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Everything posted by Foale

  1. SoulTrader...2 full point stop... be interested in your... target? you must be bearish...
  2. Short Oil 129.50...finger on button....:pc guru: stop 129.82 edit :....stop moved to 129.15 to lock in +35 limit 128.31 second thoughts...out 128.96....on a poor fill... +54
  3. Short Oil 129.50...finger on button....:pc guru: stop 129.82 limit 128.31
  4. Impressive result there...did exactly as you predicted I am looking for some early Dax trades
  5. Dax recovered all this ams losses... I would rather be long Dow at the moment.
  6. who knows but this whole last week looks very toppy My expectation if that we will trade with $130 as a ceiling...rather than a floor for a while... PS down to $129 now...
  7. The "crash" in the price of oil.....down $4 in the last 2 hours...may well lend support today to equities
  8. Yes I can read a chart thanks..... closed now -6...
  9. Nice going Guys....So it really wasnt UP today then..... lol I get a couple of smacks...and now back for a rethink again a I am just not getting the larger moves... thankfully its the long weekend... Have a good one...
  10. Risky Dax long at 7065 limit 7095 stop 7050
  11. I am never that lucky.... Long Dax ...short Ftse...sort of pair trade... Closed the short Ftse at the low....worked out well... It might be tomorrow before it becomes clear whats going on... I have no idea why the Dax is so strong...and was fighting it all day..what an idiot..and presumably Ftse weak on falling oil shares despite the Oil price...
  12. unusual behavoiur...Ftse cant stay up Dax cant stay down...
  13. stop on Oil today need to be over $1...very volatile! I will wiat til it clams down a bit
  14. LOL unbelievably ended up +1 on Dax at 7001 !...expected i to fall everntually..had 22 odd on the table...gave it back...just does not want to fall today... Ftse out at 74 for 41 in a better trade...although Ftse still looks weak to me...
  15. ok so it wanted to touch $135 first....should have thought of that.. right idea not enough room..
  16. Short Ftse 6215 added short Dax 7002 Test of 12600 futures and the lows of yesterday b4 the NY open?
  17. EBG nice to see you here....more commodity traders than I thought...
  18. out 134.86 was good for while...back later -35
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