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Everything posted by Patuca

  1. you sure tams? seems like in another post you said "You might believe that one day I would wish I had a gun. No, I don't, I don't want one, and most importantly, I don't need one."
  2. Cops: Mother of two surprises intruder with five gunshots | www.ajc.com not so sure a golf club would have worked in this case. :haha: maybe the criminal will think it is time to reform himself? gotta say very smart lady. let the dumb ass come to her. what a surprise he got. gotta like that last sentence in the article. PS this happened last Friday Jan 4, 2013. Perhaps our founding ancestors knew their shit when they inserted the part about being armed???:helloooo:
  3. Obama’s secret plan to reclassify your guns see the chicken shits won't stop at hcap weapons. give them an inch they'l take a mile. soon we will be left with water pistols....except the bad guys, that is.
  4. yea i cant figure out why so many people want to come live here. Especially, when we crack down, or even talk about cracking down on our borders, the world screams racism. shit why don't they just stay in their gun banned societies? me thinks we should build a fence and just piss the world off. also thinking it might be a good idea to shut our military bases all over the world and let the world fight and kill each other with sling shots (since they dont have guns). kiss the UN goodbye let these gun banned societies support the UN. don't fight any more wars only unless they attack our country. let them fight their own wars. leave the world alone. kick out the globalist. break all free trade agreements. quit buying from China. put our military on the border and stop the drug people dead in their tracks. print everything in english and demand whoevever becomes an american citizen learn english. to hell with this multiculture bullshit. it is destroying our society. we should become isolationist. mind our own business and quit policing the world. arm ourselves to the teeth. stars wars..nuclear weapons..and then leave the world alone. if they dare attack us then it will be the last thing they attack. now how is that? i am sure tams will vote for it. perrins might? mm will have to immigrate to another country. more liberal:haha: suntrader can go trade bananas and rice with the choco indians in the jungles of panama.
  5. that is because our politicians are too busy looking after their own ass and not doing their job.
  6. the only thing the drug people fear is fear. you got to fill them full of fear. make them shit fear. make them drink fear. make them piss fear. make them dream fear.
  7. mm you ain't snowing me LOL. you just probally want to smoke a little weed and drop a little acid w/o gov interference.:rofl:
  8. LOL There never has been no real war on drugs. it has all been political BS with a few sincere efforts but mostly strategies that won't work..a while back i had a friend who traveled from belize to usa. upon arriving at the bridge the customs officials from usa began searching him ...etc. since belize has been known well to export weed in significant amounts...my friend told them you arent serious about stopping drugs. they said yes we are why do you say that? he said put up 4 hanging gallows. immediatley hang all people caught crossing your bridge with drugs...in public. you wont have any drug people crossing your bridge! of course they did not like his suggestion.
  9. MM so....... drugs are dangerous but lets legalize them?? guns are dangerous lets make them illegal or ban them?? if you want drugs which are illegal/banned...you can get them if you want them... according to you. by making something that is dangerous legal then lives will be saved and society will be better? if you want guns, even in places where they are illegal/banned, you won't be able to get them? by making something that is dangerous and legal, illegal, then you will save lives and society will be better? so making drugs legal and guns illegal will make society better? in other words flip flop them? is that the answer? drugs hurt people, lets legalize them. guns hurt people, lets make them illegal.
  10. well i do push the envelope sometimes...for drama..... but it might work????:missy:
  11. well honduras has better internet than US. their 3g is better than our 4g. their broadband faster....... USA is becoming a third world country while honduras is moving on up. now if USA will quite using drugs honduras can become 1st world and us third world :rofl:
  12. finally somebody with some sense. gov should allow all churches civic organizations,,private groups and individuals arm to the hilt and get some basic training in use of arms and then turn them loose to kill the bastards anywhere anytime for any reason. soon it will stop...once they are all dead. they cannot win against an armed public.
  13. tams why don't you go live in philippines in the "drug infested section" and MM lets say in honduras (i could take MM to good place to live..there lots of action (i.e. bad action)....lets say live there for 5 years...no guns..allowed...get a taste of the fear the people face....you might be singing a different song when you come back after seeing bodies hacked up with machetes..mowed down with guns..and no way to stop it. i am not so sure these drug people can be sweet talked into laying down their arms..know what i mean? ...do you catch my drift?....perhaps mm could convince them it is best if they disarm. if you guys can cure the evil without arms then i might listen to you...however, doubt you would live very long.
  14. which all means nada...zip..zero..sh$t..if you ain't got a peashooter to shoot with.
  15. actually it might be right the opposite (at least for public deaths) if the public could defend themselves against the drug people. they are outgunned as in mexico..honduras...etc. police are out gunned....people shaking in their boots...no recourse..no guns to fight back with....so they can kill the bastards. they are at the mercy of the drug people. gov can't handle it. people should be armed to the teeth and put some FEAR in the drug people and gangs. in mexico drug people hang people in broad daylight from the main roads at pedestrian cross ways over the highway. they do this in broad daylight ..in the city...in the day...in front of public...they hang them by their feet via a rope ALIVE above the highway then in plain view of the public they shoot them. Public shaking in their boots...no arms or if they happen to have an illegal pea shooters it isn't powerful enough. afraid to use it...so mr MM IF you lived there would you like to ramble around unarmed in city and see this happen? other times they may at random capture off the street 15 to 20 people...take them off. chop their hands and feet off then chop their heads off and load them back up and in broad daylight dump the bodies on the roads in the cities. other times they open fire publically on groups of people at random. police can't handle it. military can't handle it...ONLY the people could if they were armed as well as the drug people and trained to shoot and kill the bastards on the spot wherever, whenever. put some fear in the drug cartels. then of course it might help if USA would cut down on drug consumption. however you want to legalize drugs. i suppose you think that doing so would eliminate the cartels. may i ask you a couple of questons? 1) is cocaine dangerous? meth? acid? ....etc 2) are guns dangerous?
