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Everything posted by SunTrader

  1. I haven't tried it, nor plan to. Even before Mitsu's comment. Is it too long to just copy/paste it?
  2. "an off duty county deputy" not a Dirty Harry wannabe. Kinda like Jimmy Johnson on Daytona racetrack and Jethro Bodine on the interstate.
  3. I remember as a child debating with my buddies who was the best baseball player. Then I grew up. :shrug:
  4. Dixie Chicks were told shut up and sing. "we got both kinds of music Country and Western" yee haa Same sentiment but with a twist could be said for Darth Vader, shut up and act (voiceover from the rocking chair nowadays so long as the poly-grip holds)!
  5. A stop loss can't be grabbed or stolen from you and then used against you or someone else. Oh but I guess all the tough guy Chuck Norris types here wouldn't let that happen to them.
  6. plus Out of Order, Chicken Chow Mein Order, Court Order, Batting Order and Mail Order.
  7. To say of something that it is wrong is not to say it is illegal.
  8. 22. None . It is truly amazing the misconceptions people have about the rich ......... and the poor. Average blah, blah, blah. Doesn't anyone know of a family that has had 2.1 children?
  9. What, doesn't every practicing buddhist believe if Gandhi were alive today support the idea every man, women and child having at least one AK47?
  10. Line of the thread, even the forum. :rofl:
  11. Right wingnuts believe arming every citizen, whether or not they want to be armed, will exterminate all criminals just like figthing the war on drugs will eliminate all junkies. The war on drugs has been going on for more than a century now. How are the results? Drug use continues and spreads to every part of every society all over the globe. Wingnuts answer to that, spend more money on controlling borders, law enforcement, courts, jails, buy more guns etc. Who benefits? All those industries involved. Nobody else.
  12. Pack it in. :shrug: But don't worry if you are paranoid about the government someday coming to take away your arsenal. You are probably right to be paranoid because the unreasonable gun owners on the right will be overmatched (yes, overmatched) by the unreasonable gun seizure types on the left if something can't be worked out. And all of us in the middle will get to say ITYS. Google it if you don't know it already.
  13. Long before the 2nd amendment there was: "The word is mightier than the sword." "The tongue is mightier than the blade." "Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart." "The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr". and the most famous of all, although a lot more recent (1839) than the other quotes: "The pen is mightier than the sword"
  14. Oh they will again and again no matter the reality they refuse to face. Used to be (in the 50's, 60's & 70's) parents were concered about their children imitating the Three Stooges "might poke someone's eye out" or Superman "might break your arm jumping off a porch trying fly" Modern times is imitating Rambo or The Rock or a video game shooter and bang, bang you die for real, accidental or otherwise.
  15. :haha: Easier said than done sitting behind a computer keyboard. Ever heard either expression, "There are no atheists in a foxhole"? Or "bend over and kiss your ass goodbye"?
  16. So I guess that makes it three stories. Thanks for providing a truer, fairer picture. If only others would do the same.
  17. Glad to hear it.That is reasonable. If only Adam Lanza's mother did the same. And soooooo many others. But what is not reasonable is for gun owners to expect no restrictions of any kind, especially so after mass shootings, which are happening with greater and greater frequency.
  18. Not talking old history. I'm talking the last 30 years or so.
  19. It could be argued that Mainland China, the largest and longest oppressive nation in the world, has undergone a bloodless revolution (excluding small battles like Tiananmen Square & thousands of human rights violations) from fullblown communism to quasi communism-capitalism, The verdict is out whether the transition will complete someday. Done without the GUN.
  20. Yup he's gone off the deep end - into my ig list.
  21. :doh: :rofl: Maybe? How about WE DO.
  22. ...freakin gun nutjob like you huh? A pacifist spirtual non-violent type believing in everyone having an AK or AR semi-assault. :haha:
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