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Everything posted by bathrobe

  1. This surprised me but apparently Porsche is the most reliable car, I saw this originally on the local news and they said Toyota was number 5. Porsche most reliable - CAR Middle East - Online | Dubai - Abu Dhabi - UAE - Saudi Arabia - Kuwait - Bahrain - Oman - GCC
  2. A: 6 hours B: 1 hours, I do not review the day, but I do pre market homework before the open do define where I want to place "fundamental" trades. C: 20 minutes
  3. I do not know what type of orders OEC offers but if I understood you correctly you should look into placing an OCO order. Chris EDIT: I looked at the website and they do offer OCO orders.
  4. I have to quit early today, I am going to look into trading precious metals maybe next week, we will see.
  5. Thanks daedalus, I am flattered. I just want to re-emphasize to those that may be reading this for the first time I was originally a terrible, impulsive trader (futures) and I have sacrificed quite a lot during my learning curve.
  6. Hi Jason, This is a real account Chris
  7. Both of my pre-market fundamental trades worked out but I only traded one of them. Did not trade anything else today which is too bad because my 6E pre-market worked out also. Chris
  8. Don't forget to rollover tomorrow (Thursday)
  9. I feel your pain, the ensuing drop was very tough to watch for both of us. Chris
  10. Today I shorted CL 7 cents below the HOD was very confident in my analysis and then kept my stop too tight. Unfortunately what could have been a huge winner turned into a scalp for 15 cents :crap::crap::crap: I have been moving more and more in the direction of currencies, fixed income and physical commodities (CL and maybe PM's) rather than last year when all I watched was the ES and DAX. This is my account and not my brothers; which I was posting earlier. This is es, cl and 6E. I have downsized my size from 2009 because I re-analyzed how much leverage/risk I am comfortable with. I am also entering more trades per day.......I average ~ 3 per market
  11. Dinero, do you consider a $1.50 move in Oil narrow, I only ask because these type days offer a great opportunity imo if you were to trade the pullback. Anyhow, I wish you continued success EDIT I noticed after I posted you may have been referring to Nat Gas which I did not look at.
  12. I will start posting again this week hopefully but from my acct. and not my brothers which is what I was posting here in the 2010 thread. It is hard to enter and manage trades on two DOM at the same time. I posted how I was working on an equity bot, I had a great idea imo for a for an es, euro and crude system that backtests very well, if it goes live I will post results here as well.
  13. Another loose definition of the profile showing when price moves out of value as a possible way to filter. This chart would be based on today, taking into account yesterdays Market Profile; above 8095 would be a short as this thread is only about shorts (sell stop moving up with price). Price did not trade through value area as expected however the vwap is a great place for a scale. Chris
  14. This website is the best I have found and I would recommend starting in the beginners forum; then moving on to reading the "Candlestick Corner" also the "reading charts in real time" forum, the "Wycoff Forum" also "Understanding Eminis: Beginner's Guide" Also look into the swing trading and day trading forums and decide which suits you best. Finally I would say the "money management" and "Trading Psychology" forums are very important. All of the above will help you very much. I know this seems like a great deal of studying but if you put your time in you will have the greatest job ever..............In my opinion I wish you the best of luck. Chris
  15. I think your money management for oil that you first presented in the thread is very good and as we both know that is the key to trading success. I am sure you would be extremely successful trading oil with out any other filter because of your money management. I used the value area beginning last Monday up until yesterday -red and blue, the white are daily- (I did my homework for today last night). Today's value area does not really matter to me but the unfair price, vwap and sd's do. I usually use 3 days or 5 days, merged together. I posted them individually so it hopefully make more sense to people not familiar with MP and related analysis. I thought it would trade through the value area down near the lows from last Monday's lows, obviously it did not but it did hit the poc starting from last Monday to present. Also, I thinkk the only way to enter Oil is using a sell stop. I hope this answers your question, Chris
  16. Thanks , I will look into that. I was just passing along my current way of filtering when I trade oil, which is not a lot (mostly when the ES is slow), and my understanding of oil and deliverable futures contracts is probably not as much as others posting on this thread. Chris
  17. I was wrong when I posted that price hugged the vwap on the way up. I still think a second filter is a good idea because price will hug the sd on a rally. Today's (3/2) chart with profile and vwap, and 2 sd's
  18. I thought I would post this here because as much as I like this setup the only problem I see with it is on days when CL hugs the 2nd sd and rides it up, to add to your chances of success I would add another kind of filter, in this case, based on analysis I did Monday evening as it traded up to the 2nd sd it traded out of the recent value area and had a very good chance of selling off much more than it did. To enter this I would have used a sell stop and continued to follow the market up with it (the probabilities are on my side for a large sell off). Although you cant see it the up bar that went to just below 81 is a shooting star. For me today below 7750 and above 8050 were unfairly priced as you can see by the red and blue profile at the far left. The chart was to crowded with the vwap and sds on it but the move up to the high was hugging the 2nd sd.
  19. When I first started trading futures and was unprofitable, I gave my girlfriend daily P/L reports initially. This added to stress, trades I should not have taken and over trading; I would not recommend a daily p/l report to your wife unless this is what you both want. Some other type of reporting would be better, maybe monthly. We obviously had no kids and our finances were separate. We did live together though and this created a lot of fighting and is also a contributing factor to our eventual breakup......just my 2 cents on that. Hope it helps some.
  20. I feel more comfortable trading physical commodities with options than with futures, and yes these will be longer term swing trades. Chris
  21. Today, +60. Completely boring day in the ES. I am thinking about leaving CL alone. The price action just does not work for me My equity algo, and I say that very loosely, is taking time away from my main futures account and we are stuck having something we turn on when conditions are triggered and not leave on all the time, which is really not what I want. I am possibly going to move the capital used on the algo to options on futures. Chris
  22. Not in person, but I just checked it out on the website. I like cars that do not look too sporty (terrible word) but are beasts on the open road. I like the seats and headlights on the S4.
  23. I missed this earlier, Ferrari has to choose you? Chris
  24. Me too, I think it is sad that manual transmissions are not around like they once were. I am 30 and I am the only one I know for sure that can drive one. :doh: I understand how it is easier to drive an automatic but it can definitely take a great deal of fun out of driving. In March 1998 I got an Audi A4, black on black (looked great), I then lowered it about 1.5" using Eibach springs and Koni shocks which made it handle like it was on rails which I think is far better than a car that is super fast but handles like a boat. To add to this I put 18" wheels with very high performance, "sticky" tires When I would accelerate quickly the car would settle a little, which added to the dreamlike experience of driving it. I added custom made blue-ish Xenon headlights that I ordered from a shop in Germany before they were on all foreign cars and were still illegal where I lived In 1998 it cost either 27k or 32k, I got it 7 months used and I do not remember, but I think it was a great price for the way it drove. This does not compare to a Ferrari, Aston Martin, or Porsche; But I loved this car more than any other vehicle I have driven since. Sadly some of them cost far more. All I am getting at is that the price of the car does not make it awesome, the way the car works with me is what I use to decide. I will try to find a pic and post in this thread.
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