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  1. I know that investing and trading are different. I only started reading books on investing and later realized that I might be into day trading. That's why I wrote that I would start looking into day trading in particular. I only wanted to try simulator for a few months (maybe like 3) and not much more. I know that spending the money is a risk. I'm only trying to spend an amount I'm comfortable with losing monthly because I know I'm going to make mistakes. It's the mistakes and failures that I'm looking forward to so I can learn from them or try to find ways to improve. I'm basically trying to make my mistakes early. I don't think a few months of simulator is too terrible. No one is going to expect to be good at day trading from a simulator.
  2. Hey guys! I've been reading a lot of books from the library since February regarding investing. Watched a few YouTube videos but I think I prefer books. Decided not too long ago to try day trading so I will start reading up on that in particular. I have yet to trade a single stock. I still don't know how. However, I'm going to try those simulator things online for maybe a few months before spending real money. Also thinking of joining a day trader meet up club so I can meet more people to discuss this with. I'm 29 years old right now. Wish I started when I was younger but better late than never!
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