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Everything posted by aaa

  1. Bonjour Nuno Tu oublies la mysterieuse clôture de compensation officiellement à 17h35 qui donne le prix de fermeture définitif dayly. 12 * 8 + (100/12*7) = 103 26 * 8 + (100/12*7) = 223 AMHA "trafiquer" les valeurs des indicateurs en fonction d'une cloture à 17h30 ou 17h35 ou 17h36 comme tu peux le voir sur l'image (et des fois 17h45) est hazardeux ************************ Pour le scanner d'AB cela marche bien en utilisant "Parameters > Periodicity" et de relancer l'explorer Pour un graph Avec MC Une solution est d'Utiliser plusieurs instruments à des résolutions superieurs en "subchart > Hide" dont les valeurs des indicateurs sont toutes identiques. Ex = ecran principal = 1 mn = MACD 12-26-9 Subchart Hide = 5 mn = MACD 12-26-9 ******************* Un autre problème est La resolution 1 heure pour le CAC par rapport a la cloture dayly 8 barres de une heure + une barre de 0h35 par jour de trading ; AMHA la lecture des barres et Tous les indicateurs basés sur le temps seront faux ou biaisés... Si on part de l'idee que toutes les (intra)barres doivent etre de durée identiques dans une journée, la resolution immédiatemt inférieur devrait être ; 8h * 60mn + 35mn / 5 bars = 103 mn En testant visuelement quand disparait la dernier barre orpheline avec AB ( Preference>Intraday>time of last tick inside bar) (et en fonction de mon fournissur de flux et des 40 valeurs du CAC ) on arrive à peu prés à ce resultat de barres égales en temps pour une journée ; Dayly => 005 bars = 104 mn 027 bars = 20 mn 103 bars = 05 mn 515 bars = 01 mn Pour le FCE c'est plus facile 14 * 60 = 840 7 h 6 h 4 h 3 h 2 h 1 h 30 mn etc... Cordialement aaa
  2. ****************** Happy VD Tams ;-) ****************** my.best.indicator.txt
  3. Try This ;=) ****************** http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f46/my-best-indicaaator-9287.html
  4. Ichimoku Kinko Hyo? The next Japanese Candlesticks? Learn to trade the simple way ****
  5. Ciao clochardo Algo is similar in both indic So we should have same divergences Have U tweaked both with same values ? Is anyone else have found this prblem ? it should work in all resolution What do U mean ? Like divergences everywhere ? Hope these charts helps U 2 B a future "Divergence Guru" ;=) *********************** Hi Tams Something like this Tams ? Please, click on div ori 2.jpg 2 see high resolution graph) ************************** Best rgds 2 both of U *************************** ***************************
  6. Gollumtrader condition1=(High-Low)<Lowest((High-Low),Length)[1]; Good idea ! I've added it on my birds lines indicator & it looks good ************************************ Have a look on the Excellent Tams' Candle Pattern indicator below Best rgds http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f46/candle-pattern-5736.html PatternName = "3InsideUpPattern"; if ((O2>C2)AND (C1>O1) AND (C1<= O2) AND (C2<= O1) AND ((C1-O1)<(O2-C2)) AND (C>O) AND(C>C1) AND (O>O1)) then begin Message = Message + PatternName + " "; plot70(c, "3InsideUpPattern"); end else noplot(70); PatternName = "3InsideDownPattern"; if ((C2>O2)AND (O1>C1) AND (O1<= C2) AND (O2<= C1) AND ((O1-C1)<(C2-O2)) AND (O>C) AND(C<C1) AND (O<O1)) then begin Message = Message + PatternName + " "; plot67(c, "3InsideDownPattern"); end else noplot(67);
  7. The indicator also detects hidden divergences Hi Adam Try this hidden divergences indic below U can mix regular div + hidden div on a price chart The code is easily tweakable Only 4 Multicharts users I've posted also an indicator which plot div lines directly on the sub chart rgds StochRSI Hidden Divergence TrendLine.txt
  8. Hi v101 trading is a philosophy TAMS gives interesting "Greek" questions ;=) about blinking signal if Condition1 then PlotPaintBar( Low, High, "Your.Indic", Up.Color, default, 10 ) else if Condition2 then PlotPaintBar( Low, High, "Your.Indic", Dn.Color, default, 10 ) Else Begin NoPlot(1); // blinking End;
  9. The “All Data Everywhere” library (or ADE for short) is a set of EasyLanguage functions and indicators that allow you to store any kind of data for any symbol and bar interval. You can then access that data from any study or strategy, regardless of the symbol or bar interval. Oups, Sorry 4 my english A master graph stores data on a file or in memory (send ?) and a slave graph read (receive ?) this data= is it correct like this TAMS ? any kind of data should include texte surrounded by "", ain't it ? I've read carefully the attached pdf & I don't C anything about texte... But I don't C well ;=) I use ADE in many indics 4 a long time 2 share values beetwen graph w/o pblem Except when I've tryed recently 2 share texte ADE Master example from my first post var: myTexte( "hello" ), InfoMap(MapSN.New ); Value1 = MapSN.Put(InfoMap, "my.Texte", myTexte ); Value1 = ADE.PutBarInfo(Class, GetSymbolName, ADE.BarInterval, ADE.BarID, InfoMap); ------ Compiled with error(s): ------ Incorrect argument type. All Data Everywhere.pdf
  10. var: myTexte( "hello" ), I'm afraid that it's impossible 2 send texte surrounded by "" via ADE... ... untill someone post an example ;=)
  11. Hi I'm looking for old datas for personnal historical analyse any market/countrie < 1900 Specially daily DJ < 1897 It could B yearly/Monthly/Weekly or (who knows ?) dayly resolution Also looking datas for these 2 instruments => Gold once London in dollars < 1985 Petrol WTI in dollars < 1986
  12. EasyTrader_I Good 2 know that it's possible ! Would U mind 2 post an example ? ///////////////////////////////////////////////// I've found this very limited trick but it works fine ADE Master Value1 = MapSN.Put(InfoMap, "Hello" , myValue ); ************** ADE Slave myText = MapSN.Get(InfoMap, "Hello" ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// aaa
  13. MC code explained by TAMS is always a pleasure ;=)
  14. The “All Data Everywhere” library (or ADE for short) is a set of EasyLanguage functions and indicators that allow you to store any kind of data for any symbol and bar interval. You can then access that data from any study or strategy, regardless of the symbol or bar interval. Is it possible to send texte via ADE ? var: myTexte( "hello" ), InfoMap(MapSN.New ); Value1 = MapSN.Put(InfoMap, "my.Texte", myTexte ); Value1 = ADE.PutBarInfo(Class, GetSymbolName, ADE.BarInterval, ADE.BarID, InfoMap); ------ Compiled with error(s): ------ Incorrect argument type.
  15. They are Economic datas (Equities, Commodities,Stocks, etc) from 1200s available 4 academic researchers (university) and analysts (Central banks, government agency) I'm looking 4 Dayly Dow Jones from 1885 to 1901 New York Stock Exchange from 1792 or Philadelphia Stock Exchange from 1789 or Standard and Poor’s from 1871
  16. I've a found a trick 2 bypass Windows limitation Now I'm Looking 4 datas B4 1901 from any kind of Countrie/Market/instrument 2 test it It doesn't matter the format
  17. It could B also French perpetual debt ;=) Did U know that the world capital transactions was not New York, but Paris ! After the 1789 revolution in 1900 the government restored the property of the nobility in return emitting 1 billion gold francs to perpetual debt. These annuities became a trade of 70 billion. Compared to the annual budget of 4 billion government it was astronomical.
  18. Hello Smart Tams It could B cotton... or British pound ;=) The written history of the U.S. industrial economy began in 1901. And Before we have only cotton or British pound history. Please, Tell me if they are others historical data available 4 the XIX century ?
  19. Hello Is there a trading software able 2 import data B4 the Windows 1900 calendar limitation on a 32-bit OS ? Ex Importing data from 01/01/1888 to 11/02/2010 ? aaa
  20. AmiBroker 5.30 User's Guide AmiBroker 5.30 User's Guide.rar
  21. Tams' code here + infos http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f46/fisher-transform-6329.html
  22. ************************ Hi Here are answers 2 different Private message questions + data used in the video. - The music is extracted from a nice Puppini Sisters song = Mr Sandman http://www.actionext.com/names_t/the_puppini_sisters_lyrics/mr_sandman.html - Yes, of course !!!!!! sandman@gimeadream.sky is not a valid email :=)))))))) Is trading a dream ? Is an indicator a sandman ? Is TradersLaboratory in the sky ? Only U knows the answer... ;=) - Yes, Windo(g)s is not a software like Windo(w)s ; it's much more ! - Yes, if I have time, I will post more Tom Demark's indicators in the future ;=) best regards *************************** 9 mn video ( 4 better visualization U can zoom in your Internet browser page 200 % or more) ; Instrument = FCE Future Date = 2010-02-10 Resolution = 1 mn HLC bars Hours = from 09:04 am to 5:23 pm (Full cash day trading hours) - Yellow & cyan bars = indicator signals - Red Lines = (imo) manually drawned S&R in pause mode 0904-1723.txt
  23. aaa