  16. Philippines shootings illustrate worldwide gun violence problem - Yahoo! News apparently gun control doesn´t work in phiilipines either
  17. maybe instead of an outright ban on hammers the liberals could just ask for a size reduction. say can't weigh over 2 ounces and can't be over 6" long??
  18. Letter from Marine to Dianne Feinstein goes viral
  19. see how it is really about control and virtually nothing else? Feinstein on video: I packed heat she is apparently going to try and introduce the toughest gun control legislation but carries herself, or at least used to? maybe she changed her mind? i doubt it. why don't gun control people just vote her in for president?
  20. Dated Jan 1, 2013 Just from Aug 2012 to Dec 31 2012 things apparently got quite abit worse in spite of the gun ban. seems like the bad guys can get any gun they want regardless of the ban. Report: 532 Murdered in Chicago in 2012 | The Weekly Standard
  21. Dated August 13 2012 well i guess the gun ban ain't working too good in chicago. Obama: 'Chicago Is an Example of What Makes This Country Great' | The Weekly Standard
  22. I believe and have experienced that happiness comes from first, knowing and serving God. Second serving mankind. Third standing for truth, justice, and righteouness....that is, conviction. He who stands for nothing will fall for anything. None of the three will be easy. All require sacrifice, commitment, intention, and will. You have to be intentional in all three areas while at the same time recognizing you have never completely arrived. You do what is right because it is the right thing to do, not because it is easy, or because you want the praise of others. You do many things simply because God says do it, regardless of peoples reactions. In the end this is what brings happiness. Knowing God, obeying Him, serving people. Taking a stand. All the rest of the things we strive for are mostly BS. Better cars..bigger houses..bigger bank accounts.. when we leave earth none of these things can we can take with us. we spend way too much of our time,energy and resources trying to make these things a reality in our life. then we heap them upon ourselves all the while justifying that we worked for them and hence deserve to do so with them. but all these things can never bring happiness. a mans life does not consist in the abundance of things in with he possesses Luke 12:15. Money hoarded can't bring happiness but money has been known to cause a smile or two, every now and then. happiness can come from being able to cause a few smiles in life, for others. on the hand hand there have been times I have done things for people that were ungrateful. it hurts, to be sure, but that hurt is overcome by realizing that i did it because it was the right thing to do at the time, even if they didn't understand it, or really appreciate it. be ready to find a way to accept some blame for when things go wrong even if you don't really see any blame on your side. I say keep life focused and simple. don't get carried away by the BS that most get carried away by. in the long run it will pan out and you will much happier for it. and you will leave this world knowing that you have left behind something of lasting value. Treasure those things that most despise or are slow to embrace. Flee those things that most would embrace. Matt 6:21 For where your treasure is there will your heart be also. Matt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God Matt 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. who knows what the future will bring..short-term or long term? we have to learn from the past, keep an eye on the future, but live in the present. too soon we will become the past but will our present impact the future long after we are gone? maybe i should be quiet. i might be getting too philosophical here? besides it doesn't really seem that a gun toting, moto riding free spirit should be saying these things. but who cares? it is what it is. it is the truth.
  23. well time to go back to work and get ready for trading. adios
  24. BS the problem is the liberals won't take an honest look at the facts. And the hardline people to the right also have tunnel vision. there is a medium ground. there is such a thing as balance. but when something doesn't work or doesn't help it shouldn't be babied and pampered and sweetalked. the root cause of alot of the BS isn't guns, it is the way people were raised..mental sickness..and at times... just the devil in people...we have a society that if they don't get just what they want, when they want it, they will make others pay for their displeasure. they have never had any real restraint taught and modeled for them. no courage demonstrated to them. no wholesome values and principles instilled in them. i see this happen on the highways..in lines in the airport...etc. even in public restrooms i don't know the times i have seen men come in take a crap or a piss and walk straight out without washing their hands. no care or concern about others or spreading sickness or disease. no care for their fellow man. i am telling you it is a sickness deep in the society everybody wants to do just what they want to do, regardless. well not everybody. thank goodness there are still some folks that see things different.
  25. they are a coward then. i wouldn't give a hoot in hell or the time of day to a man that sits by and does nothing while his wife or girlfriend gets raped. i wasnt raised that way i didn't raise my children that way. on more than one occasion my son has stepped in and stopped such nonsense. one time he drove around 5 hours on dirt rode in a 4x4 into a village in the jungles of mexico arriving there near dawn..driving his vehicle into a mud hit where some indians had a mexican friend of his beaten and unable to walk. he knocked a hole in the wall with the 4x4 picked his friend up put him in the 4x4 and drove off with indians (leftist communistic) chasing him. all because the police and other friends were too damn scared to do anything about it. sure he was afraid but he allowed courage to rise above his fear. def coward: a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc nobody says you won't feel fear but courage is rising above that fear instead of caving in to it to save your own hide. nobody says you have to be foolhardy but you have to do something.
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