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Everything posted by bathrobe

  1. awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! another
  2. I have purchased your spam newsletter seconds after you pressed submit.
  3. Do not underestimate the loneliness, depending on where you live you can (I do) have a long time from when you finish to when the rest of the world finishes working. I have probably seen nearly every movie ever made however! I would not trade careers with anybody though. After you are consistently profitable you make much more working way less. EDIT I should add that I am not married and I don't live with my girlfriend, so that adds to it I am sure
  4. With B and C I am trying to cut back because I want to keep it simple, A. also, I trade the morning and the last two hours now.
  5. Thanks for the link, I figured Zen Fire was wrong not DTN. My post was a little unclear
  6. I use market delta with DTN IQ and execute through Ninja/Zen I trade news releases, today I had an issue. Today 6/29 right after the consumer confidence number came out the iq feed and zen fire stayed the same at first but about 15 seconds after the release there was a difference of up to 2 points in the es. I rely on the IQ Feed to be accurate and am confident it was but this presented a huge problem for me. My point is if you were running MD or IRT off the zen feed and using dtn ma for back fill you would have incorrect data that would be corrected later. This is only the second time I have ever noticed a difference, the other time was on the euro. I would rate IQ Feed as #1 after not only what I have read here but also a friend and I went out to lunch with some guys he works with that run a huge arb operation and they use IQ Feed also, not the much more expensive data from DTN (forgot name) and cost is not an issue at all I imagine.
  7. I often trade drunk, nothing like drinking at 6 am. Win or lose I have a great time.
  8. I do not put to much stock in it but if the market is rising and the $tick dropping I will look for shorts if other factors come into play, but the $tick alone, no short.
  9. I use an average of the $TICK which gauges the overall sentiment pretty well, I would never place a trade based on this but it does a good job of showing strength. I also only trade reversals, if I remember I will post a picture tomorrow.
  10. Ynos, I was in a similar situation trading futures though. He opened an account and I advised him on what to trade. This could be very easy swinging stocks I would think.
  11. I heard a great quote from Jim Rogers in which he said the only people he knows of who got rich of technical analysis are those selling it.
  12. change your stops to stop limit orders instead of stop market orders and you shouldn't have any slippage.
  13. ................................................
  14. I will not be posting results here because I raised capital and am busy with the business of setting that up (deciding what to set it up as), hiring, and also moving. good luck to all.
  15. I have not read either but I would like to read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator; I love the original market wizards book and I also read Trend Following when I was pretty green but do not trade futures as described in the book. When I wanted to absorb all the info I could I also read one of the Jim Cramer books in 2006. Now my mantra is "keep it simple" so I would not read books describing a strategy or setup. I have both Douglass books but have not read them I really do not have the time now. Chris
  16. Context is king, without a doubt. Setups come and go, the plan is always evolving based on the state of the market. I know longer have any "if, then" setups, 1 year ago I was already profitable and had a book full of them. I am sure 6 months from now my trading will be a little different than now. Regarding books, I have many on the markets, probably 50-100 but have only read 2
  17. fwiw I use limit at bid or limit at ask ordes
  18. hello, I will add my thoughts but you should know first I have been trading the es for a long time and have lost a great deal of money with different strats in the beginning. I look for s/r to be rejected, I never trade with the trend in the es (I think this is a formula for disaster) and after toying around with different stops for years I do not use fixed stops any longer. Many will say I am crazy for this. I exit at a point when I have been proven wrong this may be 3 ticks back or 4 points it depends on the trade and the amount of risk I am willing to take. I would not recommend not using stops if you are not ready but enter a trade and have an idea as to where you are no longer right, the es has some very strong levels that are tagged and rejected every day and provide awesome opportunities, but a 1,2,3 point stop for all trades is not the correct way of going about this When figuring S/R remember whatever arbitrary time period you choose to plot price and S/R is just a representation of the ongoing auction, I would not get too hung up on time period or the levels the time period produces I do use a disaster stop for power outages and what not
  19. I have been using a small whiteboard for notes on trading and levels, it helps a lot. I currently use 2 monitors, 1 22" and 1 19", I am going to get 2 24" monitors and use the 19' I have for my dom's. I only trade the ES and I have 5 charts and some internal stats I watch but it feels very cramped. I could get away with 2 charts and the internals but like to see longer term charts as well. So I would go for more monitors. If you are looking for deals, TigerDirect.com - Computers, Computer Parts, Computer Components, Netbooks & Electronics has some great prices on monitors and graphics cards.
  20. I am sad to say I have to drop out of the race. My trading from January 19 through mid May was very poor and I need to get back to basics as trading is my only source of income. The Race brought out the gambler in me which I thought had been put to rest but it was a good learning experience on sticking to my plan. I wish you all the best of luck. Chris
  21. I am leaving for a vacation. This account has lost about 2k since the beginning :doh: of the race. When I come back hopefully I will trade this account with confidence and patience, both of which I lacked so far. Chris
  22. I am able to trade this week I leave next Monday and I am contemplating trading only this account while on vacation. Last week I also broke every rule I have, and at one point was fully leveraged in "the race" account and took a loss. My emotions have become a liability in this and I need to refocus. Today I had a nice es trade that simply erased losses in euro so I am out commissions today.
  23. I used the same for a long time, now I use the free version but you should talk to Ninja support, they have always been very helpful. I have never had that happen though
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