    ********************************* Kiwi' Excellent solution is used on servers with partitionned disk (even 4 the swap file) and can B used by traders which needs an Rock Stable OS. IMO Every Week End is a better security and let's start a clean safe 5 days trading It takes only +- 10 mns with an automating CD Booting The Ultimate Safe way ( but Is anybody doing that on this site ? ) is 2 use a computer with a fresh OS installed & free of any software except those needed 4 trading IMO also installing all the softwares on an other partition than the C: OS makes a smaller/quicker image 2 clone Also writing in a texte file each new installed software with his release + system tweaks + date + comments 4 each incremental BU, is good 2 know which software makes trouble and come back in case of future unstability. ******************** IMO it's a good idea 2 save this image ON AN OTHER HD in case of virus non booting problem. Using 2 (or more) HD with multiple image copys on server/CDs/Memory Key is the highest security level Also, In case of any kind of trouble, a second recent imaged HD ready 2 B swapped, is the solution 2 keep trading with only a few minutes of trading interruption. C: (+-13 Go from a 20 Go partition) > E:\Ghost Images\Cleaned C_Drive ( +- 6 Go compressed Image on my WinXP Pro system ) E:\Ghost Images\Cleaned C_Drive > C: (Recover from a CD Boot or Memory Key) ************************* D: (all Partition) > F: (mirror copy of your entire documents & software with ADCS) **************************************** Tweak UI can do that automatically **************************
  24. aaa

    TD Waldo 02

    DeMark Indicators TD Waldo Patterns TD Waldo 03 http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f46/tom-demark-waldo-3-a-8415.html
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