The trading strategy(s) you utilize is completely up to you. Traders International may seem expensive, but you are buying into a BUSINESS. Most businesses cost upward of $100,000 (AUS) to set up (how much do u think it costs to start a simple corner store). On top of that, it is completely liquid, meaning, u can sell it in a short space of time (providing u can find a buyer), something you can't do with a physical business. Not every systems works for everyone.
I have tried many other systems and been sorely disappointed, but Traders International works for me (have been with them for over 18 months), but it may not be for you. It is up to you what you decide on. Trading will take time and money, there is no easy way about it. You will have losses and gains, this is fact.
If you don't treat trading as a business, don't waste your time, money and effort as you will be sorely disappointed. Find someone who trades for a living (and I don't mean someone who spends every waking moment on a forum or chat room talking about what works and what doesn't) ask them what use, try it out and see if it WORKS FOR YOU. This will take trial and error.
I love TI (traders international) and my trading plan based on their system works for me very comfortably, but this took MONTHS of paper trading to get it right. Maybe a good idea to get hold of a copy of Trading in the Zone (Mark Douglas), the information contained therein is priceless.
Enough from me, I have money to make and a holiday to take.
Good luck and happy trading.