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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. cowcool, the advice provided by Tams, walterw, JEHs, and diablo272 are probably the straight and most honest reply you will receive. Considering your situation, the edge is against you.... guilt will lead to revenge trading with a possibiliy of a major blowout in 1-2 trades. Use only risk capital in trading.... $42k in savings is not risk capital with 3 dependants. There must be other ways to turn your situation around. The market will always be here when you are ready, whether it be 2, 3, 5, 10 years. With the psychological pressure and stress which you may currently be experiencing, trading is not a good option. It must be approached with a clear mind because your emotions will reflect your situation.
  2. We have added a new feature that allows members to store images and pictures in your own gallery. The gallery is linked to the posting function and one can open a pop up window to embed the image directly into the post. Steps First, upload any image to your My Gallery section. You must first create a new album to host pictures. Once you finished uploading, you can easily embed the pictures within your post through a popup. In the reply box, you will see this mark: Clicking on opens up a popup box where you can select the image you want to embed. Done!
  3. Hi Tams, We should have this fixed along with a few other template distorts in the indicator section within a day. Thanks.
  4. Hi Tams, Yes I noticed that last week as well. Ive been trying to find a coder who is familiar with that part of the system to fix it. Will keep you posted. Thanks for the notice Tams. James
  5. April 13, 2009 Updates The iPhone application has been developed and in the final stages as the development team prepares for its launch. Traders Laboratory will be listed in this application developed by the TapaTalk team. This is a free application for iPhone users. Only costs involve Traders Laboratory paying a subscription fee to become listed. The application is scheduled to be out in 2 weeks time. Stay tuned!
  6. Updates: - Changed the report post button to make it more visible. - Moderation system enhancement in development based on euclid's idea. - Still drafting moderation rules and guildelines
  7. Thanks bf, I didn't see it. Ive removed the post with explanation.
  8. Hes not selling anything. All I see is a donation option.
  9. I meant to say once the admin or mod takes note of it. Sorry, english is not my first language.
  10. Okay here is what I created briefly... would like to share just to hear any thoughts before editing and revising. Unacceptable Posts The following posts are not accepted on Traders Laboratory forums. 1. Spam – Traders Laboratory maintains an aggressive no-spam policy. Spam posts will be deleted and the user account banned without warning. Spam includes repeated commercial advertising as well as silent spamming methods. Silent spamming methods include advertising via pm, posting links for commercial interest, embedding affiliate links in posts, etc… 2. Personal offences - Traders Laboratory is a diverse forum with forum members gathering from all over the world. Any sign of personal bashing based on age, sex, race, location, language, culture, values, etc… will be deleted upon notice. 3. Clashes and conflicts – Traders Laboratory is a place for cooperation. Any posts that are aimed to create hostility, flame, and clashes will be moderated upon notice. We take strict measures to enforce respect for one another. 4. Your privacy and security – As Traders Laboratory is a public forum, we do not allow members to publish personal contact information on the forums: phone numbers, emails, address, etc… Personal contact info can be collected by robots crawling through sites and then sold to spammers by various organizations. Please protect your privacy. Moderation Guidelines Our moderation guidelines are aimed to help members and moderators understand the procedure of Traders Laboratory’s moderation system. 1. Any post that fits into any of the 4 categories listed under “Unacceptable posts” can be reported using the report post feature available inside of each post. 2. Reported posts are notified to moderators and admins via email. Upon notice, the admin or appropriate mod will investigate the issue. 3. If a post is deemed inappropriate, the mod or admin has the right to edit or remove the post. All moderators are requested to include a reason for each moderated post. 4. Moderated posts are soft deleted (temporary deletion) until the issue is resolved in which the admin will hard delete the post. Spam posts are hard deleted immediately. 5. Members can submit an appeal for a moderated post. This appeal will be reviewed by the moderation team and the admin in a timely manner. Still under construction... would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
  11. Based on euclids idea, I have submitted the following draft to my developer. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
  12. April 9, 2009 iPhone App Updates The iPhone app is progressing steadily. The developers of the app are in their final stages of development and testing. Functionality to reply to posts have been added with avatars fixed. The app itself is complete in terms of functionality but it is still a bit unstable. I expect further testing before released publicly. Attached are some snapshots of what to come:
  13. Unlikely as ignoring a moderator will cease the purpose of any type of moderation system.
  14. Thank you all for the great inputs. I am delighted to see the number of responses and I truly appreciate the support! Hi Eiger, thank you for the input. Yes, I was thinking the same thing to have a draft ready and then have the members review and improve the draft before finalizing it. I will try to think of ways to make this as interactive as possible and to obtain as much feedback as well. euclid, thank you for the feedback. I like this idea alot. I think it is worth a try, including a set of moderation guidelines layed out clearly. Let me discuss this with my developer. I dont think it would take too long.... maybe 10 days max. Ill get an ETA from my developer on this. Thanks.
  15. Hi Flojo, Perhaps you can help me understand better the question. Im not familiar with ECN in Forex. My assumption is comparing for example EBS vs Tullet FX? A bit unclear with the question.. Attached are two charts. First chart on top is 20,000 tick chart USD/JPY from Tullet. Second chart on bottom is a 750 tick chart from EBS. Unfortunately CQG can not display a volume histogram when using tick charts (or constant volume charts).
  16. Interesting... thanks AgeKay. Im still waiting for a few more responses from other members who shared similar problems. I can not seem to replicate this error so am relying on the feedback of members infected. Hopefully this error has been fixed.
