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Everything posted by TinGull

  1. Thanks for the kind words Pivotprofiler. I wish I had something to show with today's action...but its just awful. I'll pull up some other charts and get rid of the MA's for ya Oh...per a request by another member, I'm going to split this thread into another thread since it's long as all heck. Easier to wade through that way.
  2. dogpile, at what point in the day are you starting to accumulate your volume information? I have the HVN for todays trade at 1541.00. Not tooo far off, but was just curious.
  3. Another fun one...just now. Still is real thick on the offers....
  4. With the long bias you guys talk about...I get a little worried about it as it seems to be losing some steam. Here's a composite profile for the past 10 days, broken into 2 5-day profiles. Seems as though price is starting to lose some steam and *could* come down a bit before powering higher. While I'll still be on the long side of things mostly...I'll be doing so with some caution.
  5. What you speak of here is what VSA is all about.
  6. Also wanted to point out how we can SEE that VSA is working via Volume Breakdown on InvestorRT. Note how price is heading down on decent volume while we're seeing a decrease in the net selling...this means that more buying is happening here and then we're awfully close to net 0 when that HUGE volume down bar comes into the market. Via VSA we know that this could have some hidden demand in the bar, and adding the VB indicator confirms that for us.
  7. Also, wanted to note....ES was stuck between 2 POC's yesterday. The POC from 9/19 and from 9/25. Price is awfully close to the 9/19 POC this morning, and oughtta give for some interesting action around that spot.
  8. HA! Thanks Ant. You just make me wanna work harder, that's all
  9. Sure, my stops are beneath what you would logically think as pivot lows/highs. So the first stop would be beneath that hammer, maybe 2 ticks or so. If I get stopped and it turns out it just wanted to spike me out, it only takes a commission to get back in. As for the rest, I use the last area of S/R that's shown on the chart as my pivot for a stop. If you want something more written out as far as prices and such for stops, let me know.
  10. I am absolutely enthralled with this kind of analysis. This is the kind of stuff that makes me feel like I'm realllllllly stupid and slow and like I don't know left from right. Makes me wanna work harder to understand it all. Thanks Ant!
  11. A video on today's ES action through my foggy VSA lens...input is always appreciated! You should have QuickTime plugin installed to view this. It's a .mov http://www.tingull.com/trading_vids/ES_VSA_092607.mov
  12. I'll do it now I guess. Funny how volume and price can tell you things BEFORE the news actually hits the wire, eh? This giant move up this afternoon was on a potential stake in Bear Stearns that Warren Buffet has been talking about today. I was long before that happened, but clumsiness on my execution platform made me click my stop to the current market action and got out with a teeeeeeny profit. That large hammer/spinning top on very strong volume was my cue to look for longs. Obviously some demand looking at the bar itself, but when the next bar closed UP, I knew things were a go.
  13. Thanks a bunch Pivot. Really appreciate your analysis always I've never traded gold before, but am thinking about jumping aboard tomorrow cause the volatility Im seeing there is much better than the indices right now. I'll post up a chart this evening with a trade I was in on the ES.
  14. http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f30/how-to-post-a-chart-properly-805.html
  15. Chart of Gold this morning. Interesting stuff.
  16. That bull flag on the 5min here. Hitting the top of the channel so far and not pushing through it. Just praying its not gonna be another slow day....fingers are crossed.
  17. This is also known as Weinstein Analysis where the market travels in 4 phases. Phase 1 is an accumulation phase, 2 is an upward trending phase, 3 is a consolidation around the stopping price and 4 is a distribution phase.
  18. I trade the ORB failure almost exclusively fwiw...
  19. Right, I know that plays can NOT make money when you would *think* they should. I never bought straight up calls or puts...I always sold spreads. Understanding how the option is priced and knowing that the when you buy something because the underlying is going up, the volatility that is pumped into that option you just bought is what you paid for. The underlying can still go up and as time progresses the option call can not make money. All I'm saying, is that I don't think it's as difficult to grasp as some people make it out to be. The most important thing to understand is the volatility and if you're going to BUY premium...you really need to understand that. You want to buy something not when it's going up, but when it's in an accumulation phase. That way the volatility isn't getting pumped in by news just yet, but people "behind the scenes" - so to speak - are quietly accumulating. This makes the premium cheap and then the volatility gets pumped up and the price of the actual underlying may not move at all, but you're in nice profit. I prefer to know when vol is really kicking, and watch the charts for strength or weakness, and sell a spread that's likely to supercharged with volatility so that the underlying won't *have* to do much for the vol to dry up and my premium to stay in my account.
  20. HAHA! Options aren't really that difficult to understand. I think a lot of people make it out to be more difficult than it really is. Sure, there are a lot of different strategies one can use to make money, but in the end its all based on the parent chart and if you can read one chart, IMO, you can read all others. If you're interested in trading options, then PM me...I've got lots of useful info you want it.
  21. yea...I just dont see the sellers yet. There is a tad more excess for longs to be concerned about than cheering on on the 5min chart anyways...but nothing thats making me excited about either direction.
  22. Looks like it's struggling up at the bottom of that range box.
  23. Hi Ravin, You're certainly correct when you mention that price will react a certain way when it reaches a high volume or low volume node. Typically one would watch for volume to start to decrease as it comes into a HVN. If it starts to "attack" that node, then chances are very high for a break through that area. Same goes for LVN's.
  24. I totally understand. I just don't use a black background in my charts, so I'll try to just use black text on my lighter background from now on.
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