Hi, am I allowed to bump this thread? I hope so.
I never really liked HA candlesticks because what you're looking at isn't true price and therefore I always assumed it was pointless.
This thread has shown a good way to see trends (albeit on HA candlesticks) by using an HMA(8) over the HA candlesticks.
What you need to do in order to see exactly how much lag there is, rather than doing side-by-side comparison charts of HA vs. regular, is to do this instead:
- Load your HA candlesticks as a study on your chart
- Apply HMA(8) to the HA candlesticks
- Color your main price chart based on the slope of the HMA(8) that has been applied to the HA candles.
This will let you see in real time and with actual price data what is going on with regard to your trend-defining indicators on the HA candle sticks. In other words, where your main price chart changes color is where your HA slope is changing.
Hopefully that made sense. I'm really tired right now so I hope I explained everything well.
Here's a pic:
edit - I can't believe I misspelled Heikin-Ashi in my pic. I even study Japanese so I shouldn't have gotten it wrong. Oops!