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Everything posted by Foale

  1. ok Phil... looking for ...11882 by the close... lol
  2. you still looking for the same trade as posted earlier...even though we have done it already..pre market.?
  3. No one posting perhaps someone had one too many Stellas last night... I take that back lol
  4. Long Ftse 5593 out +10 Long Dow 11762 out flat
  5. Perhaps the reverse might be a winning play today...
  6. Good chance of retesting Days lows imo...However apart from that anyones guess
  7. Well it certainly could jump...and continue to 11930 ish
  8. Wondering not if we will see 11800 but it that will contain it? Does not look good to me....11750 by the close...? Cant really see a reson to be long Other figs to bandy about.... 11634 I think is the years low in Jan 11732 March Low
  9. is the food indicative of profits earnt... average day....Baked potato good trade .... Steak Loss ....force yourself to eat a salad Bigg loss Force yourself to eat a quiche.. lol
  10. Well its really just a continuation of your short from 12100 yesterday... Well done...
  11. Long Dow 11973 stop now set at 48 out 63 -10
  12. 12116 ish....not bad... Should come off now...
  13. Looking for it to break up from the Dow 40 to Dow 65 area soon
  14. ok we havea fallen under 12000and from the just over 12300 high quite sharpish... Sticking a fib on that fall...I see that a 38.2 retrace...equates to..a decending line on my 2 hour bar... lol so looking for longs on anywhere near 12000 to take up up to the 12120 area...by tomorrow... dont all laugh at once.
  15. Yes was excelent to see some quick fire trades and commentary...
  16. Rather impressed with your trading prowess but extremely impressed that you can get a baked potato at work...
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