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Everything posted by TinGull

  1. I like the idea of fun contests. How about the guy who owns the most Mac computers wins the prize? :rolleyes: Not to get all artsy fartsy or anything but photo contests are always fun. Maybe who's got the neatest/dirtiest workspace. Or most colorful workspace...
  2. Yup, I know!! Its called Windows Sucks.
  3. Rich, I use a 20inch iMac for my trading and love it...for the most part. I run Parallels to execute trades via TransAct and as for charting....it's really tough. I've finally come to a point where I think I need to go to the windows side of my Mac for all my trading stuff, and then at the end of the day switch back to sanity land.
  4. My software and data feed didn't feel like working together today...or the past 5 months really. I finally got sick of it and cancelled my charting platform. Now, to find another one....so no trading for me today or possibly tomorrow.
  5. After that the market just fell apart. I think the YM ended up losing another 100 points or so from that point.
  6. OH yes, being well capitalized helps a TON on the mental front. Experienced traders can bring a 5k account up to 20k in a matter of weeks because they have broken through the mental barriers that keep a newbie from success. I feel fortunate that after a year Im still on my first small account and now starting to see some rise to that equity curve.
  7. The one thing I just started back up doing is walking in the morning. Either that or take a bike ride to the garden which I'm about to leave and do here in a few minutes. Or play the drums too...that gets my blood going more than anything. To me, physical conditioning is VERY important. Does it need to be as hard core as what you do, Nate? For me it doesn't. It might for others. Last week was one of the hardest weeks for me in a year mentally in this game we call trading. I had a talk with a fellow trader here on the boards and we got to talking about how the subconscious mind has such influence over things you do. Then, I remembered a book I read called "Walking Your Blues Away". Sounds cheesy, yea, but I hadn't realized how powerful it could be. That day I went on a walk for about 2 miles which it says to do in that book. I took my iPod with me and listened to some Anthony Robbins audio books and some Dr Wayne Dyer stuff and it was that walk that I think has changed my ENTIRE outlook forever. Since then I've seen the markets in a new light, and am seeing my whole life in a new light. The power that a walk and some positive thinking can have on your life is quite simply amazing. So, I must head out on my bike to the garden now and check on the tomatillos and peppers
  8. For me, I took it the way that people probably shouldn't. HA! It wasn't easy at all. I was working a job where they brainwash people into staying aboard and I didn't go along with anything they had to say. I had to get out. They sent me to a seminar for sales training where there was a sales pitch for an investment program. A bunch of my friends and I signed up and I was the only one that took it seriously. Then, last summer I had the opportunity to leave the job and concentrate on trading. Fortunately my girlfriend KNEW that I could do it, and knew it would just take time. The time part was the only unknown. How long would it take? So, we started looking at it from the perspective of "traditional" startups and how long it takes them to become profitable. So, I started figuring with putting in the time needed to startup say like a small pastry shop or something (LOTS of hours and hard hard work) that it might take anywhere from 12-24 months for me to become profitable. So, here I am getting close to the 12th month since I went solo, 10th month day trading futures, and its been a long battle. THANKFULLY my girlfriend is a finance manager and has a HUGE budget at her job to finagle so getting our finances in order during the "break-in" period was easy as pie. She didn't mind working while I was at home losing money. And now that I've crossed the most major plateau coming into the year anniversary of going it alone, I really feel that I'm there on the path to consistency. Am I banking HUGE amounts of cash? For my needs, absolutely. For most other traders? I make pocket change. But that's not what I'm really in it for. Trading for me is a means to live without the limitations of a job. As long as I can consistently make what I was making at my other gig then life is grand. I mean...we grow lots of our own food, pay next to nothing in utilities for our home because we're SUPER "earth aware" in our usage, have just 1 car (Scion xA which gets 32mpg in the city, 36 on the highway easily)...so with expenses as little as ours and life as great as it already is...trading then becomes something easier on the mind. Anyways, thats my ramblin'
  9. Funny you should mention that I used to teach in the Nashville Metro School System a few years back. Though it was just K-4 Music and Art. Getting paid to play with clay and construction paper was the 2nd coolest job I've ever had...well, next to being in the studio and trading I guess it's 3rd.
