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Everything posted by Patuca

  1. no it is a regular straight bridge.
  2. no it is the same exact bridge, same exact day, same exact time. however, you guys are giving some pretty good answers.
  3. no i should clarify. it was the exact same day and the exact same time
  4. a man came to a bridge that crossed a railroad track. he went across the bridge but yet went around the bridge at exactly the same time. how did he do it?
  5. well i am leaving this thread. it is getting to be a waste of time. i will just say this: IF we allow any bastard to take our guns we will regret it in the future and there will be no recourse. so americans better think long and hard about this because there will be no return back to the right to keep and bear arms if we give them up. adios
  6. um no but we could send him to live with you so you could like maybe educate or reform him???:rofl:
  7. maybe they should ban maniacs? the line is open for anyone that wants to get in line?
  8. we have a few names for you guys (MM and suiya) but since i am not allowed to post them i'll have to let it slide...but i'll give you a hint. for one of them it start with synonym for backbone and ends the name of a reptile that eats mosquitos..etc..:haha: :haha: :rofl:
  9. LOL you must be wearing them too????:rofl: i bet you got a few earings also :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :haha:
  10. um seems like you haven't learned from history MM or forgot your history lesson. The ratification of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution--which banned the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors--ushered in a period in American history known as Prohibition. The result of a widespread temperance movement during the first decade of the 20th century, Prohibition was difficult to enforce, despite the passage of companion legislation known as the Volstead Act. The increase of the illegal production and sale of liquor (known as "bootlegging"), the proliferation of speakeasies (illegal drinking spots) and the accompanying rise in gang violence and other crimes led to waning support for Prohibition by the end of the 1920s. In early 1933, Congress adopted a resolution proposing a 21st Amendment to the Constitution that would repeal the 18th. It was ratified by the end of that year, bringing the Prohibition era to a close. source:history.com banning does not work. see you are really against the right to own any firearms. you just hide behind the skirt of controlling them so they don't fall in the hands of deranged individuals. as for me i will be against any efforts of individuals or the gov to take away the right to keep and bear arms. if there come unwanted consequences from this stance such as public shootings then they will just have to happen much like cars on the highway and people getting killed in cars but nobody says ban cars. people get killed because of drunk drivers and irresponsible deranged drivers. nobody says ban cars. deranged individuals will always exist. how come nobody is saying a word about taking the drivers license away from the perp of this school tragedy (that they shouldn't allow people like him to have lic) or this guy that went to kill his ex GF in the movies. how come none of you people are shouting that he "shouldn't have drivers lic?" because you are only interested in taking away the guns. that is the total sum of the story. that is exactly what you are after. you probally will never want to ban cars because that would imply walking..something i am quite sure you aren't willing to do yourself. to make it easy on you i have highlighted in red what will happen with a total ban of guns ....same a thing.
  11. so now the truth comes out. you are really for a total gun ban not just assault weapons. there is absolutely no indication the guy was deranged when he purchased the LEGAL firearm. he may not have been deranged when he did the shooting..but he was sure pissed off...now how the hell you gonna tell through some test or something that a person may be get pissed off 8 years down the road and try to shoot their ex girlfriend? you get so mad MM just arguing about gun control that you might hit me in the head with your famous gof club if i was there in person. i think they should ban all golf clubs. especially people like MM should not be allowed to have them. this deranged stuff in this case is all fantasy in your liberal mind. you really want a total ban on all fireams. better drop your trousers and check to see if you are wearing pink lacy underwear.
  12. BAMA wins 42 to 14. sometimes predictions pay off even if market isn't exactly as predicted..
  13. couldn't you at least carry a pea shooter with one bullet? just in case? could it be that luck comes to those who work hard and maybe arm themselves?
