Thanks for this amazing thread.
I am going to expose my point of view to focus the intensity trade. Maybe can be helpful for somebody.
I developed a NinjaTrader indicator to measure the intrabar pressure, some months ago. It looks like MD.
I added a summary at the bottom to measure the volatility of the volume and the volatility of the pressure.
Volume Volatility (w) = Bar's Volume / Time
Pressure Volatility (d) = Bar's pressure / Time
Bar's Pressure = Bar's Bid Volume - Bar's Ask Volume
At that moment, I didn't know about intensity trade.
When I finished reading this thread, I thought how I could implement this issue in my indicator.
So, I developed a custom bar type to display equisize bars, ie, all bars have the same size expresed in ticks (prints).
Hence, the shorter the time that has consumed the bar, the greater the intensity.
You can see in the attachment how took place an "ask intensity trade" at 17:30.
The price rose to 1,060.00 at 18:10. At this moment took place other intensity trade incident. It was an "ask intensity trade" also, however the price fell down.