  10. HAHAH! And the Goobers, too. Don't forget the Goobers!
  11. Thanks for the props and you're welcome!
  12. NO kiddin!!! So, for those who use Sierra, here's a Q. When I trial'd it a few months back I found it very clunky. (yes I do use some windows progs on my Mac via parallels) What was the learning curve? The reason I ask is because I would really like to do some cost cutting of my rig. If I were to use the 33 dollar Sierra with my TransAct feed, my cost would be 33 bucks a month instead of almost 200 a month. SOOOO....with all the headaches that I would endure using Windows alone, do you feel the headaches learning to use Sierra as well are worth the cost savings? If I have to I will use the PC side of my Mac more often...it'll hurt, but I can do it. Thanks
  13. Yea, if Sierra would have a platform for the Mac, I'd be ALL over it. IRT is the cheapest solution I've got for being on a Mac that I've been able to find.
  14. yea, quicktime is free. Im on a Mac so that's about all I can use.
  15. Also, remember Im by NO means a market profile expert. I've read the same stuff you're reading and just try and apply what i see. So please be easy on me if you find mistakes!
  16. Here is a .mov. It's 15 mb MP_Video.mov
  17. Hubert doesn't really get into the actual auction theory. He bases his thoughts on the fact that price just respects the value area levels. There hasn't been any insight from Senters' videos that I've seen with regards to MP unfortunately. I'll try and make up a video in a little bit. What sort of things would you want me to cover?
  18. Are you looking for a video describing how one would trade with MP? Or are you wanting a video of market playback?
  19. I did used to use them and for 40+ trades a month I used to get a check back for 40 bucks to cover my internet expense. That was pretty sweet. No one else I've ever come across does that.
  20. Sierra Charts will offer a playback functionality that works well. They are cheeeeeap too. I think you can get on board for like 24 bucks a month and data is able to be provided through tons of different brokers for free.
  21. YES! Call it Tins Bearish Candle Maybe they'll make a monument of sorts...out of brass, or maybe marble. All joking aside, as bf said its all about understanding the candle itself, not knowing the name.
  22. JP loves this trade, and this is a pretty classic example. Looking at the market right now after I took this screenshot isn't a good follow through of it, BUT it gives you what you want to look for. Note how price formed a topping range at the 30min low. Then price broke down from that range (Entering the 4th phase of the market cycle) and then all of the sudden price is met with TONS of volume at the 200ma (this is a 5min chart). That excessive volume on that kind of a range body closing where it did (those VSA students will know this) is showing you buying. That bottoming tail is "excess" in the market. What is the job of traders? To take advantage of that excess. So, when participants started to buy at those lows, an aggressive trader would buy the close of that hammer. That would get you in at 13429-430. The top of that move happened to be a little above 460 giving a 30 point + trade. I would normally expect a jackhammer to give more upside than that. This is where mixing candles with some trader psychology comes into play. When seeing SUCH a strong reversal candle there's gonna be lots of buyers that bought inside that candle and along the way up. When all of the sudden price stops and a candle engulfs almost that whole move, what happens? Those guys who bought it DUMP it. That's what is happening right now as I watch. The YM has dropped over 100 points in the last 20 minutes and is pumping TONS of volume into these bars. So, with seeing that powerful signal get rejected about 30 points later, one move is to short the failure. Failure are often times much stronger than the actual strong signal itself. The stronger the original signal, the stronger the failure. So, just a note on the "Jackhammer" candle formation.
  23. Truthfully...just reading Daltons stuff and having some screen time and really knowing the psychology behind candlesticks will give you what is most important about MP. It's really all about the psychology of the market participants. There's much more than just buying at the low value area and selling at the high value area. Knowing "who" is doing the selling or buying and where "they" are gonna get uncomfortable when "their" positions go against them to be able to start to see where the stop runs will be and such...thats the essence of it all IMO.
  24. I pay 50 bucks a month for my data plus exchange fees which I think racks up another 50-60 a month, InvestorRT for charting which is 40 bucks a month and commissions at 4.75 rt doing average 8-10 trades a week, so that'd be around 190 bucks a month for those. All told around 330 a month. My internet is 30 bucks a month if you wanna count that in.
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