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Everything posted by Foale

  1. FW ws trying to tally up your winnings today...but my calculator does not have enough zeros.....
  2. More like 10800 imo You wont hear much from me for a few days as I sort out my rubbish positions and claw my way back.... lol Have a good weekend
  3. I might have been a tad early with those longs
  4. Just got longer my limit long Dow triggered over tea at 11235...stop on this one just under 11200
  5. I will re assess at 11350-70 if it starts to go that way that is... Its done wonders for my underwater Stg/Usd position... Also Crude down trying to break new lows at $106.40
  6. Long ftse 5399 Long Dax 6294 Long Dow 11307 Just back from school run...in time for the start of th rally !!
  7. out 6436....got fed up with it....still not bad from a crappy entry... waste of time though... +20
  8. Picked the wrong index this am...Ftse 85 down off its peak
  9. closed 6468 +20 now only other one left...
  10. Not getting it right this am on Dax....even shorter at 6488 (thank goodness for my crude short)
  11. out this last night 458 Still got the Dow though Doh...
  12. FW dont you remember you used to put on your trades pre market then close after first hour....and put feet up what happenned to that style of trading...?
  13. The action has been in currencies Monday... well that and the footie transfer market...
  14. Hi guys....have taken 50 out of the Dax this am..I dont post as no one is home in the am... anyway pleased with my start, and encouraged that others are trading the Dax..
  15. I expect the Dow to recover 11700 and more next week.... and would not rule out a rally to close the week... ie in the 11650-700 area
  16. oh well...thank good ness for stops... short 11650 stop 11675
  17. Attachments are fiddly on here... you have to see it ADDED as a file before you post.... I have had some problems
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