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Everything posted by bathrobe

  1. Thales, How did your daughters' trading end up? Last I heard from you regarding her it sounded like she had caught the trading bug. Sounded like a good time, when I was in grade school my dad was a stock/options trader, I wish he would have involved me.
  2. Brian, I do not mean to be redundant but in your initial question you asked for help and how I (any of us) would have traded it. I am far more aggressive now than I was when I started, so what I would have done really doesn't matter, (for the record, I did not trade it). Regarding the open, a 5-min is too fast to see the larger trend. I have attached a 60min and that some would also consider too fast, but it helps, the box is where you shorted, any oscillator would show divergence, to keep you from going short. In my opinion the overall trend is very important. I hope this helps,
  3. I use a 5-min along with others but you should find what works for you. But keep an eye on something longer term.
  4. Also it did not pull back to your ma as much as it traded sideways until the ma caught up to it, if I were tempted by the short at the ma the divergence would have kept me out.
  5. Brian, you should use a longer term chart along with what you are already using. The move down to 1023 was the pullback, personally a 466tick is to short for me to identify a trend.
  6. caught second half of move after consolidation in es
  7. I had one planned trade, a lot of support around 997 also 1000 would be s/r I figured I should have said I missed both larger moves
  8. Yes, this is realistic with the ES. To get filled on a limit it should trade through your price, very rarely will you get filled just if it touches because it works FIFO.
  9. I missed the first move and most of the second, I was about to place a short on the retrace of the leg down, but talked myself out of it. I also accidentally clicked the mouse while over the dom, luckily only 1 contract. I will try to post a chart later today with reason for trade.
  10. I watched some of your videos on your site, very interesting, when do you start the cumulation period, and I am using the indicator you pointed out to me in Ninja Trader which needs to be running to track the contracts, does Investor R/T store the cumulated # of contracts? Thanks, Chris
  11. I love trading, the markets are like a drug to me; but sadly due to my hours (live in AZ and trade from 4am to 1pm) and the stress that can come with trading, my health has gone down the tubes. Ten years ago I was a division 1 athlete in great shape, now I just turned 30 and I have lost 45 pounds due to eating here and there, never working out anymore, no cardio, very high blood pressure.........the list goes on and on. I realize most (all) of this is my fault but to get back in shape from where I am standing now is very daunting, and at 1 pm I am exhausted I also find myself contacting my friends less and less. The loneliness is horrible. I think if I did what I do from an office I would live a healthier life/lifestyle. Maybe in the future this is a good idea for me. I guess I really have not said anything here but maybe I needed to write this all down. I tried to run this morning and after about 3-4 blocks I had to sit down because I thought I was actually going to pass out. My 22 year old version of my self would have kicked my a$$
  12. You can still post, I think others post who are on sim, or at least they were and then moved to real money I am pretty sure.
  13. +19,625. I am happy to do so I just did not want to be the only one posting.
  14. James, along with the reductions to the time of site load I think the site has a great new look, very professional.:applaud:
  15. I had an incredible day (p/l wise), but I am going to post my + or - points from here on out. I also decided to post the fin-alg chart. Chris
  16. I have only had the download since Monday, but it helps point out buying/selling at S/R. I will let you know later in the month how I have incorporated the Delta into it. And if the chart differs from a regular candlestick chart other than the obvious differences.
  17. Thales, Since you use Ninja Trader to trade futures you should consider downloading the 30 day free trial from Final| Financial Algorithms The charting programs in Ninja and shows the delta, the max delta, min delta, cum. delta, cum. delta/volume, volume, cum. volume, Cumulative Delta/Cumulative Volume %,Bid/Ask Histogram, Bid-Ask Histogram, fully customizable. It is pretty interesting (seeing the number of contracts being bought and sold at S/R) and there is no requirement to fill in credit card info, it simply expires after 30 days, or you can pay $59/month after the trial. From what I understand Final| Financial Algorithms is the same as MARKETDELTA :: HOME only it is 1/3 of the price. Who knows though, maybe 30 days from now I will have realized it is really no different than any other charting/indicator. I admit though, I am pretty excited about it.. Chris
  18. Hello everybody, it has been a while. I have been using the fin-alg Market Delta chart with S/R and so far so good. I was busy while this formed but see these set-ups quite a lot, so unfortunately, did not take this trade. The blue and green lines are S/R levels and this is a good example of using Delta/VSA. For those lf you that do not know the bottom chart is a NYSE $TICK chart (up ticking stocks-down ticking stocks). Soultrader made a video on how to use market internals.
  19. This is admirable, especially in this business. For me I am sad to say it seems as though it is never enough. There is always someone higher up on the ladder to compete with, I have realized the problem this creates and have tried to take a step back and simply be happy with the way things are but there is always this kind of competition. As for helping other traders, I don't think even if you trained many on your exact method, I don't think they would all be able to carry it out because they are all individuals who think in their own way, I also think most markets are simply too big for it to ever matter.
  20. Nobody is soliciting anything, those that are trading on sim stated they were trading on sim earlier in the thread. The thread is meant as a way to be somewhat more accountable and to become more disciplined. FWIW I do not think anyone is trading on sim anymore. Your post has the same skepticism that every post on elitetrader towards trading the ES has, despite this many people can and do make it work
  21. Still pretty busy but able to trade open today.
  22. 9:30-4:15 is what I use and all other traders I know who use day timeframe calculations use this too.
  23. Here is a chart annotated as to why I took yesterdays trade.
  24. Missed early morning move, but caught some of the retrace
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