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Everything posted by Gabe2004

  1. Additional 2 trades from last night. Thanks to this thread i am noticing a slight change in my trading. As noted in Thales' well taken comment about me taking profits at 7 ticks :crap: last night my average profit was closer to 20 pips and the time in a trade went up to over 1 hour compared with a few minutes in the recent past.:beer::applaud: Gabe
  2. This was my confusion but I should have explained it better, like you did. Take care Gabe
  3. Hello Thales I am confused. Could you please look at the question in the chart that I have attached? Thanks Gabe
  4. I have to check whether my house is bugged and you did not put some cameras in here I was watching it while surfing and I made a BOOBOO which so far worked in my favour. Still have 1/3. Not anymore. S/L hit.@ 143.86. Maybe it was too close. Gabe
  5. My latest trade of GJ. I have switched to trading in x3 (3 units). The logic behind this is to take profit on 1/3 at a level that will cover a possible loss on the other 2/3 if the target for the 2nd 1/3 is not met. I have taken profit of the 1st 1/3 at what seemed to be a logical resistance point while giving me somewhat of a decent profit. Take care Gabe
  6. statistically speaking you are right Actually yesterday I made 15 and 20 but I am not proud of it. Can someone give a chart example of a 2B pattern? Thanks Gabe
  7. The trade with the 80 pips gain happened while I was watching TV. It seems that whenever I don't watch the charts my gains are larger because i don't try to second guess myself. I don't know why watching the charts is more difficult than to leave them alone. Still working on that. Take care Gabe
  8. Don't feel bad Forrest. Another train will come I have to find a way to stay in my trades longer. This time it would not have helped but in general it would. I don't know how to control the premature eja....(sorry) closing of my trades Need therapy Gabe
  9. Thank you I remember that the original site was shut down but I did not know that this started. It's good that someone could convince Dr Brooks to do this. Gabe
  10. Hello Jolee Where is the site where you got these files from? Thanks Gabe
  11. I/we hope that all will end up well Thales. Gabe
  12. Here is the chart for my trade from yesterday Too bad that I cannot stay awake 24 hours a day without side effects Notice the 50% retracement around 01:00. Gabe
  13. I like to compare the market to a mechanical system. Just like a ball that is dropped to the floor does not come to a complete and immediate rest right at the first touch of the ground, and just as a spring which is released from an extended position does not contract immediately and stop exending and contracting, the market is the same. It moves with impulses that start with a gradual acceleration and then a deceleration phase that takes several osscilations to get to a steady state. I hope that the above visualisation is clear. Take care Gabe
  14. Hello Thales I got 80 pips out of the move. I was watching a movie and did not think that the move down will be so decisive and quick so I was not watching it (a blessing by itself because knowing myself, I would have closed half the position after 10-15 pips but as things happened, i got my full target for both halves). Anyway, it was a good lesson for me iby bracketing the move. I shoud have put my secondary target at around 143.50. I am not sure about the 1st target. Thank you for your explanations and comments. Take care Gabe
  15. Hello Thales Thank you for your comments about my chart. Please look at it again as I have edited it probably at the exact time that you posted your reply. I have added a short option. What do you think about the entry point for the short? Thanks Gabe
  16. Long/Short trade possibility for GJ. Stop will be below/above the last swing that will form below/above the breakout point. Gabe
  17. Hello Thales I meant Stop/Short entry below the LOW of the HIGHEST bar. Sort of an Al Brooks entry. 20:30 EST 15min is the bar I am talking about. I would like to see a small bar (doji is preffered.) Basically it is a hybrid of your S/R system, Al Brooks and ME all combined. I find that breakouts are not my cup of tea as I detect too many false ones. Gabe
  18. Good morning Thales and every one What eas the significance of 1. 6315? You wrote that it was the low of June 23ed but that would be too far to look back at in my oppinion. Thanks Gabe PS on 2nd examination of the chart I think you meant Sept 23 . I could be wrong.....
  19. I am not sure if this is the right place to post trades that have closed but I like this thread so I am posting it here. If someone could suggest a better place, please let me know. Gabe
  20. I posted the stats as a continuation of trying to find a reason why Thales prefers stocks to futures but you may be right and this subject should be in a thread of it's own. As a quick reply to the above, assuming you use $5000, you can buy 2 ES contracts and catch a typical daily range (hypothetical assumption) of 10 point (10%) = $1000, or buy 150 shares of a stock that trades @ $100 (30% margin) that moves 4% = $600 . In this example you are correct that my conclusion was wrong because the futures will make you more $ but I think that stocks trend better throughout the day and while you may be chopped to pieces trading futures, you can survive and do well in stocks. My appologies if this did not belong here. If someone wishes to continue the debate I'll start a new thread for further replies. Gabe
  21. I just ran some numbers on the ATR(20) of stocks > $50 devided by the closing price for yesterday. SPY representing ES. >> there were 523 stocks in the group. >> SPY was #434 meaning that close to 83% of Stocks have a daily range larger than that of SPY=ES. >> ~24% of the stocks have an ATR(20)/Close double that of SPY-ES The above does not take daily volune into account. My point is that if one catches a move in a stock he/she will make more $ than trading index futures. (margin requirements not factored in) Doing the above analisys for stocks >$10 with trading volume > 1million, SPY=ES is out performed by 97.8% of the stocks that meet the criteria. 58% of the stocks move x2 compared with SPY=ES Gabe
  22. Statistically intraday stock swings are larger than index swings. Is that the reason you prefer stocks to index futures? Gabe
  23. Good morninh Why are currency pairsd different as far as the x2 test is concerned? Thank you Gabe PS. Thank you for your patience and detailed explanations.
  24. It keeps track (via cookies I believe) Gabe
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