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Hi Disco Scottie... Thanks for your time and replies buddy. I have saved your last post and its details as it will take me some time to understand what you are trying to look at. I appreciate your interest and expertise in expaining the details. I will wait for your next post that may have some visuals and indicator setting (Input parameter settings) that may help me to get to the strategy directly. I wish you good luck in your trading buddy and many thanks once again for your time. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Disco Scottie... Thanks for your reply. I monitored the scalper signals on 4095T and found 2 potential signals - One for Long at 825 and one for Short at 894. The tick setting that you have given seems to be working fantastic. I just have a query though. How do you keep switching between these 3 tick settings - 987T, 1597T and 4095T to see reversal formation. Also do you keep these settings fixed or keep changing it based on volume traded or volatility. Would you be kind enough to share your strategy with 610T/233T MACD BB Combo??? It may help novice traders like me to develop my skills and get confidence with entry in a trade. Thanks for your time and expertise. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Walter.... CCI does give an absolute fantastic entry trigger. Last night I was able to make my first money trade on ES based on VWAP Bands Rejection and could manage to gain 1.5 Points, though could have been 8 points very easily. However, my account size at the moment is very small after having successive losses and hence I prefer to exit on small profits rather than holding on and keep doing this for high probability set-ups till I can manage a reasonable account size. VWAP Bands are working very nice for me, the only problem is that when loaded with Woodies CCI, the Ninja Trader Chart tends to freeze at the point of time when the market starts trading very aggressively. At this point I am not able to see any activity on the chart thereby creating a blind-spot on my vision to market activities. Just wanted to know if the same is the case with TradeStation users as well. I use 144 Ticks Chart. I will post here if any further developments are observed or this method is further refined, but so far, its working fine and thanks to all you support and encouraging lines to boost my confidence. Thanks once again. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Steve... First of all - MANY THANKS for your kind contribution. Its just that Simple Principles sometimes are overlooked and the result is a disaster. I totally agree with your ideas and infact I started implementing those on my daily chart as well. Things seems to have changed for me as I can visualise a trader rather than guess it. Thanks for all your time and ideas once again. Good day, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Walter... You know what??? You are not only right - YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in what you said. VWAP Bands are working phenomenal. Its just that I have to get used to it when the pattern is in the stage of development. You see it becomes very easy to monitor once the pattern is already being formed but when it is in the primitive stage, it remains a guess work and this is what I am trying to strenghten. I have decided that I will pay more attention to these bands rather than involving in any other indicator activities. Thanks a lot for your kind suggestions that I ALWAYS TAKE SERIOUSLY. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi... This message is addressed to all those dynamic people out there who had spent a lot of time and skills in posting some wonderful concepts and indicators on TL including Walter, Sparrow, BlueRay and a lot others. As I use Ninja Trader for my trading needs, just wanted to check with you all good people if it is OK to discuss about development of these indicators on Ninja Trader Forum as I may get help from users and traders already using Ninja Trader Platform. Just wanted to know if at all there are any such restrictions that I am not sure of. If not then it can be a great link to develop these indicators that can be used effectively on Ninja Trader as well. Thanks for your replies. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Steve... My name is Yusuf and Yes, I am a struggling trader, currently practicing how can I reduce my losses while trading on ES-Future Contract. I have gone through your explaination on 200 EMA Test w.r.t. 80 EMA line that sounds very interesting and I checked it for a couple of times - IT WORKED. Thanks for posting such informative articles. I used to keep 200 SMA line as dynamic S/R and wait for confluence to occur but never dared to open any position as most of the times I get caught in a choppy zone forcing me to close a position only to realize later on that the trade finally ended in my favour. However this was not a good practice as I kept losing money on this idea. Your concept seems to be quiet definitive and I just hope it helps me avoiding my loss nightmare if not profitable trade in the chop-zone (Which it did in the past