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Everything posted by TinGull

  1. Yea, I thought about it, too, but then I figured, the mac I just got rid of, I got in August of 2002. I never had to do anything to it ('cept upgraded the RAM right when I got it). It never once crashed, never once got a virus (and I never had to spend money on Norton Antivirus or anything), never once gave me an ounce of problem. The only issues are the software developers taking advantage of faster processors, making mine too slow to handle most software. What is an SW vendor? Sorry for the ignorance.
  2. Hey! Yea, Macs are awesome. The new MacBooks are very, very slick. My sister just got one. I used to install a lot of portable studio systems on MacBook Pros when they first came out. Check out enthios.com as he uses a mac to run tradestation or whatever he uses. I have an older powerbook, too (right before the new intel machines came out) and use that to trade whenever I'm at Panera or something. Macs rule......macs rule.......macs rule............
  3. 'Cause I've never owned a PC, love Macs for their design and rock solid OS, and now, with the new Intel Macs, I can run Parallels software and have Windows inside my Mac! All running on a nice 2.16 Core Dup processor.
  4. Well, the time came. I finally got myself a new computer. I just picked up a shiny new iMac 20 inch Intel machine. Holy crap...this thing is fast as hell!! My old machine (now an iTunes server) was a 933mhz G4. Oh man, this thing smokes!! So...thanks to all that have been clicking my adsense ads It's helping!! hehe
  5. I had heard that TS will provide snapshots of B/A for indicators, but the T&S window is actual tick by tick...please correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. How do you determine if it's going to be rangebound within the first 30 minutes? THANKS
  7. Absolutely an amazing book. This is one of the books that I credit with changing my style to something that suits me as an individual. It's an amazing wealth of knowledge and one that I, too, refer to on a daily basis.
  8. Thanks Gav. When you say you pay a fee for data...you're just paying the exchange fees, right? Not a real time data feed? Does TS supply you with a data feed or is that something you need to source elsewhere? THANKS
  9. Hi there, I had a couple of questions regarding Tradestation for those that use it. I realize it's one of, if not the top used software trading platform out there. For those that use it, what are your total costs per month to trade with them excluding your commissions? Are there certain add on costs that you feel you can't live without? I'm trying to decide if this is the way I should go or not. I'm pretty much satisfied with who I've got, but if there's something out there that's better, I'm willing to look. Especially if it's an all in one sort of thing. Right now, I have 2 softwares open to trade, one is my charting package (InvestorR/T) and the other is my brokerage (thinkorswim). ToS has been great to me, and would hate to leave 'em, but again, if something out there would better suit me, I'll do it. Thanks!!! Chris
  10. I think it's more in tuned with futures trading as it's not as news dependent as equities are. The auction theory lends itself more so the futures market where many companies are intertwined into one commodity rather than a single company where it's earnings and it's news really are what drives the price of the stock. Just my 2 cents
  11. Also, if you need a copy of Disciplined Trader and don't mind some torn corners (my dog decided to have a go at it), I've got a copy here I can mail in the United States for free. I'd rather have it go to a good home than me throw it out. The binding is torn a bit, but pages still hold together. Let me know!
  12. As far as how I find my bias...I base a lot of it on the Market Profile analysis. Check out the forum here on MP. It's amazing the insight into the markets that it gives you. For instance, if we're opening up above the point of control from yesterday, I'll have a more bullish bias. Now...that can all change as the day goes on, but if we're seeing TICK's above 0 all the time, then obviously a bullish day is upon us. opposite goes for bearish. A lot of it also comes from seeing how things are handled when the price reaches certain pivot points. Are we seeing a ton of selling when we rally up? Then the streets are alive with sound selling! Check out SoulTraders videos. There's TONS of good stuff there to watch.
  13. Right, as far as my understanding goes on the market maker deal. All I know is my fills are lightning fast, so if there is someone or something handling my order and taking the opposite side, then they are fast and I need them to clean my house like now! I trade the YM (mini dow) and no, I don't follow the whole basket. Futures are very technical in nature, and tend to follow rules of technical analysis as lots of the traders are speculative in nature, and the rest are hedging their positions in the cash equivelant.
  14. I think around here you'll find that most of us trade index futures or forex. I like index futures because they much more widely viewed than a single stock. Much more credence is given to the indices, and the futures are consistent in the patterns they put up for us to trade. Just my 2 cents
  15. You got it...just say when and I'll be there!
  16. TinGull

    Spot vs Futures

    Hi there, I'm completely new to forex, and have been trying to figure out what is better to trade....the cash or the futures? While the cash market is unregulated, the futures are protected by an exchange, which is really nice, and the price you get from some so called non dealing desk brokers and dealing desk brokers isn't really the "price" that the big banks are getting, but futures contracts are just that....whether 1 or 100k contracts, it's the same price. Is there a big difference in trading the futures for currency rather than the cash forex? Thanks!! Chris
  17. Nice stuff. I had all of mine work, except the GBP. Raul, at what time are you drawing your lines? And...what do you have a stop at for the GBP? On my charts, I have 8923 for a low, and then it went down to 8918 and shot back up, only to surge lower afterwards....My stop was hit (even though it traded at 8918 which was my target) on this one, and it was 23 pips large for the stop. That negated all my other trades (3 were profitable, but this one lost me big). I ended down 13 pips total on the 4 trades. With your low being 8921, and Im seeing it traded as high as 9181....surely you don't have that large of a stop. Just a little confused why mine didn't work. Thanks Raul!
  18. Raul is kind of like the "Old Wise One" (though, not really old Raul...you know what I mean ) around here. He's an ex pit trader and is wicked smart. He's been very generous to give us gifts of setups and this method is one of them that is consistent. Check out his posts. feb2865 is his handle.
  19. I hear that...very nice. If only my high school teachers said that it was OK to question them. I might have had a better time Ever since I started trading the YM I've notice a HUGE improvement in my life. It's funny how in some books you read about trading what fits your personality. ER2 was and is not my personality type, and caused huge conflicts, but I was more concerned with how much money it would bring in for me...but it ended up losing me more than it brought in. Now I trade something more in line with me as a person, and I'm almost 90% successful on my trades thus far! Amazing stuff.
  20. Same here, Raul. My target was acheived at 5:45 this morning on the GBP/USD. Nice stuff!!!
  21. Thanks Torero. What kind of things were you doing that he "turned around" for you? Chris
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