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Everything posted by aaa

  1. my last question EL inputs: Periods( 10 ; variables : DR( 0 ), Eb( 0 ), EV( 0 ); // different computations of DR EV = Extremes( H , Periods , 1 , DR , EB ) ; AFL DR( 0 ); Eb( 0 ); EV( 0 ); // different computations of DR EV = HHV( H, Period ); // where to put DR ? PS I don't find any documentation in Extremes function in TS Help Strange because it works
  2. Hi Head2K I must say that it is hard 2 understand even tho your Xplanation is Xcellent But now I don't have any error I should have wrote the entire formula because now I dono how to incorporate the second condition The best is 2 write it in EasyLangage if DR <> H AND DR < PDR then if PDR <> 0 then DR = PDR ; Is it correct translation in AFL ? for (i = 0; i < barcount; i++) { if (DR[i] != High[i] and DR < PDR ) if (PDR[i] != 0 ) DR[i] = PDR[i]; else DR[i] = 0; } PS I understand NOW how EL is easy....
  3. ThanX 4 the reference Guide in C It's great !!! AmiBroker has an Xcellent help So In AFL AND is AND I took off the AND and my error 6 is still here Grrrrrr DR = 0 ; DS = 0 ; ODR = 0 ; ODS = 0 ; PDR = 0 ; PDS = 0 ; if DS != PDS ) ODS = PDS ; if ( DR != High ) // Error 6 here ODR = PDR;
  4. Hi Ochie I'm learning AFL U afraid me saying AFL = C !!!! I didn't knew that !! C is complicate !!!! != works But I I have error 6 What do U think ? DR = 0 ; DS = 0 ; ODR = 0 ; ODS = 0 ; PDR = 0 ; PDS = 0 ; if DS != PDS ) ODS = PDS ; if ( DR != High AND DR < PDR ) // Error 6 here ODR = PDR; I don't understand that below = Error 6. Condition in IF, WHILE, FOR statements has to be Numeric or Boolean type. You can not use array here, please use [] (array subscript operator) to access array elements The if keyword executes statement1 if expression is true (nonzero); if else is present and expression is false (zero), it executes statement2. After executing statement1 or statement2, control passes to the next statement. Expression must be boolean ( True/False) type (so it CANNOT be ARRAY because there would be no way do decide whether to execute statement1 or not, if for example array was: [True,True,False,.....,False,True] ) if( expression ) statement1; else statement2; EXAMPLE if( Close > Open ) // WRONG Color = colorGreen; //statement 1 else Color = colorRed; //statement 2 Plot(Close,"Colored Price",Color,styleCandle); The above example is wrong, as both Open and Close are arrays and such expression as Close > Open is also an ARRAY. The solution depends on the statement. It’s either possible to implement it on bar-by-bar basis, with use of FOR loop: for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) { if( Close[ i ] > Open[ i ] ) // CORRECT Color[ i ] = colorGreen; else Color[ i ] = colorRed; } Plot( Close, "Colored Price", Color, styleCandle ); It is also possible in this case to use IIf( ) function: Color = IIf( Close > Open, colorGreen, colorRed ); // ALSO CORRECT - working directly on arrays Plot( Close, "Colored Price", Color, styleCandle );
  5. Hi Silly quick question The = signe in AFL (AmiBroker) is == What is the difference sign ? in EasyLanguage ; if whatever <> H In AFL ; if whatever ????????? H ThanX
  6. Hi JB4 First I must say that I'm a beginner Please if I make mistake could others correct me ? Average((H+L). ???? What is H, L, what does Average L + H mean? ( High + Low ) / 2 XAverage(Price1,Len). I suppose it is the avearage of the last "len" bars for the indicator Price1 Correct. XAverage - X means the Exponential Average Regards aaa
  7. Hi Ashaq I'm glad 2 read that U, and others, enjoys it aaa
  8. Hi nilu Sorry if I can't help U I'm learning AFL Language I've added these 3 lines code 2 C on a chart your system X MM System.txt is the complete working code 4 AmiBroker Good luck aaa Plot( C, "", colorBlack, styleCandle ); shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow; PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorBlue, colorYellow ), 0, IIf( Buy, Low, High )); X MM System.txt
  9. // Kiss 20-10 Indicator // Author: aaa // version: 1.0 // Date: 20100101 // coded in Very Easy Human language // How to : // Put the kiss.jpg as a Wallpaper on your background desktop. // That"s all folks ! // Iff you like it, share this indicator with your friends ! //----------------------------------------------------- inputs: //---------------------------------------------------- I Wish ( to all ), for the ( coming new year), all the ( best ), for ( their personnal life ) ; //---------------------------------------------------------------- variables: //---------------------------------------------------------------- with.1 ( good health ), with.2 ( much love ), with.3 ( peace around you ), with.4 ( success in trading ); Plo1( I Wish ,"" ); Plo2( for the ,"" ); Plo3( all the ,"" ); Plo4( for ,"" ); if with.1 AND with.2 AND with.3 AND with.4 then begin PlotPaintBar (Low, Medium, VeryHigh, ""Happy New Year", RainBowColor, SuperBigSize ); else begin Loop until 2011; end; Kiss 20-10 Indicator.txt
  10. // EW Oscillator Breaking Bands // Author: Unknown // http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/message/105938 // version: 1.0 // Author: aaa // version: 1.1 // Date: 20091226 // added: a few tweaks EW OSCILLATOR BREAKING BANDS.ELD EW Oscillator Breaking Bands.pla EW Oscillator Breaking Bands.txt
  11. or a snowboarder in the Alps mountains ? or the Copenhagen climate summit ruined ? or a graph + an indicator ? Who really knows ?
