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Everything posted by Foale

  1. Taking some pain now...thank goodness they are small positions... that rally on the back of the ECB rate rise news...really caught me out...
  2. Out 6960 +17 Dunno why it fell like that though...
  3. Hi I use eisgnal... and have volume bars on my 5 and 15 min charts
  4. Its weaker than I thought... short again Dax at 6977
  5. Short Dax 6992 out...81...looking for a better short entry
  6. Dax does not seem very happy up here ....Only the Dow futures spike forcing it up to the 90's Early volume was pushing it down, I feel that will return. Also the ECB rates will go upcomment ...going to weigh on it..... Ok ...now the price will jump 50... .Indicators look high too.... might have to be a bit patient with this one...
  7. Oil jump in price going to start worrying the market soon jumped $4 in the last 3 hours
  8. It certainly is volatile... Lokks like my second sell going to triger......yes short Oil $126.40 Original Short $124.74
  9. short Oil $124.74 Hi Brown....no...stops in the market...although try to choose entry carefully... not and exact science in Oil though. Have been offside 300 in the past.. atm feel its sucking people in then will drop to $118-120 in the next week or so.. you going to give it a go?
  10. short Dow 12524 So Lee are you net long or short Ftse? Stopped as not sure direction... 535 -11
  11. Short Oil $123.67 banking another 76 cents
  12. nice one...did not expect that fall...
  13. ok Wake me when FW makes that potential +100 Dow call that he doesn't take lol
  14. Short Dow 12424 Short Ftse 5977 out ftse 5956 +21 out Dow 12426 -2
  15. out $122.22 +108 while its making up its mind...
  16. Hi I see you are a professional futures trader interesting... not a sit at home one like some of us. Like many on here I only chatted to other on FW's little closed community thread on T2W and did not venture out into the big world of Public T2W threads... so got a few new people to get to know..now that we are all together on TL... Cheers David PS what is AT?
  17. Trying another Short $123.30
  18. Hi 86834 ... Be really good to have a bit of info on the Traders Spec area... everyone else has revealed a few facts about themselves at least it might explain what "Clients" mean.... I am assuming you are not an Estate Agent !
  19. Shows you how out of date that is....
  20. Whats happens when FW adn Wasp get to "100% Trader IQ's...." I hear they then share a proportion of their profits with other board members...
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