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Everything posted by Foale

  1. Sounds idiotic to say so now...but I was expecting an upward break this evening...but was out since 7pm...should have left something on with a stop I suppose... Dunno why I have a set up that separately tracks the bigger swings to be traded via Contract trades and I am not doing it so.... When I get the next signal I am going to post it...Perhaps if it them moves..95 points...I will be so fed up I might take the position....next time. Today 12 trades 1 loser...
  2. you dont think that $136 a floor... back to $139 anyway....amazing trading there.....
  3. 10 bucks off the oil price in the last couple of days....
  4. Buzz I talk about doing theses longer contract trades...you are doing them well done...
  5. Crude back down at $140 lending support...
  6. Freddie Mac (FRE: 11.24, -3.26, -22.48%) plunged 20% on heavy volume as the government-backed mortgage borrower tumbled to 14-year lows. There was no official news on Freddie Mac on Monday but Frederic Ruffy, options strategist at WhatsTrading.com pointed to worries about the company's stock sale plans. "The options market is bracing for big time volatility in" Freddie," said Ruffy.
  7. So what caused that fall oil back at ....$142
  8. Its not often I go waway from the screen and it works out... but my short...ftse and Dax did me proud...... Sorry I closed my short Dow but....cant complain... All flat now Hi drlicks....
  9. Well I am coming from a background of 5 min bars...so find it difficult to change..to holding longer...but if I have 5 min bars I definately wont be letting them run... This way I ONLY have to learn to let the longer bars dictate my thinking...and I will be making a lot more points each time... not finding it easy...but for me its the way to go I will get there... wish my kid was a bit older then he could say... BUY SELL and more importantly.. "LEAVE it DADDY !" cos the signals work... Also I am more stoccy and less bars orientated...so whether 5 , 15 or 60 not so important...
  10. Is it me or have we lost the EDIT button lately...
  11. Yes I do...support and resistance...but increasingly my tailored stochashic.. which can be dangerous... as stretches as you know.. I have learnt to master it of late though..once in a trend its very good .. Also declutered my screen... got and am screen (ok 3) set up and a pm one...helps me move on... Mondays/Friday I have a smaller profit target as other distractions are around..I look for basic set ups..and spend more time flat... Just plugging away at those points....
  12. ....also if you are long ftse and dax in the cash and Contract trades...of course its 4 positions...and that even if goes against you slightly... start to feel it... sooner than later...
  13. STill find it a struggle to hold on though...went it starts going my way...this am no exception...was short Ftse at 60 early doors....closed far too early One problem with larger size in the past is that you need a larger account... easy to trade away at £5pp say...make some money...then move to £10pp on not much bigger size...and margin over used. I like to trade at a level that margin not a factor...in the decision making process
  14. LOL Deliberately keeping trade size small at the moment...although will increase it a bit next week....Still think in terms of points though.. and the addition of contract trades will add to my margin use also... While there is considerable discretion for me in terms of cash trades... try to keep with the smaller trend if not the bigger one..plus times of day I avoid...etc etc... I want to be more mechanical with contract longer trades..( ie dont think too much...Signal-and -act) To be clear I still only expect to have them 24 hours...or less..so long term relative... so perhaps up to 10 cash trades per day per index(ftse/dax) (5 for Dow)...and 1-2 Contract trades... Goven I can really only look at 2 indexes at a time...tend to do ...ftse and dax 7-1...then switch over to Dax and Dow 2-7ish.. And I do take several hours break at differnt points during the day...in case you think I am screen staring for 12 hours per day.. Anyone else like to run through their methodology... basic set ups up etc... Oh and lastly my smallest chart time frame....now 15 mins!!
  15. see you all next week...I am done now I made 647 points this week.Average per day was 129 .. happy with that especially as Monday was a net 8! Next week more contract trades that I leave open in addition of usual cash trades/scalps My largest individual gain this week was 43 Want to improve on that.
  16. Had I been awake early enough... Contract short Dax and Ftse from the off... then job in and out of the fall for a few cash trades the way to go in the end only did the latter... made +41 Ftse (3 trades) and +16 dax getting fed up with low volume so might be done for the day...
  17. Cant see anythin to really recc. a rally this am... dow futures on back foot... in low volume.. Oil over $146 General market indifference as no NY Days like this tends to blow one way then the other in wider swings than normal as small positions move the market more than they normally would They often end back where they started...Lets see.
  18. closed 45....wow that was quick... +17
  19. Well we will have to show them with our pin point trading accuracy... I am still going to do the cash trades that have worked so well this week...but I want to stick on 1 or 2 Contract trades to garner some +50's infact they are the ones that I am more likely to post about..as in theory they are lower risk...over a longer period... todays signal gave me one long and then earlier one short on the Dow...that I would now be thinking about closing.. The Dax would have been one long from near the start...that I would still have had open...even though we are 30+ off the highs.... Of course there trades always make more in the major market direction which is of course...still predominently down...
  20. Phil I did more or less exaclty that trade... 307 to 287...never had time to post as was limit entry when not at screen
  21. You know I was just thinking that I should have run a Dax and ftse Contract trade alongside my cash ones... and just leave them... always tomorrow... Well done on that one...
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