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    New Jersey
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  1. Troutboy


    I've listened to him, but have seen very little of his charting. I think he's good with morning calls.
  2. Troutboy


    Ha Ha Mcichocki- T doesn't stand for Trout. It may stand for Terribly complicated , however. I've heard the call but have not really followed how he comes up with his recommendations(what methods he uses).
  3. Troutboy


    Sorry to cause a fuss. It was a legit question about a guy that does a live market call. He does technical stuff that I have trouble following. His charts look like a Jackson Pollack. My apologies to Shadow, didn't mean to get you into hot water with the Moderators. TB
  4. Troutboy


    HI- Is anyone familiar with a service called T-Waves? They are said to provide excellent tech analysis, including entry points for day-traders but mostly in equities. Thanks, Trout
  5. Dear OAC, WalterW and Mr Paul, I'm starting to get a little intimidated here, stuck here in my servantless hovel.
  6. NYSE is still jacket and tie (except for Steve Case). Don't know about other exchanges. Don't you find things a little distracting to trade at home? (vs. private off site office)
  7. Really want to check it out. interesting politics going on there. Dick G went from hero to goat in about a month. The NY Post absolutely brutalized the guy. He can be a fairly arrogant and diffiicult dude, he must've pissed off the wrong journalists. Then Paulson and the rest of his "buddies" turned on him, not to mention that publicity whore Spitzer.
  8. Aiki14, Thanks for the response. Yeah, Equities are my thing.
  9. Any thoughts on Toni Turner's book? Or are they too old?
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