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Everything posted by bathrobe

  1. Small day as usual, have to work on holding positions for longer.
  2. Thales, This is the chart of the equity day trade (paper) on Friday, would this have grabbed your attention? Thanks, Chris
  3. 1. Exiting far too early, this is a problem still, long after I first realized it. 2. On the ridiculous side, my hand was on my mouse when I stood up and I accidentally entered an order, I was able to exit at B/E but hand placement is now an issue for me while trading.
  4. :haha: LOL, that was good.
  5. No matter how good the trader in the room you are in is you will have a hard time trading like he or she does because you do not have the same mental makeup as this person. They may be a gambler, you may be a gambler. You need to find what works for you, often through trial and error, but you can always test ideas on SIM. The internet is an unbelievable free (mostly) resource. With many setups explained all over the place and many sites dedicated to free education. You are on the best one right now.
  6. Do you own and trade the system? Or are you testing it?
  7. Thales, Late last week I began paper trading stocks using the gain/loss scan and came across Red Hat early in Friday's session, it pulled back some and would have been a nice gain if the money were real. I plan to incorporate this strategy to trade stocks in the future. Thanks, Chris
  8. I am still trading with very small account for time being. I am selling my stake in the family biz. Should be up and at full steam in the next two weeks. My trading psyche is not where it should be because I have an insatiable need to lock in profits very quickly. This site offers great insight into real, usable trading setups and has a giant leg up on all other trading sites I have seen. (Pretty sure I have seen them all!) Regarding today, I am a relative newbie to VSA and thought I spotted a picture perfect setup in the ES, turned out to be not what I had hoped for and was a bit of congestion rather than a quick move down. I also had a poor entry. :crap: 1 contract for 1 tick.
  9. I agree with the above statement. Another thing, just because you want to trade the DAX does not mean you should. I originally heard the DAX being chatted up on many boards, most people sounding like pros, then I read in Trader Monthly magazine that a trader under 30 traded 250,00 contracts in a day. I was under 30! I had to get in on this action! Luckily I paper traded it first, and found quickly other instruments are better suited to my style of trading. If you are still uber-excited (had to insert German word) there is a mini-DAX or there was going to be one, google it. contract out that may be better to get your feet wet with, but I still recomment the Eurostoxx50 for the European timezones.
  10. I trade one ES contract for every 2,500 USD in my account. In the past I have leveraged up very 1 per $500, but only if I feel strongly about the position. Your personal risk assessment must be made by you, not an anonymous poster in a chat room. Otherwise you could talk to a registered financial rep.
  11. I agree with Monad, the Eurostoxx contract has less of the hyper-volatility than the DAX contract and many of the setups used to trade the ES work on the Eurostoxx50 also.
  12. Today I actually fell asleep at my computer, luckily not in a trade but kind of funny. Ended day +1tick on 1 ES contract.
  13. Today was the first day I used VSA to make live trade decisions, one trade for 1 tick was on SIM, so the results are actually +3 ticks, not 1 point. I am excited I was able to use VSA in realtime profitably, though I still have a long way to go with it. I did not trade Monday through Wednesday, that is why no posts the last three days. It is very nice to see how many more of you have joined the thread, it seems to be one of the most viewed on TL! Also: Congrats on 3000 posts brownsfan
  14. Blowfish, looks good. Excellent work!!:applaud:
  15. Thales, This is probably a stupid question but I am operating under the "no question is stupid" rule. I have never day traded stocks, so when you are looking for biggest gainers, is that on an intra-day basis or biggest gainers in the recent past? Thanks Chris
  16. Wouldn't a large number of the bigger traders be other time frame traders and not at all concerned with their position on an intraday basis.
  17. Can't wait, too bad it takes so long to make movies (from shooting to release) Still should be interesting
  18. If anyone can code this in Ninja Trader and is willing to post it, Thanks in advance
  19. Pretty impressive. Nice to have you posting in this thread.
  20. I have been learning VSA and taking SIM trades based on it, some of these are very good trades (I only wish I had used real ) Today I was on SIM and had a positive day, but I wont post blotter because the psychology of the trades were not there.
  21. Brownsfan019, Like a true pro, you went right back to business. :thumbs up:
  22. I would add, if you are in a trade and the market does something unexpected (spike in volume, lack of volume, etc.:crap:) close up before a small loss becomes a large loss.
  23. Well I must admit it is hard to sit in front of computer all day to make at best a few points or 1 tick. For the time being my money is "scared money" and I am desperate to lock in profits..........................no matter how small. On the other side I am trading treasuries on SIM (TY Brownsfan, I would not have looked at them without your thread about their lack of sex appeal :smoking:) I do like the way they trade and hope to incorporate them in the future. I post my blotter because I do not think it would be fair of me to only post it when my acct is at normal level and I want all to see. Also, I am learning a great deal about patience for the time being.
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