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Everything posted by TinGull

  1. InvestorRT from linnsoft.com will allow you to use the IB feed. If you are on a PC, I've heard that IRT is sometimes buggy. I'm on a Mac and its worked great for me.
  2. Hey T...I totally agree that whether you make or lose money, as long as you're following your plan to the letter that you oughtta reward yourself in some way. Maybe it's just something as simple as getting that pint of your favorite ice cream and indulging a little...which I've been known to do. Or maybe you lost some money on a beautiful day weather wise and you decide to treat yourself by being outside for an extra long walk. That's free and you get to be out with nature for a little longer than usual. that's always a beautiful thing.
  3. like the lack of instant income? hehe Thats the most major thing that I think is tough for people who don't come from sales backgrounds to grasp. I knew it was gonna be tough, and it still is. But I know that by following the plan, it's gonna be OK. Then...I get to reward myself
  4. brown....PERFECTLY said! I, too, came from a sales gig where I was 100% commission except for the first 3 months. It was HARD! I had to move out to a new state (whole new part of the country) with my girl and start a new life. They, too, taught me...do ABC and you'll get XYZ. I did ABC for hours upon hours a day, day after day, week after week until I was the one new guys were asking questions of (when I was 6 months out). It didn't take me too long to become one of the higher paid guys there (the highest for my tenure there) and holy moly does it translate into trading. When I had a big sale...out to dinner I went 2 big sales in a week? Went out for dinner, twice in a weekend! haha (my town is so boring all there is to do is go out to dinner) So, I agree completely that coming from a sales background helps bridge the gap between the former job and the new job of trading. Just thought I'd add.
  5. My pivots are calculated based on the daily chart, which includes the settlement price.
  6. That is true. I am done with the markets at 4, and the information that comes through between 4 and 5 is hardly ever a new high or low on the day. I have multiple sessions I watch for the YM. From 830-5, 930-5, and 930-4.
  7. Yea..predictions are part of the fun It's always gonna move, so we never have to worry about that. As for the 65min chart, it gives you the full information of the regular trading day (930-4pm). Since a 60min bar would leave you with 30minutes inside of one bar, you simply take that extra 30minutes and spread it between the rest of the bars with a 65min bar. Does that make sense? A little thing given to me by Leroy of tradingeveryday.com.
  8. When you click "Go Advanced" to reply, you'll see a button below the reply box called "Manage Attachments". Click that and upload your pics.
  9. Would love to see the charts you're looking at. I agree, it's pretty extended and I'd like to see some "cleaning house" before I buy again. The YM 65min is getting extended from it's 21ema, and I'd like to see it come back down at least around there. The daily hit the top of a wedge today, too. This will make things interesting in the next couple days.
  10. awesome! Thanks Bummer it's only windows based....I'm on a mac.
  11. How do I find that link to download their video software?
  12. Right. I totally understand. Just thought Id share...no pun intended...
  13. Oops...sorry. InvestorRT with dtniq feed.
  14. Here's what I had for the 500 volume setting...
  15. Also, one other quick observation on the first one...why would you try to go long if you've got a blue TTM with a red divergence signal on it? That's a short signal.
  16. Hi, One thing you could have watched for was the daily charts starting to churn. Yesterdays volume was increasing and the range was VERY narrow. This is indicative of people selling into strength. That, coupled with the the higher prices on lower volume was a warning signal. With the strength of the downthrust...definitely wasn't looking for long trades.
  17. OK I want to know how a breakout of the 30 minute opening range plays out on Corn, Wheat and Soybeans futures. Set it up like this... Take the first 30 minutes and place a buy stop 2 ticks above the 30min hi and a sell stop 2 ticks below the 30min low. Set it up for 2 different exit scenarios. First try a 2 cent stop with a 3 cent target, and then also test out a 2 cent trailing stop. I figure it's gotta be a pretty simple thing.
  18. brown, my sister has been doing this for a few years now and here are some reccos from her: Simply enough... Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Photoshop can slice all your images and put them into HTML for you which can then just go straight into dreamweaver where you can add content. Pretty simple.
  19. Hi All! I am soooo lame, I know...but I can't backtest for crap and was wondering if someone with the skills might be willing to do a real simple thing for me? If so...please PM me. THANKS!
  20. Fading means taking the opposite of a trend. Say...price is coming into a pivot from underneath, and you expect the Resistance pivot to hold and price to not go through it. You would sell a position (go short) at that pivot to "fade" that pivot point. Hope that makes sense.
  21. bf, Im not trading them live yet...testing out my regular setups to make sure they work good on the ags too. I dont if slippage would be an issue if you're trading less than 10 cars. Again...Im not positive, just a guess.
  22. Corn is the most popular (still lacks in volume over YM) followed by soybeans followed by wheat. Those are the 3 I follow anyhow. Corn I think is going around 80k a day if I'm not mistaken. I don't have my charts up right now...but I seem to remember somewhere around there.
  23. Just to give another example of how this delta indicator would work...take last monday. Corn opened limit down and wheat and soy soon followed. Notice the buying activity (blue line) diverging with price action at the previous day's low. Not being able to get above this is a bad sign...and then we drop like a stone down to daily S2, where we get another divergence showing us...let's get long now! Just a couple sweet setups in wheat.
  24. I'll be using Thursdays numbers, since Friday was regarded by most as a holiday. I don't think a couple hours of trading really constitutes a full day of trading to make pivots off of.
  25. Well, logic or not, I've never had an issue with them.
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