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Everything posted by aaa

  1. * In my example It could B interesting 2 test different lenght and draw an horizontal line at an eventual resistance in the future 2 C what gonna happen ? * It could have been a nice short entry ( bubble blue = trend down ) the day after on monday at the open a little bit over the 32.38 resistance
  2. Hi Tams I use your smart indicator on all of my averages and I adore it It's cool to see quickly a reverse But it is based only on the 2 last bars It draws a line between 2 points like a finger Showing a direction with Amibroker it shows the entire last 17 bars (ex on my graph) projected in the future This is a huge difference Moving the slider shows in RT that it is all of the average which slides in the future In my example It could B interesting 2 test different lenght and draw an horizontal line at an eventual resistance in the future 2 C what gonna happen ? Regards
  3. How to Please delete the .txt extension and put the indicator in your preferate Formulas subdirectory **************************************************************** Dear James Should it B possible 2 add *.afl FileType in the attachment key ? Best regards
  4. // Name : MA Ribbon // Date : 20100112 // Release : 1.0 // Language : AFL // Author : TAMS // http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f46/ma-ribbon-6992.html // Adapted from Easy Language : aaa // Color : Head2K // Public license , Terms of use: // You are required to include this header if you incorporate // all or parts of the concepts or codes of this indicator. // Differences with TradeStation or Multicharts // 1) The lenght is adjustable with a slider in a floating window in Real Time // 2) The loocback is projected in the future MA Ribbon.afl.txt
  5. Thanx 4 your clever advice Everybody should B aware of the frontier beetween the dream pretty game colored software indicators and the black & white reality of market where they are imo 3 mainly indicators UpTrend DownTrend Range ---------------------- How do I trade ? With a magic lampe!!! Seriously Like everybody I try 2 buy when the price is low and I sell when the price is high The opposite in downtrend I hold a position from a few minutes to a complete swing trade only in daytrading on Estoxx future I don't use any traditional indicator but a simple home made system based on price observation I've noticied that studying programming is an Xcellent way 2 learn But 2 learn what ? I don't know exactly how 2 explain that , may B logical, concentration ,conditions, eventuality, resolving, perseverance, humility, etc... like with a chess game, like with a chart (?) the only thing I'm sure that I have 2 learn for understand things arround me. And the more I learn indicators, the more I think that they are not (4 me, always imo) the only (best ?) way There is an alternative 2 find which can make the difference beetween trading and a Be a Trader I spend a huge time just 2 observe "naked" price 2 communicate througt mind with the other people behind them It's an egyptian language and I don't have (yet) the rosette stone 2 help me I think that Trading is a personnal instrospection and each one must find his own way with their own instruments I am not married with Multicharts and AmiBroker could B an other interesting alternative platform My questions here are 2 learn , not 2 trade flying carpets with a magic lamp !!! And I appreciate a lot your straight honesty. regards
  6. Dear Head2K I agree with U Here is my personnal Xperience and that's strange it matches yours Strange... did I say Strange ? It's strange... When I was... 18 month ago B4 I used 2 learn EL which was kind of an educational programing language from TradersLaboratory so I had an idea about what a loop is and so on. :bang head: So the only thing I can say is that EL is probably easy, :question: because if one has some elementary knowledge of programing languages principles, :smoking: then he/she can learn it very well only from the help included in TradersLaboratory :cheers: from wonderfull members :applaud: Kind regards aaa
  7. My supposition If no condition is filled then result = 0 else = 0 Korrect ?
  8. IIf( EMAactual < EMAactual[1] , colorYellow, colorBlue); // WRONG IIf( GOOD ? , colorYellow, colorBlue); // Good ?
  9. Dear James Should it B possible 2 add *.afl FileType in the attachment key ? Best regards aaa MACD - Histo 4 Head2K.afl.txt MME Bubble 4 Head2K.afl.txt
  10. I've coded in AFL a special indicator 2 show U where is the problem I"ve also coded in EL EXACTLY the same indicator and the colors matches perfectly
  11. It's a gift that they are people like U always ready 2 light up the darkness of our minds I'm mad at me that I always badly exposed my questions even tho I thought it was clear So I will now separate ALL questions with Code + graph
  12. I'm surprised to arrive to transpose "easily" code from EasyLanguage 2 AFL I thought C is complicate but, for easy indicators I use, it is OK May B AFL is the "EasyCLanguage" ?
