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Everything posted by Foale

  1. Tempted to long Dow at 12913 with 30 stop...not doing it ..but posted here so can slap myself later..
  2. Hey 5 days 500 points.... no pressure ...
  3. Question Why do Lee, Firewalker and Buzz...have a '+' after theri names ?
  4. eek I am hoping that earlier WAS the decisive down break...at least for today... However...you are obvoiusly on a wider timeframe than me... Well done so far..
  5. Our mistake is not waiting for EBG to say he has closed his shorts.!! and FW to post he is long Dow for another +100
  6. Bad luck there...Buzz... I have 6259 as S2 pivot point and of course...the lure of 6250 as a round number... so not surprised it went for that once it broke lower..
  7. those that shorted Dow at 13100 might be tempted to close here if have not already done so.... imo Market did not immdeiately go short on 1:30 figs...so might be as expected...but as shorters are in contol...My take is that they are driving the price down to get out before NY open... If I am right..will be a PM rally... so Long Ftse...6253
  8. Whats the saying...."Trade what you post !!" lol maybe next time....
  9. Agree with you about GOLD...everyone seems to be writing it off...went to $850 in 1980... been to $1000 now... its a round number but not the peak of this cycle..I hold for the longer term..( and will be something to look at if stocks really take a tumble one day)
  10. Thanks the way to do it...well done...!! You may be right taking out some longs now... but I am going to wait for the 1:30 figures...so I can buy at 30 points higher
  11. Although we are back at Dow 13000 I am wondering if 12950 is more of a 'pivot point' / support.....in the scheme of things..
  12. That is interesting thanks for that...
  13. Have we just seen the highs of the week I wonder...? Anyone got any useful stats... Fib at 161.8 or the moon in Uranus etc to call the top...will have a look at longer term charts...
  14. out the 226 at 215 +9 and glad to have it...
  15. Sorry Wasp just realised it was FW Long..... my mistake.....
  16. Impressive result WASP however looking back I cannot find your opening call...going long was it a long while ago?
  17. Come on guys! We need contribution here. We don't want the Live FX to be more popular than this thread :o It does seen as if the European traders finding their way more easily over here... The old thread on T2W has died...its odd as if they cant access things over here you would have thought that they would have continued to post to the old place...
  18. Well done FW on that Dow... I still have to shake off that weekend hat...
  19. coulda woulda shoulda....lol Dow 13100 should offer some resistance This is the trouble with the FTSE individual sectors distort things banks... miners etc.....today was the miners... although dow also rising... But Dax that only has the Dow effect...up far less..
  20. short Dax 7226 (stop 7250) already short Dax 7195
  21. Psts cross. nice call....as very jumpy this am...
  22. looking good for you...given so near your target...ru prepared to give it all back? ie stop to B/E
  23. 34 point stop on Ftse you must be looking for a lot of downside...
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