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Everything posted by Soultrader

  1. Hi Tams, Good idea. Its been added to the list. Thanks.
  2. Hi Mario, Unfortunately this is not available at this time. The idea of a permanent chat room for guests is something we will also not allow due to the possibility of abuse and spam. Thanks.
  3. Ive replaced the original file in the first post with this one. Thanks.
  4. Thanks Harlequin, the file has been added.
  5. Congrats to edabreu for winning Aprils POTM contest. Thank you for all who voted and please cast your votes for the May contest!
  6. Hi Tams, Its been added. Thanks for letting me know. Would you happen to have multicharts file extension image I could use for the attachment icon?
  7. Hey bf, Ichimoku is a common term that comes about on the media, analysts, trading desks, etc... Bloomberg analysts like to resort to Ichimoku TA on their programs. (Bloomberg TV Japan was terminated recently btw.. entire department got fired) To be honest, I have no clue how this is being used. Its a simple S&R tool based on the clouds... I played around with it once almost 2 years ago and I found it a big waste of chart space.
  8. Which post should win this monthly nomination contest? Choose from the topics (posts/threads) listed throughout the forum(s), and vote for your favorite post now. What is Topic Of The Month? Topic of the Month is a contest that select posts on which we would like the community to commit to as a group and then comment/discuss on them during the course of the selected week/Fortnight/month. Any listed topic (thread) is eligible for the Topic of the Month selection. What determines a Topic Of The Month? Topic Of The Month is based on a simple nomination system. Throughout the selected forums, members with adequate permissions can nominate their favorite topic by clicking on the award nomination button below the post. The topics with the most nominations during the course of the week/month are displayed on this thread using the poll feature. At the end of the month, the first three topics with the most nominations are the award winners of the contest. Topic of the Month Winners Every month, a $20 Amazon Gift Certificate is awarded to the Topic of the Month winner. A pm will be sent out to confirm your email in order to receive the gift certificate.
  9. Research reports received courtesy of CME Group to be posted on TL. Enjoy! -Leveraged ETFs verse Futures: Where is the Missing Performance? Leveraged ETFs have garnered plenty of attention of late, for a couple of reasons: They provide an alternative way for investors to deploy leverage in their investment portfolio. They also provide investors a way to “short” the market, either as a hedging or speculative tool. One of the knocks on leveraged ETFs is the observation that they tend to underperform their respective indexes (after adjusting for their leverage level). In this article, we highlight one very important source of the under-performance, and discuss some possible remedies using equity index futures and options. -Improving Order Execution: The Ascent of E-mini Equity Index Futures and What it Means for your Bottom Line The desire to effectively leverage the growth of E-mini futures has many clients asking, “Do I have the right order placement and/or execution strategy for today’s market?” The appropriate order placement strategy, of course, depends on the customer’s trading and risk-management goals, which can be unique to their circumstances. To help market participants’ identify their optimal execution strategy, we have compiled a comprehensive, quantitative review of our executed orders. Specifically, we examined: • Distribution of Original Orders’ Sizes • Speed of Execution • Market Impact Costs • Changes in E-mini Volume and Open Interest over the Last Five Years Leveraged_ETFs.pdf EQ221_OrderAnalysis0309.pdf
  10. Please post in the indicator forum is possible. Thanks!
  11. Blu Ray has posted an .leld format here.
  12. Hi Programmer, Okay I have disabled that system and will look into the looping. Could you try one last time please?
  13. Hi programmer, that is just a 10 second warning system. I implemented the warning message because many members were posting requests in that forum. The bar to proceed should popup in ten seconds after you hit new thread. Could you give it a try? PS: please remember to post a screenshot attached to the forum system. Otherwise your indicator will not appear on the homepage. Thanks!
  14. Hi, could you please post this as an eld or txt format with a screenshot in the indicator forum? I would like other members to be able to find this as the coding forum is meant for coding request and help. Would appreciate it. Thanks.
  15. Nice Chad, Ichimoku is big amongst Japanese traders. Never understood this indicator nor have I seen it that often amongst US/UK traders. Im sure it many would appreciate you building this
  16. Hi Tams, Okay figured out what the problem was. The indicator forum is built to fetch images that are attached. So if there are no screenshots of images attached using the attachment manager, it will not show on the homepage. I have saved your image and then attached it to the post. It now appears on the homepage. Thanks Tams, James
  17. Hi Tams, Thanks for the patience. This has been fixed over the weekend and should be working fine now. James
  18. More info can be found here. Contract highlights The first listed month will be June 2009 Size E-mini Gold futures = 33 troy oz. E-mini Silver futures = 1,000 troy oz. [*]Cash-settlement [*]Minimum Price Fluctuation/Tick Size E-mini Gold futures = $0.10 ($3.30 per tick) E-mini Silver futures =$0.005 – outrights, $0.001 – spreads ($5.00 per tick) [*]E-mini Gold and Silver futures trade exclusively on the CME Globex electronic trading platform [*]Trading Hours Sunday – Friday 5:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Chicago time. There is a 45 minute break from 4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  19. Hi Tams, Im going to consult my programmer regarding this. Will get back to you shortly. Thanks for the notice.
  20. The cheapest commission to date in Japan is provided by Click Securities at 96JPY RT for the mini Nikkei and 700JPY for the big. Unfortunately I do not see any english support or platform available. Also I noticed that Interactive Brokers no longer open accounts for Japanese citizens... apparently our regulatory agency gave them alot of crap for taking local clients. IB needs to establish a branch in Japan before accepting any new clients... is what I hear from my sources.
  21. Okay, this issue has been fixed. Thanks again for the notice.
  22. Thanks bf, found out whats causing it. The new moderation system is having some compatibility issues so have disabled it until I figure out whats wrong.
  23. Updates April 21st, 2009 We have just about finished development after many long hours. Here is a description of the new system. It keeps track of who reported which post Prevent same user reporting same post twice Displays number of times post has been reported, either right besides the report icon, or on the left hand side of the postbit Once a post has been edited, the 'edited by' text is replaced with 'MODERATED +' text wich is clicked on open a lightbox with the moderation info. It also provides the post creator to appeal the moderation ruling by clicking a button. If an icon id has been set via the product settings, a new thread icon will be placed for the report thread to indicate it has been dealt with. Once the appeal button is clicked, a new thread is created in a specific forum. This new thread simply states which user is appealing which post This new appeal post has an appeal status which if clicked on by mods with edit right on the reported post (including supermods/admins), opens A lightbox with an option to change the appeal status to 'denied' or 'approved'. There is also an option via the product settings to display a status image overlay on top of the post message text I will be testing this system in the next few days. There are a few more tweaks needed and will look to implement this by next week. Thank you.
  24. Hi Tams, Ive fixed this. I hope its okay. I appreciate the patience.
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