  13. Hi Head2K ThanX again 4 your help Ref( formula ); is the key of the magic carpet 2 make it flying Now 3 questions for a champion :haha: ------------------------------------------------ about else ColorBuble = IIf( Condition1, Color1, IIf( Condition2, Color2, IIf( Condition3, Color3, IIf( Condition4, Color4, ElseColor )))) ; For each condition we must add a ) at the end In this case I don't need the elseColor But it works fine Is there an other smartest way ? ------------------------------------------------ I've seen that the colors is 1 bar late than normally How 2 avoid that ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't arrive to change the color of an avg when it changes trend EL if avg > avg[1] then SetPlotColor[1](1, Line.upcolor); else SetPlotColor[1](1, Line.dncolor); AFL IIf( EMAactual < EMAactual[1] , colorYellow, colorBlue); The problem is the [1] I think
  14. Hi Tams I shouls have precised that it's a snapshot from the Xcellent help... It was 2 illustrate the ICHIMOKU stylecloud which is similar than your MA Ribbon PlotOHLC(Span1,Span1,Span 2,Span2,"Cloud",colorWhit e ,styleCloud ); Oups....
  15. I've adapted MA Ribbon from EL 2 AB http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f46/ma-ribbon-6992.html#post78174 How 2 plot a cloud between the 2 avgs and change color area when avg crosses ?? Here is my preliminary code Plot(C,"Price",colorBlack,styleCandle); Periods = Param("Periods", 30, 2, 200, 1, 0 ); Displacement = Param("Displacement", 30, -150, 150 ); Plot( EMA( c, Periods ), "", ParamColor( "ColorMM", colorBlue ), ParamStyle( "StyleMM") | styleThick | styleNoRescale ); Plot( EMA( c, Periods ), "" , ParamColor( "Color Delay", colorWhite ), ParamStyle( "Style Delay") | styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel, Null, Null, Displacement ); I've found this from ICHIMOKU The problem is where 2 put Displacement ? PlotOHLC(Span1,Span1,Span2,Span2,"Cloud",colorWhite ,styleCloud );
  16. May be you haven't read my code before posting ? Tams is a serious trader and much more... Regards
  17. behr Sorry but I have no information This code was lost in an other forum and I've found it enough interresting 2 post it here. Have U tried google ? In an other hand, IMO, an intuitive observation can also give interesting information ? Regards
  18. You are so kind Head2K I don't want 2 waist your time anymore I will take time now 2 understand everything new I've learned Array is a complicate concept 4 me I need 2 find a new brain. Is there cheap second hand brain with math option 2 buy on this site ? I've started with AB & AFL one week ago so I'm a real baby impatient 2 play with my new Xmas gift if U don't mind, may B next WE I'll ask U some more help ? Many thanX 4 your patience And good sunday aaa
  19. DR = HHV ( H, Periods ); I've tried that B4 W/o success We don't need EB oExtremeBar Numeric Outputs the number of bars ago the extreme value occurred. Here is my script at this point but I'm overlimit and I don't understang anything more The algorythm is dancing the samba in my head I wish 2 B more intelligent sometimes... if ( DR != PDR ) ODR = PDR ; ODR = PDR ; PDR = DR ; //oExtremeVal = Extremes( H , Periods , 1 , DR , oExtremeBar ) ; DR = IIf ( Dynamic_R != High AND Dynamic_R < PrevDynamic_R AND PrevDynamic_R != 0, PrevDynamic_R, 0 );
  20. Gooood I've changed my code in EL For the multiple steps of logical B4 the formula I've used 2 conditions 2 clear my mind and I didn't cleaned up this unusefull 2nd condition at the end of the proccess I prefer the difficult way rather than the loop Bcoz it's more logical & elegant & short This construction below is perfect 4 me DR= IIf ( PDR != High AND DR < PDR AND PDR != 0, PDR, 0); I'm very closed 2 my aims with your wonderfull help Do you have any idea for the last problem ? EV = Extremes( H , Periods , 1 , DR , EB ) ; highest closing price = HHV( H, Period ); The formula "hhv( High, 4)" returns the highest closing price over the preceding four periods; number of periods = HHVBARS( H, DR ); The formula "hhvbars( High, 4 )" returns the number of periods that have passed since the highest price reached its 4-period peak. How to match HHV and HHVBARS to make EV ?
