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Everything posted by Foale

  1. Morning all... nothing leaping out as yet....could be a slow morning
  2. Is your stop still 75 though...:haha:
  3. Do I know of him? not sure what you mean...
  4. sory this was my earlier silly short at 7172 out this Dax short 7171 at +1... phew
  5. not really sure...out +10 6326 that was the Ftse short... from 6336
  6. Taz there is no stop on that one at the moment...
  7. Closed the wrong one I see...typical... Been a bit lonely this am...was more compnay on the old "European" thread
  8. not so sure we wont go higher short term...so closed the Ftse short at 36 +5...left other one running
  9. I am reluctant to trade any more today... I am well up mostly on Dax...and more afraid of giving it back...than bagging a few extra points....
  10. You know..I thnk the chance of a whipsaw is greater than a change of a profit atm
  11. did anyone get that....I deliberately had and early meal...as this time is usally quiet..
  12. Its very trecherous... Rally being sold into... I suspect all will be come clear later on...
  13. Europe suspicious of Dow over 12900 pre open although Dax the more bullish after this ams news Picture might clear after the figures
  14. I see my limit Ftse short at 6247 remains unfilled...pity... :frustrated: Some great icons here...Hopefully we wont be needing this one on this new home :fight:
  15. out my last Ftse long at ..6241 pleased with that...and too risky with Dow hovering on 12900... Hey I see some new members have arrived...:helloooo:
  16. Thats becasue I am a FULL TIME trader... I do believe there are opportunities around...infact...lots of times during the NY session its can be more of a waste of time than now..ie moves less clear Sometimes I just look for exits or entries...and let it ride.. I dont post all my trades because some are just small adds for example. I try to post the bigger moves...and have multiple small longs or shorts at differnt prices...so I am not all or nothing..( this is easier to do with spread betting ..as margin required is smaller Today for example on this quiet morning..I have been very cautious...and am up 50...mostly on the Dax all Longs If I had been more "trade what you see..and dont think" would have been more..as charts were saying BUY from 9.00am... See you in the PM.. ( Sorry..perhaps this is better in the general thread) But at least its a post here.. :o
  17. I still have upward momentum in Europe...although wondering if a peek over 12900 dow might bring out a rush of shorters
  18. You have to wonder if just shy of 13000 was another bear entry point... The price action..ie being held there for a while might support this arguement... Might be a boring morning... unless news/ figures dictate otherwise
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