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Everything posted by TradeRunner

  1. Thanks certenotti. I don't know if your follow rugby but I have just spent an enjoyable 80 mins watching Italy beat France!
  2. Hi Ingot I don't feel pushed out at all and I'm liking the wide cross section of music! I remember as a kid buying the sheet music to "walking in the air". I love Santana my favourite Santana track is Oye Como Va. Here is a great track that is used on an advert in the UK and was on last week "Skins" episode: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8a4iiOnzsc]YouTube - Radical Face 'Welcome Home'[/ame] Here is a track that I love with incredible guitar playing: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh3bleXWaCk]YouTube - Funkadelic - Maggot Brain[/ame]
  3. Two from Philip Glass that I like... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7NUz5ivqYg]Philip Glass - Opening (from Glassworks)[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpoWWnR348M]Einstein On The Beach Knee Play 5[/ame]
  4. In the past there was a one off payment to become a premium member which I guess is why I can access this part of the forum with <150 posts.
  5. Maybe member who choose not to remain anonymous (probably because they use this site to advertise an existing business) should waive the right to sue.
  6. That would be my assumption as well. Let's hope the owners aren't underestimating the value people like Kiwi provide the site. I hope TL isn't turning into a site full of vendors and newbies.
  7. I'm disappointed to see that Kiwi has been banned from this site. I would have thought TL would be bending over backwards trying to keep and encourage contributors like Kiwi. Unfortunately people of his calibre have been drifting away from TL on their own accord for some time.
  8. I recommend this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0861713214 but like MM says the steps are simple and can be found on the web for free.
  9. I rarely get a chance to hear decent music any more so I thought it would be good to have a thread that we can share songs that people might have missed whilst doing other things. My track for today is Lake Of Shadows - Moving Hearts. It's been around for a while but it is new to me: [ame= ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANCOk1gQOrI[/ame] There is some talking at the start - the song starts 1:17 into this video. I think this is a breathtakingly beautiful song, but I played it to my wife and it did nothing for her - oh well I guess music is a very personal thing!
  10. I wasn't saying it isn't competitive just not as competitive a becoming a professional tournament golf player. I know nothing about golf -100 is just a figure I picked out of the air. Maybe todds will chip in with a more accurate figure. While trying to come up with a more educated number I did find this on wikipedia that made me smile: "The great majority of professional golfers (at least 95%) make their living from teaching the game, running golf clubs and courses, and dealing in golf equipment" I did find this tennis ranking sites that gives current 2011 and career earnings: http://http://www.atpworldtour.com/Rankings/Singles.aspx?d=14.02.2011&c=&r=101# I think that this shows the number of players tennis players that could live of their tournament winnings would be in the hundreds. I hadn't thought of the multi-sport / different trader types aspect. And also how many traders (trading their own money) make a living off just their trading income? Maybe that number is also very small as well. TradeRunner
  11. Do sporting analogies with regard to making a living (professional) really work because they are a great deal more competitive than trading? For example where in the rankings would you have to be to make a living from playing golfing tournaments? Top 100? I would argue that cut off point in sports where you can make a living from just playing that sport tends to be a finite number of positions/rankings whereas in trading it is a ratio between successful and unsuccessful and the number depends on the total trader population.
  12. Congratulations Jon. You deserve your success with the amount of work you put into getting there. TradeRunner
  13. Hi Ingot How did you get on with the exercise in chapter 11 of "Trading in the Zone"? TradeRunner
  14. Wasn't Jimi Hendrix and many other great musicians self-taught?
  15. Thanks for the reply on the blog. I would like to see more of a balance between your winning and losing trades after all how you deal with your losers is an important part of the trading equation isn't it? It will be interesting to see how many of your readers agree. Do you show all the losing trades in a sequence? That isn't the impression that I have got - maybe I haven't paid close enough attention. I personally don't have a problem with you selling your DVD and time. Don Miller does a similar thing however I think his blog presents a more "warts and all" view of trading. TradeRunner
  16. Hi electroniclocal Do you ever have losing days? Have you had a losing day since you started documenting your trades on your blog? If so could you identify that day so that I can read your blog entry? Thanks TradeRunner
  17. Well perhaps they do - I will leave it to others to find out. I use range bars because I find they are good at squashing down time and that helps me see the support/resistance levels where I might want to trade and a 10s - 1minute chart to fine tune my entry at those levels. So I guess you could say I own range and time bars:) Like you say you have own your system.
  18. I would love to here some feedback on his training course/material. So come on EL students don't leave him hanging!
  19. A trader who wants to represent a true picture of day trading A trader who thinks that his losing trades are just as interesting as his wining trades what trader wouldn't want to focus on his losing traders? A trader who wants to sell something and losing trades are a bad advert. A trader that is deluding themselves, others or both. A trader who wants to protect their ego (and I'm not specifically accusing EL of any of these, just iterating some reasons not to focus on losing trades) This is a forum for discussion and EL's blog is public and so is fair game for good and bad comments. EL used to work LIFFE's trading floor so I'm sure his skin is very thick! I'm not giving him sh*t just pointing out that his representation of trading is very rosy.
  20. Yes I understand he plays just for fun. He does say "there is no real edge" but that conflicts "a system that usually wins". Actually not sure what he means here - is he saying that sometimes he walks away from the table a winner (just for that session) or that he is a roulette winner long term? I didn't make an analogy I was just pointing out that splitting the sessions up doesn't make any difference to the probability of winning at roulette. You can walk away a winner from roulette and if you never play roulette again then you will be a long term roulette winner, but if you continue to play you will eventually lose over the long term. Yes I definitely have doubts about my own ability. "a bit twisted seeing others do it" not really. I enjoy his blog and have read all of it but must admit to being a bit turned off lately when I see perfect pullback entries. I think he has shown losing trades but don't think he has ever discussed his losing days (he must have some losing days?)
  21. ...more things to make you go hmm! "I have a roulette "system" that usually wins. Everybody says there is no such thing, but I can go to a casino and can usually walk away ahead. That's the key: "walk away ahead". I discovered that my methodology in roulette results in cyclical swings a lot of the time. I play for fun, not money, as there is no real edge. But how I win is that when the cyclical swing is in my favour and I'm ahead, I stop as a winner." EL thinks he can win at roulette by stopping when he is ahead. So his idea is that playing roulette in multiple sittings is somehow different to playing it in one continuous session. How does this work? Your "luck" somehow resets after a break! I don't think EL has understood the fixed probabilities of roulette. Does anyone else thinks EL's trading entries are a little bit too perfect?
  22. Don Miller has recorded one of his trading sequences on the ES: Out of interest I marked up his entries and exits on 1 sec chart:
  23. My guess for end of the first quarter: INDU 12400 SPX 1330 COMPX 2930
  24. Hi Steve Nice to see you back here. I think you are saying that the ES market is moved to an advantageous technical position overnight when volume is light and therefore easier to manipulate. but then you say... In this quote you are saying the European markets take the lead and ES follows whilst outside the US session. Why would it be less risky to move the ES overnight when you would in fact have to move the large European market - who are wide awake? TradeRunner
  25. You could moderate every post from newly registered users that contains an external link. Once a user has proved they are genuine say after n posts then their posts are no longer moderated in this way.
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