  21. My indicator has 537 lines code in EL I've succeded to transpose in AFL all of them except the 2 problems above that I replace with something different So I'm able To see the result on a chart Is there a debug window with a print statment like in MC in AmiBroker ?
  22. EV = Extremes( H , Periods , 1 , DR , EB ) ; highest closing price = HHV( H, Period ); The formula "hhv( High, 4)" returns the highest closing price over the preceding four periods; number of periods = HHVBARS( H, DR ); The formula "hhvbars( High, 4 )" returns the number of periods that have passed since the highest price reached its 4-period peak. How to match HHV and HHVBARS to make EV ?
  23. How 2 put the second condition if PDR <> 0 inside the formula ? Target in EL if DR <> H AND DR < PDR then if PDR <> 0 then DR = PDR ; ------------------------ First condition if DR <> H AND DR < PDR then DR = PDR ; DR=IIf (DR != High AND DR < PDR, PDR, 0); Second Condition if PDR <> 0 then DR = PDR ; DR=IIf (PDR != High, PDR, 0);
  24. What I've learned here in AFL <> is != if is used only for nbers OHLC are arrays not numbers EL if DR <> H AND DR < PDR then DR = PDR ; AFL DR=IIf (DR != High AND DR < PDR, PDR, 0); DR = PDR if condition is true else 0 and the result is now an array Loops are slower EL is logical AFL is conceptual and need // instructions Sometimes we need 2 functions in AFL to convert an EL function
  25. Here it is Extremes (Function) Disclaimer The Extremes function returns the extreme highest or lowest value over a range of bars and how many bars ago the extreme value occurred. There may be times when two or more bars have the exact same extreme highest or lowest value; when this happens the function identifies the most recent occurrence. Syntax Extremes(Price,Length,HiLo,oExtremeVal,oExtremeBar) Returns (Integer) The oExtremeVal and oExtremeBar output parameters return the extreme value and the number of bars ago it occurred. The Extremes function itself returns a value of 1. Parameters Name Type Description Price Numeric Specifies which bar value (price, function, or formula) to compare for highest and lowest extremes. Length Numeric Sets the number of bars to consider for extremes. HiLo Numeric Sets whether the function will return the highest or lowest extreme value. 1=Highest, -1=Lowest. oExtremeVal Numeric Outputs the highest or lowest extreme value found for the range of bars based on the HiLo setting. oExtremeBar Numeric Outputs the number of bars ago the extreme value occurred. Remarks The input parameter Price can be a bar value such as Close, High, Low, Open, or Volume. It can also be any mathematical calculation such as: ( High + Low) / 2, or a numeric function such as RSI, Stochastic, or ADX. See Multiple Output Function for more information on using output parameters to return values. Example Assigns to Value2 the highest High of the last 20 bars using the oExtremeVal output parameter, and assigns to Value3 the number of bars ago the highest High occurred using oExtremeBar output parameter. Value1 is assigned a value of 1: vars: oExtremeVal(0), oExtremeBar(0); Value1 = Extremes(High, 20, 1, oExtremeVal, oExtremeBar); Value2 = oExtremeVal; Value3 = oExtremeBar; See Also ExtremesFC, ExtremesArray, NthExtremes.
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