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Everything posted by jonbig04

  1. Day wasn't all that profitable, but I had 2 sick entries, and thought them post-worthy.
  2. Frickin' awesome. I just have 2 small dell monitors
  3. Could you post a pic? sounds awesome.
  4. Yea, they are fixed after I place them and are between 8-10 ES points or 20-25nq. Yea, that one trade did come close. The stopped to the tick sucked too. Grrrr.
  5. Some of you were asking about globex levels. Heres some G action on NQ over the past day or so. Check GH and GL.
  6. Weird day. Got unlucky and lucky. My entries are being fumbled still. I attached a SS of some ES trades.
  7. Good to be back trading. Took 2 stops, traded everything perfectly (backtested to be sure there were no missed signals).
  8. Thanks guys. Good trading.
  9. Looks like I'm good to go for tomorrow. Everything is tested out as much as possible. The accuracy is abysmal- around 20%, but who cares about that. I'm shooting for monthly goals of around 60-80NQ. I will start SIM for a while and if everything goes well, move into cash. The goal right now is to follow the system to a T and replicate the test results of 60-80NQ a month. To me this is the foundation of a trading plan. It's defined and tested and I know what to expect. As I become confident that I can follow the plan in all conditions I can try to optimize more by adjusting to current market conditions, but that's later on. there won't be any changes or adds to the rules either. I'm finished doing that. I'll be trading NQ and ES. This plan isn't any different than what I've been doing, its just more of it. I added some rules for trading ES in the afternoon as well as globex rules. I still don't trade lunch hours. Stops and targets are static (NQ 2.5 stop and 20-25 point targets, ES 1 point stop and 8-10 point targets). Is this ideal? No. But I know how much it yields and it's enough for me (see goal) and, like I said, I will worry about optimizing later on. The goal now is just to follow the rules. I will be trading much more, around 3 trades a day on average, which is much more than the .75 trades per day of before. I will drop into chat every now and then. I do think there is a lot of crystal ball stuff going on in there sometimes...people trying to make the best "call" etc. I may or may not update the journal every day. A day just doesn't mean much to me. A week does and a month definitely does. Anyways, thanks for following along. Good trading! Oh, if anyone wants any charts in the future, or from any of the past days in my journal for that matter- just drop me a line.
  10. So I have about 600 trades backtested and broken down. Whew. I hope I never have to do this again. Everything is profitable, which I already knew, but I added some new aspects to my ES trading as well as my globex rules and I wanted to test it out. The biggest difference is that I'm taking so many more trades than before. Anyways I'm testing some more aspects (moving stop to BE etc) before starting. Once I start there will be no adding or tweaking, because everything will be so thoroughly tested. I feel some kind of withdrawn author or something, spending countless hours on this system. There will also be a different attitude when I do start. I will SIM for a while, and if everything works out I will go live. Trading isn't complicated. Sometimes I feel like people (especially here on TL) over complicate it. It's a journey and a task for sure, and we have to fill our glass with drops not splashes, BUT I'm not doing this to make a consistent $60k a year. Of course I would like to be at that point and I will be happy when I am, but the fact is that given time, there are millions to be made everyday. So lets stop limiting ourselves by talking about how HARD trading is, and how much work is required etc etc. I'm going to do the work and make the money. I'm through putting trading up on some kind of pedestal. It's zero-sum, and its them or me. It's going to be me. Back to testing. Gosh I can't wait until I'm finished.
  11. Making some progress with the testing. Gah, I don't think I've ever put so many consecutive hours on on testing anything as I have this past week or so. I thought I would attach a SS of that ES swing that was stopped.
  12. obviously, that ES short was stopped haha. I'm almost done with my backtesting. I hope to be trading soon.
  13. Somehow the idea of Bernanke as a mastermind doesn't seem to fit :rofl:
  14. 30 days!?! Where do I sign?
  15. Nice thread! I hope to join soon.
  16. I would have liked to have started trading again today, but the back-testing is taking far longer than I thought. I've been doing it all weekend and today and I'm still not done. It's worth doing right, I think, so I will take the time to do a full 3 months. The only way to really do it is to scroll chart by chart. Bah. Maybe I can have it all done tomorrow. I will save the more detailed explanations of what I'm adding for when everything is done. I did watch the market for an hour or so today, and managed to get a short in on ES. Not part of a plan or anything, just a for fun experiment I guess. Anyways, I'm holding it overnight it was at +13ES last time I checked.
  17. "you will miss a great set up but the fear and frustration of that reality is the emotional architecture behind the worst trades." well said
  18. I'm back! Everything looks to be up and running. Obviously I have lots of catching up to do. I will spend tomorrow and the weekend tying up loose ends with my rules, then be back 200% on monday morning. I will keep the journal updated with changes, or I should say additions to the rules.
  19. Move is made. It was a long haul. trading computer is getting repaired. I cannot WAIT to get back and work harder than ever.
  20. Im sure its obvious to all following this journal that I have been distracted lately. A lot of decisions had to be made outside of trading. I'm moving cross-country in a week and I'm sending my trading computer in for repairs. neither of these should take long. Trading is still my number 1 focus, but im going to take a couple days off until the move is made and the computer is fixed. and no, i didnt "blow up" lol
  21. no trades monday. missed the short
  22. I have been distracted lately. Ive been missing trades I should be making. -1 es for friday (or 2.5nq) tried a long at 11:34 at 760.50, was stopped out a while later
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