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Everything posted by bathrobe

  1. This is so.............actually I don't think the word that would describe it exists. :)
  2. Hi, I use CVD plotted in Investor R/T using Zen-fire and DTN MA for backfill. Because of this is my data different than IQ Feed? Also, does anyone know if the CVD study in X_Study is accurate? Chris
  3. Gartman's analysis is usually spot on (at least when I used to look at it), it is around $400/year
  4. I do in my personal account, the one I post here is one contract, I would possibly go up to two. I keep detailed records of trades and setups to know the probability of it working.
  5. The word "algo" makes it sound much more advanced than it is, he knows nothing about trading but is a great programmer and I know nothing about programming......if anything comes of it I will post results here.
  6. Working on executing based on prints today. Spending a lot of time working on algo with a friend for equities.
  7. most of my homework works out but in the end I have a lot of trouble holding futures, I have a far out target and end up settling for something closer because of nerves. I need to work on this.
  8. To show a different perspective, the last three days of oil shown on the last MP graphic on the right is distributed rather evenly despite closing near the lows. I have yet to prepare for Monday morning but my initial glance at this shows a possibility for a a move up and pa willing a good short. I usually enter the day with 2 fundamental trades I am looking for, again I have not done my homework yet but I may be watching for it. I will see if I can post something Right as I posted I realized I posted a MP chart in the Candlestick Corner, is that ok? Otherwise it could be moved to the pl thread.
  9. I played a retrace on CL for 5 cents and 1/2 a point in the es.
  10. Well, my first day trading a smaller account and I seemed to have forgotten all my rules and traded like a complete novice. Not to mention watching two perfect oil trades go by and 2 es trades. I am quitting early today to regroup and refocus. I may spend the entire afternoon jogging so I will have no trouble getting a good nights sleep. At least I ended the day up.
  11. This sounds like the best way to trade to me and is what I do. Intraday what looks like a trending day can quickly turn into something else all together. The market can chop all morning and then trend all afternoon also. My advise would be to have a setup that works for you most of the time and when you spot this take advantage of it. In the time I have traded I have come across countless setups, I cant look for all of these during the day, I look for the ones that are mostly profitable for me, if I looked for them all I would have conflicting views all day and would be hedging a lot. Not to mention commission would be through the roof.
  12. I have always loved the understated elegance of the Audi A 4, 6, 8 and right now am pondering either an A8 or an SL class Mercedes. I would look at the S8 and AMG but I have a lead foot. The cars I like seem a little boring compared to you guys.
  13. I completely agree with Spydertrader and volume remains the most important analysis tool for me.
  14. Here is a screen shot. Around +$5900 This is from my account but I am opening a separate account with $10k to trade money for my brother and when it is funded I will be posting p/l from that account instead of my account. I will be trading the two side by side but mine will come first. My account did not get to the size it is trading the es, but for me the es is the best way to earn on a larger account. I think my brothers account is probably closer in size to others posting in this thread. I don't think the account will be open until about the 15th of this month so I will switch over then.
  15. 1/4/2010 +5300, I forgot to take a screen shot
  16. My total return for 2009 was 24%, this included many days trading a small account when I had to make a personal bridge loan earlier in the year to family and after repayment somewhat infrequent trading. My only trades other than what I posted were writing some options earlier in the year. Have a Happy New Year everyone
  17. I have read the interview and that is a good point. Chris
  18. Hello everyone, I just wanted to inform everyone who posts and in this thread and those who do not but pm me, I will continue to post reasons behind certain trades, but I cannot give out my thought process behind my other setups and subsequent trades. My reasoning is that I have simply put far too much blood, sweat and tears to give it away. I think I have been generous in the past when I gave out detailed thought process behind some trades and I still will, but those of you who pm'd me to give it all away I am sorry but I just cannot do it. I am looking forward to 2010 I am going to lightly trade the 10 year for the rest of the year, I really do not feel comfortable trading oil, I am working on an audible alert system for watching markets I want to. However, I am best at trading the ES and will stick to that mostly, mainly because I do not want to use up capital on other markets that I could put toward the ES. I run a theoretical averaging system for my es trades and it would mess with any other trades I tried to get in with any sort of size. Happy Holidays, Chris
  19. I was looking at a place in SOHO in 2004, I used Corcoran for a broker and they actually said I had to prove that I made 40 times the rent, and no that is not a misprint, 40%. My broker was also extremely condescending when telling me about this.
  20. I seem to have mixed this up...........I think
  21. FWIW my original broker who was much more hands on and was also very conservative told me to trade one CL contract for every 11k in my account. This broker pretty much scared me from trading oil, making me believe you had to be a pro to do so. If Karma exists I am taking his money now since it is zero sum.
  22. What is the BWTPrecisionMA? Also, do you enter and exit based on 15min. Chris
  23. Oil is tough, I am lucky to only have lost what I did. I may be better suited to swing trade oil. For now I'll stick with it though. oil.bmp
  24. I have not taken a hard look at the Nikkei yet but I plan on doing so soon. I was referring to the Osaka contract.
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