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  1. OK, i get the commission and Im fine with that. But the contracts vary in size? Let's assume i have an account open with 5k in it. If I buy one contract, how much cash do i need to pay for it? See, im use dto options where you buy it for 2.10 lets say, and they come in packs of 100, so one contract costs $210.00. Can you put in those terms? sorry im not getting this part of it.
  2. I am a new trader and I like the possibility of YM trading. There are some things i know about YM and some things I dont. Can anyone hlep fill in the blanks? I know that YM works off a point system with each point being worth $5, so if i buy one contract long at 12330 and sell at 12335 then i made 5 points times $5 per point for a $25 net gain. I have also been told that YM doesnt devalue over time like options but that it just expires on the third Friday. 1. What I dont know is what a contract costs to purchase. 2. Like if I wanted to buy one contract for June 08 Futures. 3. What if I wanted to buy June? 4. I also dont know if there are trade limitations on daytrading accounts under 25k like options. 5. If I only have enough in my account for 2 contracts, is there a limit of times i can scalp in and out of the market in a day? Thanks everyone!
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