  12. Hi Wallan ThanX 4 your clever advice The cycle looks very well on the chart Good Xmas 2 all aaa
  13. Hi TAMS nice work ! I like this very smoothed indicator It follows well the trend
  14. Hi shrike Here are the indicator + function 4 MC with added = Inputs: Cycle_Price.Choice ( 1 ) , // 1 2 or 3 Vars: Cycle_Price(0), if Cycle_Price.Choice = 1 then Cycle_Price = ( $b_T3A.s((H+L+C+C)/4, 5, 2.3 )); if Cycle_Price.Choice = 2 then Cycle_Price = ( $b_T3A.s((H+L+C+C)/4, 5, 2.9 )); if Cycle_Price.Choice = 3 then Cycle_Price = ( $b_T3A.s((H+L+C+C)/4, 3, 2.3 )); ------------------------------------------ It's easyer to swap for choosing a slow, medium or fast tweak. ------------------------------------------------------------ _Instantaneous Trend Line v2.pla
  15. Hi Wallan1 ThanX 2 share with us your interesting way of trading Your tweak is Xcellent May I suggest to add this ? if Cycle_Price.Choice = 1 then Cycle_Price = ( $b_T3A.s((H+L+C+C)/4, 5, 2.3 )); if Cycle_Price.Choice = 2 then Cycle_Price = ( $b_T3A.s((H+L+C+C)/4, 5, 2.9 )); if Cycle_Price.Choice = 3 then Cycle_Price = ( $b_T3A.s((H+L+C+C)/4, 3, 2.3 )); _Instantaneous Trend Line 2.txt
  16. Hi FrankT Here is a snapshot of your indic with the Stochastic same values.on the same 5 mn chart. Please correct my code adaptation if necessary Regards Sto Divergence TrendLine Different Calculation.txt
  17. aaa


    ThanX Shrike Here is a snapshot
  18. inputs: Price( Close data2 ), Length( 150 ); variables: MMX( 0 ) ; MMX = XAverage( Price, Length ) ; Plot1( MMX, "Avg" ) ; value1 = Text_New( D, T, MMX, "~") ; text_SetSize(value1 , 32 ); Tams, Would U mind 2 load this indicator modified ? As U C there is a gap beetween each "dots" and the line 'hides" the gaps Of course the last bar is in RT (not like with ADE) but the "dots" between each step are missing It is not smooth when we plot a 150 avg 60 mn on a 1 mn chart It is impossible 2 trade this way No steps ( Xcept 2 heaven !) In fact I know that it is possible with a function But I'm not able 2 do it Can someone code my "idea", if it is a good one of course ! I must say that I don't use any indicators 4 my trading except 3 avg 30 150 750 and my 750 avg that I use is not accurate Help will B very appreciated
  19. What I have created is the FUNCTION The indicator is for demonstration only. TL_Rectangle (EasyLanguage Function) Oups ! I must wear glasses...
  20. ThanX TAMS 2 write 18 lines 2 repeat it again & again This is what I've leanred from TAMS 2 B clear First in my head 4 my personnal work Then 4 the others 2 receive the correct answer But The road is hard...
  21. Is there a way 2 eliminate steps scale ? 1 way is 2 plot directly the avg from data2 to data 1 That's what I've done here (always with step) http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f56/multi-data-stream-analysis-easylanguage-7165.html#post82170 I've read that there is a way 2 compute an avg from a hiher time w/o data2 with a limitation = it must B a multiple May B on a 1 mn chart take the close of all the 5th mn and then compute the avg of the last 20 * 5 mn close ? And then add each mn close from 1 to 4 th mn to the close of the last 5 mn ? PS Sorry I'm not good with maths I'm quite sure that TAMS will ask a mock up :haha:
  22. // Sto Divergence TrendLine // Author: MARKPLEX // version: 1.0 // Author: aaa // version: 2.0 // Date: 20091129 // added: // divergence on top + // Line.Color.Top + Line.Color.Bot + Line.Size + Plot.Sto in inputs From http://markplex.com/tutorial4.php -------------------------------------------------------- Sto Divergence TrendLine.txt Sto Divergence TrendLine.pla Sto Divergence TrendLine.ELD
  23. Hello May B It could help coders w/o TS platform 2 have the latest release of EasyLanguage help file TS 8.6 EasyLanguage Help.rar
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