My first impression is that you execute a lot of trades a month if ur account is directly with Transact. Which leads us to Amp. Amp is an Introducing Broker/IB for Velocity and TT as you may know. My Amp account is really a Velocity account Cleared at Pension.
I have had demo feeds from TT, TransAct, Zen, MB Trading and Trade Navigator running at the same time. After printing the screen (Alt/Print Screen) and comparing the last price and total volume - TT, TA, Zen were all the same. MBT and TN were low on Vol which leads me to believe that some of the data is missed. There is a room that pushes TN and bad mouths Interactive Brokers for not providing all of the data - which reminds me I would stay far away from PFG Best or what ever else in the name.
I have a bad taste with Ninja (was thinking of buying before the mouth full). An update was released and I started having hangups. Others did too. Support tried to help and during the remote control of my computer she started removing software from my comp. (yes I said OK - my fault). But the sad part is that it was a .NET Framework 3.0 or 3.5 issue and before they figured it out about 3 wks later all Ninja support could was deny, deny, deny and it was all the users fault - not enough memory, to slow cpu - on and on. Ninja is a RESOURCE HOG. Maybe I am spoiled as I started out with AmiBroker a fast clean program even if they might us "reverse polish notation". Since you must still be here I will explain. 1st it is meant to be funny. How - I never understood those expensive HP calculators of the 70's/80's as I heard that they used "reverse polish notation" what ever that is. 3rd - The smart guy that wrote AmiBroker lives in Poland. enuff enuff.