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Posts posted by JBWTrader

  1. The guy you showed a lot of disrespect to ie KIWI probably knows more about trading than anyone else on here although he would never admit that.


    I suggest you think real hard about what he wrote but maybe your not smart enough to do that but want to be spoon fed instead.






    Do you want to mindfuck me?

    Serious isnt it a totally wrong calculation?????????

    An expectation of 1.8 return. A ROI of 80%????? Where are you living?

    Your calculation might be right, but the terms are totally wrong.

    Tell me if im wrong.

  2. Hi JJ

    Its a tough decision.I hope this doesnt sound too negative but the chances of trading successful these days on the route you are thinking is very slim. Just one thing to consider.

    We often fantasize about getting away from a stressful job where we are not working on our own terms to one where we reckon we will be at ease.The "best" path has always been the stressful one due to using it for personal growth. I know this isnt what you really want to hear.

    What happens is we get into trading while working at a job we dont like and get so engrossed into trading we find it interesting and fascinating and we split the good into trading and the bad into our stressful job.The trick with Trading is proving we have an edge.



    Prove your method first before doing anything.Do you really have an edge yet ?


    Just some ramblings JJ


    good luck in whatever you do mate




  3. The last paragraph is actually what it takes to be a very good if not great therapist..


    One could say here are some similarities to approaching higher levels of trading achievement that can be related to the last paragraph also..


    very interesting couple of posts Zdo. Thanks




  4. A very good discussion guys. Well done this is very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


    I must apologize if I am crossing/mixing the coaching versus psycho boundaries here.


    I note at least three levels of Jargon when People are communicating Psychology.Not necessarily in any order


    The first is to discuss the physiology of root cause of behaviour eg and relate it back to parts of the brain etc this can be of some interest but is pretty clinical....


    The second is to use the common known psychology learned/taught jargon when describing patients psychology/pathology,


    And then there is the actual bodily/mind sensation/thought process that is actually going on inside of someone who does not have the complete set of tools to incarnate it all fully in the moment. Much undiscovered psychology/process is still in here....


    As a coach ones job is to see the other...even before it is "seen" and understood in the person who one is coaching... or alternatively to provide an environment to let the other discover a process that is interesting in terms of self development and outer learning...often outer tasks/learning have feedback loops of an inner process going on..


    From a psychology point of view the first couple of years of life are critical to the development of an individual. The mothers reverie is the most important aspect in the Child discovering the devine ...The subtle body and its sensation is the first level of boundedness for the child ......on it goes...Klein, Odgen,Jung have been some important contributers to practical modern day therapy ( amongst many others )


    I personally have found the outer task of designing and developing trading systems that are statistically based a real personal challenge that has pushed my boundaries of stats knowledge and in some cases introduced myself again to some dissociated parts of myself and have revisited other known feeling states along the way...thus an eg of a typical alchemical process or individuation process





  5. Hi Sappjason

    My apologies for getting that wrong. Still a very good day !!

    Well done

    All the Best



    Well, I had 22 trades yesterday, but only 14 of them were profitable. The other 8 were losers as you can see from my blotter. But thanks for the compliment. These types of days are very few and far between for me, but I'll take 'em when I can get 'em.


    After days like these, I'm always gun-shy on the following day, because many times, the following day sucks. We'll see......



  6. Hey Sappjason

    Very good trading. That is 22 trades in a row winners with a couple of likely breakevens thrown in that 22 perhaps. Wow that is pretty hot trading...


    Unless Im reading it wrong mate...if so my apologies !






    $+4911. Great day for me today. Woo Hoo!!!!!




  7. Hi Zdo

    Can you elaborate what you mean by attachment theory associations ? If I think what you are getting at is Object relations...? not entirely sure though.


    As a trading coach what do you "see" that people do when trading ? what do people do when you are teaching them to trade (harder to see still) ? where do they go(and where did you go) when there is an interaction with them and visa versa...? what phatasies do they bring to the table about trading...? what is the field between you and the student...can you see this field ? then can you talk about this field openly ?


    Can you show them a way to find their edge ? this is where the real work needs to be while being conscious of the above material. Most people dont know what this(edge) is or what it looks like let alone believing someone elses theory on it and hence what are the ways/methods to find it....the ave trader wont know what they are looking for here...its amazing the other paths that go on in this one such endeavour.





    JBW, Dug, et al,


    This is some real meat.

    Anyone got some Attachment Theory associations to add ? ;)

    Evocative, conflict poducing, denial triggering, and resistance engendering and I have not even begun to work on it yet... :)


    Thanks a lot.

  8. Yeah DugDug you are spot on with your behavoural egs on what some people actually do to pull away from trading (or anything else for that matter that they are stuck to !)


    I like FxGirls idea of shouting out aloud ones trading etc this is a good method to organise ones thoughts and even help shatter the fusional state that can occur to varying degrees with people. I think it would be benefical to do this ie yell out ones trading actions/thoughts and also try and stay in the body when doing so...


    The trick with this particular issue is being conscious of the pull toward and also away from the object of trading of oneself , ...Quite often this experience can give an awareness of a third thing that one never expected. Fusion is actually a safety measure....


    safety against what ? well states that are quite chaotic that we would rather not know about. These states are within all of us to varying degrees. We would rather not experience them as they will feel too overwelming...This is at the heart of the Fusional Complex.


