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Everything posted by Foale

  1. Dax is certainly weak...although a bit directionless atm Longer term may well be down. leaving it alone for the minute Ftse pushing its upper (daily) boundaries 6200 a target and strong resistance imo maybe a touch and then down Good to see a non day trader on here to round things out...of course finding a 'Trend to follow' not and easy task lately....good luck
  2. Yes its 1999 dot Com time for Oil.....all that talk of $200 per barrel doesnt that scream short... of course...from what level... I still feel that $30-40 bucks of the price is speculators driving it up...
  3. Can't make my mind up whether we should be above or below 7000 Dax... should we be rallying at all with Oil at $135 per barrel
  4. Nice one...a few 100 points to you I reckon... that sort of result does not come along too often
  5. Oil nearly $131.50... dont expect a rally anytime soon
  6. I did expect a breach of $130 to trigger selling but never had the nerve...to short it... $1 off the highs now..
  7. bit rash that in a falling market....but it let me out for +1
  8. I dont think that the markets like this $130+ oil price... Me on the other hand or the Commodities thread...maybe...are happier with my 87cent/points for 2 hours work... Do pay us a visit...
  9. Closed at 130.13 200 will have to wait til next week... +87 cents/points
  10. Soros saying Oil entering 'parabolic phase' now... isn't that otherwise known as "fools rush in" phase...
  11. Limit exit triggered while away from PC at 6242 -10 and happy with that... since yesterday afternoon have been extracating myself from buying what was in fact NOT the lows of the day on Dax and Ftse yesterday..!!.. all out now.
  12. Out of the Long Dax at 7125 +13 other one wont be so easy..
  13. Small rally at the end last night....nothing to write home about...and in no rush to extend it this am...so far.. Still have a long Dax from yesterday at 7112 and a well underwater long Ftse at 6252
  14. Wasp you are an active trader... I bought some OIL today at $129 then chickened out..tiny loss and LONG WEAT (Wheat) from 4.0400 not a Day trade..
  15. I still believe a rally possible in the last hour in DAX and DOW if not in Ftse...
  16. Yesterday was an up day today a down day...and both seem exaggerated... thats about all I can say...
  17. It might just be a long at just over 12800 Dax also rallying off lows.... Just that silly Mining Index... err I mean FTSE.. staying well down...
  18. Fire is that 10 trades each... lol ok better start with my 10 losers... ( 12900 by tea time?)
  19. Hi Dinos.... looking that way...Welcome...
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