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Everything posted by Foale

  1. are we using the threat of sub 12k Dow for the professionals to load up on longs? Phychologically a good level to scare weak holders... No idea is thats going to happen...but starting to wonder if its back to 12175-200 before 11800...
  2. thanks for that trading posting trades and answering questions you the man today...
  3. I take it your trading the Sept right
  4. 86..do you have a short or long bias today/anyday or just flip as you see it?
  5. I quess long term more about pendulum swinging... Excellent trades though on both accounts...
  6. 86...I thought you would be riding that down to 1300 ...being long term..
  7. Lately this week I have felt out of tune with the market...timing that continues today...so looking at the wider picture... I am seeing the rally off lows today... setting us up for a fall deeper into the 11k area...so much so that 12,000 Dow becomes a ceiling rather than a floor... The pump might be all of today...and and dump Friday/ Monday... I have found trading it too micro a level has just whipsawed me out. this week...
  8. Just not comfortable with this at the moment Clearly there is the threat of 12100-12080 and its too risky... will be back with my swing longs later... out Dax 56 +8 out Ftse 78 +0
  9. Long Dax 6748 Swing trade Long Ftse 5778 Swing Trade Dow level 12130
  10. Reason for the close.. 15 min Dow looks over sold.... I have 12188 area as a pivot support and likely it will bounce back over 12200 in the near term
  11. Decided not to be too greedy on my first one..... closed Dax short 6798 +47 closed Ftse short 5855 +70
  12. Ok trying again with some June Futures shorts... short Dax 6845 stop 6875 swing trade Short Ftse 5925 stop 5955 swing trade
  13. Closing this ahead of figures will restablish Short later on... closed 5898 -14
  14. FW..comment "I think most members have pretty much followed those rules, but I'll keep an eye out if there's too much chatter going on. There's nothing wrong with just a small explanation why you entered or exited" Totally agree... nothing wrong with a bit of chat / comment but if you are not going to be posting live trades you should not be posting at all to the "live trades" thread imo. I would be interested on your thoughts on the above.. Basically why should I bother posting my trades if others are not going to post their trades / positions..?
  15. Feeling less confident...could go higher first... out 23 +1 aim to short later on
  16. . short Dax 6824 . stop 34 . short term trade
  17. Going to add a d) to my posts...the last 2 should have had a d) swing trade..that means opened with the expectation that , if not stopped out it might be held overnight and closed tomorrow.. Its done as a "contract" trade in this case June 2008 I will also post other trades denoted "short term" that might be in the same or opposite direction.. which although more than scalps (hopefully) will be trades that will be held for a hour or less.. and will have a correspondingly tighter stop... these will have a lower win loss ratio % than the "swing trades" and are executed as "rolling cash" trades
  18. a) Short FTSE 5884 b) stop 5904 c) reason same as Dax post earlier.
  19. I believe that a Live Trade thread should be just that... Post live trades and perhaps a comment why you have done it. I think you said thats what the aim was somewhere... Back in T2W you seemed to enforce this much more...Here in fact there are many rooms to post different things in...with many more topics covered...yet on this thread it seems anyone can post anything... If you are not going to post live trades to have your success and failures for all to see/share perhaps change the thread name to .."Trades and chat" If it goes back to trade posting only plus a comment from all the traders I will start posting again.. However in good faith here is one from me... a) Short Dax 6824 b) stop 40 c) reason looks very overbought... 12310 Dow strong resistance
  20. I have other positions...that I have not posted... I have to say Lee I am sat here wondering whether as you dont post your own trades live on this thread whether you should really be commenting on mine.
  21. I dont think the bears will have it all their way.... 12450 possible first..
  22. I am leaving those while I can .... I did no another couple of quickies netting +65..... too quick to post but yes take the loss springs to mind...
  23. US unemployment 5.5%....they dont seem to like that...
  24. Right idea...never stayed in long enough...
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