches provides hedge fund and independent traders with unique coaching services and offers popular self-coaching workshops for clients to perfect psychological trading tools in their own time and at their own speed. The newest self-driven workshop “Access your Psychological Capital, The Enduring Edge”, coming April 1, sets a new standard in both educational technology and insight for investors and traders into how to improve their bottom line. Register to attend: http://www.cmegroup.com/education/events/forms/the_brain_on_risk.html CME Group http://www.cmegroup.com is the world's largest and most diverse derivatives exchange. Building on the heritage of CME, CBOT and NYMEX, CME Group serves the risk management needs of customers around the globe. As an international marketplace, CME Group brings buyers and sellers together on the CME Globex electronic trading platform and on trading floors in Chicago and New York.
  22. Hi all, This has been some planning for some time but due to the complexity of it has been encountering delays. However, we are working on getting this across to all iPhone users and I have received my first beta version today. I will post some screenshots when I get a chance. The app is not a TL! exclusive but a network of multiple forums that can be accessed via this single app. The developers behind this project has kindly offered to add TL! into their network and we are looking to get this across publicly after several beta tests. Though there are limitations compared to accessing the website, the app will provide most of the important and basic functionality of the forum. It is extremely light as well and must say I am highly impressed with the beta. I will keep this thread posted on any updates and ETA. The developers are not sure how to release this yet but will be available via iTunes for free. Stay tuned!
  23. Hello, The reason being many services have gone through legal firms to threaten me with lawsuits over bad reviews. Hence it is just not worth my time and resources to publish such details on the forum. No way I would risk losing this site over a few posts. Also why bother with the continuous search for the holy grail through such services? Everything you ought to know about trading is available pretty much for free whether on TL or other sites. The holy grail is YOU. Until you master that no service in the world is going to help you to become a profitable trader. Anyhow the fact that these services are worried so much about their reputation and would go out of the way to try to bring TL down says something dont you think?
  24. Hi Alex, welcome to TL. Looking forward to your insights into MP. Please correct me if I am wrong but India does not allow citizens to trade foreign markets?
  25. Ah finally... Ive been waiting for this for quite some time. Thanks bf.
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