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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Hi sevensa, thank you very much for your input. Makes perfect sense.... I can already see some other issues arising from this system. What are your thoughts on limiting the number of reports a member can send per day? Lets say we increase the 3-5 to 10... would this not make much of a difference? Ide like to make this work somehow... where members do not have to dispute with myself or the mods on the moderation policy. But instead it willl be more in a voting fashion.
  2. Once the system is implemented and tested I will start adding values. I am thinking 3-5 reports = deletion, 3-5 reports = 1 infraction, 3 infraction = suspension, 6 infraction = ban... or something in that nature. Maybe limit the use of this system to those with over 50 posts in order to prevent abuse. Please feel free to recommend any values you think appropriate. Thanks.
  3. No there isn't but that is the case with any other registration based website. It will be up to you whether you want to keep yourself anonymous or not. Regardless, those who choose to identify themselves can obtain more credibility and will be more responsible for their actions. As traders I do not think this will be a problem?
  4. After putting a lot of thought into the moderation policy of TL, I have decided to give moderation rights back to the community. We are currently working on a new moderation system for members. This will feature: 1. Post reporting system: In addition to our current format, each reported post will be counted as 1 point. A total of x points will automatically delete a post in question. 2. If a member receives more than x amount of points an automatic infraction will be given. x number of infractions will lead to bans and suspension. 3. Only members with x amount of posts will be able to use this system in order to prevent abuse. 4. A new page will be created to list currently reported posts. The purpose of this system will be to let the community determine what is appropriate and what is not. For any discussion related to TL's moderation, please post here. Thank you.
  5. DOB was already required upon initial registration. My intent was to add credibility for members; which seemed like something you were requesting as well upon opening the Trader PNL thread and questioning others if they really trade or not? Although I have kept full name to be optional, I do think that sites that members identify themselves instead of remaining anonymous creates further trust within the community. Thoughts and feedback are welcome. Thanks.
  6. I have added some coding changes. Could you please report if you encounter this problem again? Thank you.
  7. Thank you guys, please bear with me as I try to fix this problem. It needs alot of looking into. Will keep you updated once we fix this isssue.
  8. For those of you having this issue, we need your help in replicating it so we can identify the issue. Please post a screenshot of the error message as well as the specific link which brought the error message. Thank you
  9. Welcome piphunter, Strange isnt it? I was actually based in Otemachi till last year and now in Marunouchi. I am definitely not a fan of the lunch breaks... must of seen my position go against me so many times I simply quit holding through lunch. Good to see a fellow Japanese trader here
  10. Finally managed to complete the list of world exchanges. http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/exchanges I have done my best to include as much as possible. If you notice any errors (very likely!) please post on this thread. Thank you.
  11. Hi Euclid, I have been looking into this problem with my host. We would like a few more details as your IP is not banned in our system. Are you directly able to visit http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums without an isssue? Which page are you seeing this error. Is there any other error message that you are seeing on your end that could help assist us in finding the problem? Thank you.
  12. Please pm me your IP which can be found by going to http://www.whatismyip.com/ I will need to see if anything in our server is limiting your access. Thanks.
  13. Which post should win this monthly nomination contest? Choose from the topics (posts/threads) listed throughout the forum(s), and vote for your favorite post now. What is Topic Of The Month? Topic of the Month is a contest that select posts on which we would like the community to commit to as a group and then comment/discuss on them during the course of the selected week/Fortnight/month. Any listed topic (thread) is eligible for the Topic of the Month selection. What determines a Topic Of The Month? Topic Of The Month is based on a simple nomination system. Throughout the selected forums, members with adequate permissions can nominate their favorite topic by clicking on the award nomination button below the post. The topics with the most nominations during the course of the week/month are displayed on this thread using the poll feature. At the end of the month, the first three topics with the most nominations are the award winners of the contest. Topic of the Month Winners Every month, a $20 Amazon Gift Certificate is awarded to the Topic of the Month winner. A pm will be sent out to confirm your email in order to receive the gift certificate.
  14. Hi Maggie, You might want to look into: https://www.cqgdatafactory.com/
  15. Nikkei opens at 9am Tokyo time... which would be 7am EST for now. Just make sure to adjust according to day light savings time. The numbers to the right are market depth.. tick size is approx $5 a tick. But the ATR is alot lower than the US markets.
  16. The KOSPI futures has similar tick size as the ES and is fairly liquid. Not to mention the KOPSI options is the worlds heavily traded contract. The mini Nikkei and mini Topix though is more suitable if you are looking for similar YM tick size. (mini topix is still illiquid) Attached is both the KOS and mini Nikkei 3 minute chart with DOM.
  17. To learn more about Facebook Connect, please visit here. Guests and members can now login with their facebook username and password using Facebook Connect. Posts, threads, private messages can also be reflected on your personal facebook page with intant notification sent via facebook. Ive tested this and seems to be working fine but please do report any bugs if any. Thank you and enjoy.
  18. I found this post on "How to Get the Most Out of a Trading Room." interesting and have nominated it accordingly for "Topic Of The Month March, 2009"
  19. Ichiro and DiceK never lets us down! Not sure on Darvish... supposed to be our star pitcher but still young and weak internally. Maybe in 2-4 years.
  20. Yep we rock http://web.worldbaseballclassic.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20090323&content_id=4056138&vkey=wbc&team=jpn The WBC will be as big as the worldcup in the upcoming future. Also Japans baseball level should be considered Major League... and perhaps the US MLB as the Minor League? :did I say that?:
  21. Nice try. Your first post hyped up some blackbox system website. Quite obvious it will lead to a removal.
  22. Article located here: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/03/18/aig.bonuses/index.html 73 employees got bonuses over $1million. Are they for real? Absolutely disgusting.
  23. Stocks and Commodities Magazine (Nov. 2007, Books for Traders) "This is a collection of chart patterns by real traders to make real trades. The idea is that knowledgable traders recognize patterns that have led to successful trades, and once you can recognize the patterns your trading will improve. This book is not a collection from random stories or highly tweaked magic oscillators. Infact, there are no oscillators in the book. It concentrates on making it possible for you to see and understand the pattern, and then use that knowledge to make money in the markets."
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