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Everything posted by Suzy

  1. I am not sure if this is the right place for this or not, if not, I am sorry, please feel free to move to right section.. Anyway, is trading online safe? Does anyone use it and can they recommend the best sites for this? I have been reading alot of online trading to make life easier and such, but are their risks? More risks being online then doing it offline? Any help would be great, Thanks.
  2. I am new to this and actually just learning, I have not invested in any stocks, bonds or anything as of yet. I am still in the learning process. I believe when I actually I make the plunge, I am going to hire someone to help me because this is all over my head. So I am wondering how long have you all be trading and such?
  3. That part that I bolded is the most valueable advice I have ever heard, Recently I just sold a business, and bought one - with in 2 weeks of eachother and my lawyer and my dad both told me this. The business I sold, I started by myself with very little money and put alot of sweat equity into it which made me a nice profit.. but anyway. The nondisclosure clause and confidentiality contract is an important part of doing business and protects you from alot of things. I tell everyone I know who is thinking about doing anything like this now.
  4. I don't think there is a set cycle, I think alot of the market has to do with ecomony and natural diseasters and war etc. Take Florida for instance, our market right now is so over saturated since the hurricanes, people are not buying houses like they were a few years ago, prices went up and it is just a stand still here, yet in North Carolina, my friend told me land and houses were still fairly cheap and things were picking up. Do your research before you jump into anything.
  5. I have to agree with you about not investing in Florida, I would say anywhere in Florida honestly, The market is so oversaturated, where I live right now, on every street there is at least 2 houses for sale and some have been for sale for more then a year. The way the ecomony is going, I am surprised anyone is buying houses in Florida, I do not agree with the people who said investing in real estate in the US is bad though, there are some areas that is the best time to invest actually, places that are still low in price and being developed. These are the places to look for.
  6. Thanks for the welcome. I am new to this type of stuff, stocks, trading. I am just getting my feet wet, and was researching some stuff and came across your forum. I hope I can learn some new things here. I am a bit nervous to say the least, stocks and the like are overwhelming for me.
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