  17. Thank you very much for your feedback BlowFish. The above comment was mentioned by a few others as well and it is definitely worth a try initially as it does not change the current moderation format at all. I think the biggest factor that has shaped TL was to focus on quality instead of quantity. TL is rather on the low end when it comes to # of posts and threads... but the quality of information is top notch imo. Ive always sought out for feedback when applying new things on TL, I believe my decision making should be kept to a minimum and member opinions considered a priority. I appreciate the feedbacks. I am going to let this thread run a little more to seek additional feedback from members until I can make up my mind to see what is the most suitable for this community. Also, regarding moderation rules and guidelines I will begin work on this tomorrow. This way things can be more structured and easier for both mods and members to understand the procedures. I will also resort to posting reasons behind every moderation or deletion. Thanks.
  18. Thanks again for the input Db. Definitely something I will need to consider.. I guess I am being too optimistic in finding the holy grail of moderation. :doh: The increase in support emails and pm regarding quality of the boards had me extremely concerned. I would say recent emails and pm count has risen over 200%. Either more problems exists or active member count has increased, hence the increase in emails/pms. Again, let me put some thought into this matter... preferably over the weekend and then start discussing some ideas and implementations that could work with my developers. I think one of the biggest improvements I need to make is better communication with the mods and the format of moderation that should be accepted on TL. So far its kind of been.. "ill leave it up to you to decide".
  19. In the fields of Internet discussion and forum moderation, disemvoweling is a technique used to censor unwanted postings such as spam, internet trolling, rudeness or criticism and yet maintain some transparency, both of the act and the underlying word. Disemvoweling (also spelled disemvowelling) appears to model the word "disemboweling" and involves removing vowels from questionable text, either as a form of self-censorship or as a technique used by forum moderators and newsgroup operators. The net effect of disemvoweling text is illegibility or legibility only through significant cognitive effort; thus the technique helps to suppress unwanted comments.
  20. Anyone familiar with disemvoweling? "In the fields of Internet discussion and forum moderation, disemvoweling is a technique used to censor unwanted postings such as spam, internet trolling, rudeness or criticism and yet maintain some transparency, both of the act and the underlying word. Disemvoweling (also spelled disemvowelling) appears to model the word "disemboweling" and involves removing vowels from questionable text, either as a form of self-censorship or as a technique used by forum moderators and newsgroup operators. The net effect of disemvoweling text is illegibility or legibility only through significant cognitive effort; thus the technique helps to suppress unwanted comments." The next post by me will be the same quoted text above but disemvoweled. What are your thoughts on this?
  21. I like this idea alot. Very interesting and have I already have some ideas I could implement through this. Thanks Agekay. Appreciate the comments. Lately theres been an increase in concerns and voices raised regarding certain posts. (they have been moderated already) I will not go into specifics but one member has left TL due to former ET members bashing him in various posts. Also instances where personal matters were brought into the threads causing topics to become off-topic. Although this is probably routine amongst many other sites, the increase in this activity alerted me. Hi Eiger, please see above reply I gave to backrob. Hope this is sufficient? Thanks for the input John. This is a good idea and I will create an outline shortly for mods. For now, I hardly ever included reasons for deletion in order to eliminate these deletion notices which I was not fond of. Ill discuss a few thing with my developer to see if we can apply this into a different format.
  22. Hi Agekay, I think that is a different issue. The problem occurs when visiting the homepage which I think have managed to fix. What you saw was our system requesting a mandatory input of your profile info. Thanks.
  23. Thank you very much for your detailed feedback Db. Some great points you have mentioned. It is very important to me to hear all feedback to see any potential new problems that may arise from implementing this community moderation system. This is very true. Perhaps I am being a bit too sensitive here with ongoing issues... and should accept this as the norm. Maybe even compared to other boards the ongoing issues are significantly less. However, I tend to care deeply such issues while I have seen many admins simply leave member issues and requests alone. Yes, I can visualize this happening. Will either need to think of further ways to make this happen or keep the current moderation format. Thanks again, I will wait for further responses and see what sort of ideas I can come about. I have already mentioned to development to wait until I receive feedback from my members so plenty of time for me to determine which path to take. Once again, I appreciate the feedback.
  24. Thanks for the feedback. Valid point here. This could potentially ruin the purpose of the community moderation system. Im looking for ways to split this balance of power evenly... so members can also participate in keeping the forum atmosphere. POTM was meant to be fun I am trying to think of ways to make the report button more effective. We have been quick to take action based on 1-2 reports and with my own judgement. However, my concern is that do members find it fair? Should posts be allowed more votes and voices from other members before they are cleaned up? My tolerance for abusive posts and spam are close to zero that I am rather quick to take action. Not sure if this is a method preferred by members.
  25. Thanks again sevensa. Yes, that was my initial intention to keep TL clean from abusive language and behavior. However, this also comes with a price of not being able to keep everyone happy. I may have taken this too personally. You are right regarding audience types. Those who prefer a free for all environment may not find TL appealing. While those who prefer a more respectful environment may enjoy TL. Good points on the moderation being more visible. I had always disabled this because of the notices left behind when managing a post. It did not make a thread look pretty when it contained a ton of moderated post due to an argument. I appreciate the input. I will discuss with my development as well covering the ideas you presented and see what we can come up with. Feedbacks from all members are welcome before I plan this with my development team. Thank you.
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