    There are a few Freudians and Jungians who have written extensively about this but it is not widely known or used in practices. Dr Nathan Schwartz Salant is probably the leader in this very interesting and very important area of our psyches.


    All the Best



  9. Yes I agree with you totally. Pain is a great motivator ! in fact it is the best motivator for change. Often we want to get rid of the pain so badly we will do all the tricks the body/mind can offer eg splitting, dissociation, entering chaos and staying there for extended periods, going up into the head and thinking in order to avoid the chaos, projection identification, ie all unconscious processes..... the key is to work through the defenses until finally and after in most cases many years of work a new self structure can emerge. The trick with emotional or subtle body pain is to sink into it without judgement...one needs another to help with this..it cant be done alone..


    Zdo in terms of elaboration of one of the "new psychological" trends I listed I will take the eg of the fusional complex. Have you ever felt or seen yourself or at least a part of yourself outside of yourself latched onto something ? eg could be an object like trading or a spouse...just like tentacles that reach out and latch on? Well if you can or have experienced this you can essentially lose yourself and take on qualities of the other while losing your own in the meantime...it all becomes mixed up...To the point where the self needs to protect onself from such dissolving and needs to seperate to become whole again ...how we do that is usually with an angry reaction to gain the distance required to regain self. For those that are more conscious of this process they can start to see a continous backward and forward movement with mind and or body....between an outer object and ourselves. How would this relate to trading...? well we can become pretty absorbed with it to the point of obsession and cant imagine doing anything else...I would say at this stage we are fused with it...if seperating from it becomes very difficult then you can bet you are in a codependant or fused state you and the object have become one or blurred. Ever noticed when someone is having a bad run...? advice given is often to say hey take a break...seperating from it aint as easy as just saying this is it ? as you know well through your coaching egs or from your own experience and what you have heard from others...Hence when someone can seperate from what they are identifying with they can then see the object more objectively and when we can do this we usually trade better.


    Hope this helps







    I can understand that. I know very few people who willingly will practice self honesty with themselves. Most are initially forced to acknowledge that they are going to have to examine themselves. Simply would have avoided it if it were possible. When you take on an attitude of curiosity then self inquiry becomes a great way of reorganizing the self into higher functioning. From my experience with working with people, a train wreck or two is required to wake up to the need for self honesty. Maybe that's why only 5% of traders actually make money trading. They've stopped hiding from themselves and are genuinely curious about the possibility of who they can become.


  10. Some very good points and tips FXGirl and as always Blowfish.



    Just to add discussion also latest developments that are more tools of experts (like FXGirl) are


    - imaginary fields seen/felt and described between patient and therapist

    - fusional complex and the feeling state cycle of order to chaos and order again

    - Paranoid Schizoid function in Child development


    I do like the calling out technique FXGirl...very good I will try this out. Thanks for that.


    Yeah Blowfish Ed's quote is a precursor to making one think more what does my conscious mind want versus the part that has really the most force/power ie the unconscious mind really want....going into that more ie the unconscious is often a lifetime journey and it is the hardest one of all...




  11. A good question Zdo


    State of Art is getting as many feedback loops as possible in your life. Outer objects acting as mirrors reflecting back at us who we really are is the only way to move forward....there are a few techniques to help with this


    eg Analyse dreams, Analysis, Word association, honest friends, Performance appriasals at work , people who tell it like they see....eg spouse or girlfriend....conflict in our lives can also be a great vehicle to look within and question.....but the unconscious is really unconscious..it needs mirrors we can trust to reflect back our unconscious parts.


    Trading is interesting in that one eventually finds a system with a true edge but can we trade it if it is a discretionary system ?...then good record keeping is neccessary to show the behaviours and skills we need to work on. Then if we still deny these aspects we start to have a real issue and thats when the self exploratory work can begin and is neccessary IMHO.


    edge first

    records/analysis second

    Self third if neccessary


    All the Best


  12. True JohnJohn1hew


    I also think the unconscious is very unconscious and therefore we all have shadows that contain the hidden work some of us need or have to do. Pain is a great motivator for seeking the "grail". In the pain is nearly always the "answer" but most just want to be rid of it ie to find the 'secret' of trading... I believe too many place too much emphasis on psychology in trading especially when no edge has been really found in the first place.


    I know there is a very wide scale of therapeutic application of psychology and therefore a very wide scale of quality of practitioners who could be graded from very poor to outstanding/enlightening in affecting the patient.... nothing is guaranteed in life though. Reputation has a lot to do with how much a therapist has their weekly schedule filled.


    Trading is just one hook into finding the psyche (there are infnitely many others)...many get scared to look into the chaos and understandably so Hence they would rather repeat the same patterns over and over again...through chaos comes order and visa versa ...this is the human psyche cycle..Trading is an activity that can bring all of this out as it can affect everyone with differing degrees of body and mental experience..


    What I wrote above has everything to do with trading and also nothing at all to do with trading.


    An interesting topic, well done zdo for starting it


    All the Best




    In life, what there is to know is easily learnt if we use reasoning.

  13. Whats wrong with going nuts anyway ?!!


    not directed towards anyone in particular...


    all sane people have mad states....some are lucky enough to find them although the (the states) never present themselves with a lot of choice or in the best light and nearly always have poor timing for that matter....


    the best Analysts have had their own states Analysed ...how else can you walk in their patients shoes...




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