as per my chart reading and study). I will keep you posted about the developments, but thanks for your post and informations provided for novice traders like ME... A Question - Is there anyway where we can avoid taking such trade set-ups which is range bounded within 2 to 3 points. I can give you examples on the chart where 80 EMA line keeps playing around 200 EMA line thereby confusing us as which break-out it is going to follow. This had been the biggest problem I am facing since I started trading on ES. Unfortunately, by the time the actual break-out happens, I am out of my guts to trade any further after having caught into earlier enteries. If you can help me out so that I can avoid such set-ups, I will be more than thankful. Thanks in all cases for your time and details. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Walter, Sparrow I was just going through your videos on VMAR and tried to see 5min Magneta Line on 1min Chart. However Walter, the ADXVMA settings for ADXBars, WeightDM, WeightDJ, WeightDX, VImax, ChandeEMA3 and EMA100 is not accessible in the input menu. I use Ninja Trader and the only input screen I can see allows me to input the values for ADXPeriod, EMAPeriod and MAType. I tried looking into the codes and cannot translate the following lines in NT codes: // if (VI_0.VIsq_1.VIsqroot_2==1)VI*=VI; // if (VI_0.VIsq_1.VIsqroot_2==2)VI=MathSqrt(VI); // if (VI<=zeroVIbelow)VI=0; I am requesting a help either from you or Sparrow as he is the one mainly dealing with NT codes if I am not mistaken to assist me in translating the above line to NT format. Also if you have ADXVMA coded directly for use on NT, it would be much much appreciated. Once again, I am trying to see what Walter is seeing. Monitoring 5min Magenta Line on 1min Chart. In all cases. thanks once again for great research being done here and all the helpful stuffs posted here to help trader community. Many thanks to Sparrow for having VMABand and VMARainbow coded for NT, of course after due respect and thanks to Walter for originating the concept and codes. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Walter... Hope you are enjoying your trading session. So far a beautiful session with wonderful patterns developed around VWAP Bands. I am sorry as I did not post the chart for ES session on 19/08/2008. I was not keeping well. In Australia, trading ES means I have to be awake from 11:30 PM till 06:00 AM, not used to. I am sending you the RAR files of chart template marked as 'VWAP' and also the Indicator 'VWAP Multi' in .RAR format. To create a cluster around price, I use VWAP loaded for every 1 hour period and it works fine without causing any load on PC performance. This way I am loading 14 VWAP indicators with Break Time set at London Market Opening time till US session end. It looks really wonderful with some potential trade set-ups. Let me also post the chart for today's session so far. I am still not sure of trade definition comprising of entry, stop loss and take profit. Lets see if something can be worked around. Thanks for your interest Walter. Good Day... Yusuf SHAIKH VWAPMulti_v0.9.zip VWAP.rar
Sure Walter, But you will have to excuse me for not understanding as what exactly would you like to have. I mean what does TEMPLATE stand for? I am sorry, but I am not sure of this word. Do you want the VWAP Indicator file or ??? Tell me...I will post it to TL now as I am online for ES trading session. Oh... I do have the chart template that you all have seen in my previous posts. Wouls you like to have that??? Let me attach the chart template to this message so that you may go through that. But if this is not the one that you are looking for, then do let me know as what exactly are you after? Oops, i just tried to upload my chart template file, it is an .xml file and the upload failed. Please let me know as what template file is required? Thanks and best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi... Good Mornng all of you... Hi Nick - Many thanks for your refernces. I will surely go throgh these. My friend Walter, Many thanks for your reply and comments. I had been reading your posts and contributions on TL that is amazing, without doubt. I have come across few members at TL who seems to be highly dedicated and committed towards their trading activities. In front of all of you, expert professionals, I stand as a very tiny miniature version and hence each and every word from you is taken as compliment and more than that a lesson and encouragement for me as at the age of 36 years, I am still learning how to trade after having lost my fortune in stock market. So I pay great attention to be cautious rather than being aggressive. Thanks again for your words of encouragements and if it comes from a Market Wizard as YOU, I feel boosted. Now, as I am monitoring and looking at these trading sessions, I am posting here the chart of ES trade session 19/08/2008 with highlighted areas of what I thought at these stages of sessions. Unfortunately, I was not able to open any position as I do not have any trading plan yet. I am still waiting for a high probility entry and a realistic stop. Take a while to go through the chart. I decided to use 144 Tick chart, rather than 72 Tick chart as 72 Ticks make it more fast and produce a lot of noise. My next target would be to physically go through previous trading sessions as much as possible and try to locate the places where such set-ups have failed. We may then try to isolate these failed set-ups so as to get the filtered outcomes and giving us a direction to think. Thanks for all your time and interest. My sincere thanks once again to all those professionals who started the concept of VWAP on TL and posted the indicator for NT. Good day and best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
HI Blowfish...(I am sorry, I did not know your real name) Thanks a lot for the suggested reading as I cannot wait any further to explore these discussions. It is always great to be a part of good community and I am proud to be a part of one such community where people take step ahead of helping others. Thanks once again. Regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Walter... I monitor ES all the time with no other Instruments. Now what I did is I loaded the chart with VWAP for every hour starting from the session begin till session ends thereby creatings bands of VWAP showing how the price if moving around these bands. I will keep posting the chart with these bands highlighting the points that acted as potential pivots for short term or long term. I am not sure where it is leading towards as I am not an expert and I never traded on this concept. However, I came across VWAP tool in this forum and a video demonstrating how wonderfully it help up with the price. So many thanks to the person who posted this tool and the video as well giving me (novice trader) a chance to explore it further. If anything is developed or rather observed as a combination together with these VWAP bands, I will post it here for further elaboration. Thanks & best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Walter, Good to see your reply. I will arrange all my charts and in the next 2 days I will surely post it in the forum. There is no principal trade rules related to these charts but I am sure you all experts may be able to point out on something. I will surely highlight what I am seeing and you all may refine it further. All I need is some time so that I can arrange everything and post it in the forum. Thanks... Yusuf SHAIKH
HI...All of You Good People... It is to my good fortune that I came across TL. I read all the messages and discussions under tis thread and am quiet impressed with all the work produced here. The quality of discussion is superb and worth stating RESEARCH and not only discussion. I use NT for my trading needs and am quiet OK with its performance. However, last night I uploaded VMARainbow indicator on my NT which was not an issue but during the peak session time when the volume started growing up aggressively, my NT got stucked with no data getting refreshed. Just posting the problem here if someone knows how can this issue be eliminated. Having said that, I am also checking on the indications produced by VWAP. I have a suggestion regarding this. As per last developed version, I believe by JOSH, this VWAP indicator has 1 definable Break Time and 10 Bands to choose from. I am using 14 VWAP's loaded with different Break Time starting from the time when London Market opens till US market closes. This is in an effort to understand how the Price moves above and below VWAP's during Pre-market, Actual market and Post-market sessions. Especially, I have seen that all the VWAP's tends to form a cluster either during the pre-market session or at the mid-session thereby giving an indication of high probable trade. I am still not confident as how to derive any conclusions out of this observation as I am still learning while trading and cannot risk too much on loosing trades. If this can trigger some further development in this area, it may be wonderful. Also as a part of further development, how about having different Break Times as an option to be defined while loading this indicator. At the moment we have only 1 Break Time Slot that can be defined as user input - This may avoid having too many VWAP loaded individually. Thanks for all your time and expertise. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Friend, Thanks for your info. I will try and see if it works. I can also see one ADXVMA indicator inbuilt on the NT 6.5 version. Is it the same? Thanks, Yusuf SHAIKH
HI... Thanks for your reply. I tried doing what you have mentioned. Tried to import this indicator but at the end I get an error message stating the given file is not NT script file or something like that. Any idea what could be the cause? Thanks in all cases buddy. Regards, Yusuf SHAIKH
Hi Traderandreas... I just happen to download ADXVMA Indicator and like you I also use Ninja Trader for my trading needs. I am not an expert in understanding the programming codes. I tried installing this indicator on NT which failed. I was fortunate enough to come across your success on installing it on NT. Can I request you to help me in doing the same with installing this indicator on NT. Thanks in all cases. Best regards, Yusuf SHAIKH