  14. ok fellowtraders. please understand any name-calling that "slips" through my fingers as i type is done in jest....well at least most of time....hence DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUS, EVER AGAIN. somebody must have reported me as i received a notification from "el owner/founder" admonishing me to refrain from such behaviour. not sure how many admonishes one is allowed before the DREADFUL knife is put to the thread (3 strikes and your OUT?) and i will be cut off. in the event that this happens..well... it has been fun talking to you guys..even if you don't like me. not many people do, so that will be nothing new for me..i generally don't like people either so we are.... what do you call it?....even stephen :rofl: this said, without naming any one person in particular, or pointing a finger at anyone, i would suggest we all drop our trousers and make sure we aren't wearing lacy pink underwear and acting like a chicken sh$t. bak bak bak bak.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: oh sh$t i can't stop :rofl: ps ZDO wisdom amazes me. i never saw this side of him. ppss i think we should form a committee and investigate the possibilities of passing legislation to officially ban all STOP LOSSES. with these hateful things banned nobody need ever lose again and we will all have PEACE and prosperity on earth. you liberals are really getting me to thinking (now that is a miracle in itself). i am now in an official BAN mode. i think we should ban most indicators...especially "leading indicators" as they are always leading us into the pit of more stop losses. we should probally look at banning price action as 95% of us read it wrong anyway. i think we should keep volume on the agenda as that is where the money is at. :haha: pppsss for a good fight please watch the BCS merikan national college football championship tonight (at 7:00 or 7:30 central time they can't seem to make their mind up which time)between........ NO LESS THAN: Bama (i.e. Alabama for you foreigners) Notre Dame Now Bama of course is protestant Notre Dame is catholic Bama does not employ stoplosses as they don't intend to lose Notre Dame EMA as they plan on moving the ball fast Bama thrives on breakouts from resistance and employs moments of great volitility Notre Dame employs lagging indicators hence may lag most of the game. Prediction: Bama 38 Notre Dame 21 however it will not be the end of the world if it is Notre Dame 36 and Bama 31. life goes on...regardless.... if one can't predict the markets should one attempt to predict a football game??? zdo we need your wisdom here.
  15. see you didn't need a stop loss :helloooo: or perhaps you didn't have much money back in those days and the drunk just figured it would be a sin to rob you? :haha: you know who gives a sh$t anway? it is just money..you came into this world w/o it and you shall leave w/o it. (maybe sooner than you wish if you don't buy yourself a peashooter :rofl:) would be the end of the world if you blew your account? lost your house on margin calls? would life end? siuya just make a "little jack" and SPEND it. BLOW it. enjoy life..love alot..give alot.. twis soon be over for all of us...let your kids fight over what is left :rofl: :rofl: if none is left because of margin calls ...busted account...enjoy the adventure of clawing your way back...(maybe you ain't got no claws left because of previous margin calls??) take risks..enjoy life...carry a peashooter to make sure others are aware you have a stoploss...spend the jack...enjoy peace..enjoy a good fight... become a conservative at least for 1 day before you leave this world if for nothing else just to experience it :missy:
  16. all losses happen because of stop losses :rofl: :rofl: the one common denominator of stop losses IS are you ready IS sure you ready? IS STOP LOSSES. :doh: :rofl: :helloooo:
  17. tams please tote a gun. they will never be able to rob your mind again. just say no to the well gun.......
  18. what town is that..you never answered this question? also mindlessly? have they actually brainwashed you that bad? :rofl: :haha: :crap:
  19. now how in the sam hell is the market ...say the ES...gonna be higher in 5 years since we won't begin to get out of this recession/depression/cliff until around 2018? helicopter ben will continue scattering $$$ around and of course that will prop things up for a while but you know sooner or later all bubbles pop. the next big bubble is well you know the $$$ aka as the greenback. when it pops the cow manure will hit the fan.
  20. tams where you live at in AU? what town?
  21. might as well forget it perriwinkle. we americans are part of the 95% traders that lose. no hope for us...just leave us alone.. i wish we would leave you guys alone...now maybe if you guys took up arms (if you can find any) and withstood our ass we might leave you alone??? what we need is a real good ass whipping! that will straighten us mericans out. we need somebody to grab us by the nose and kick us in the ass.
  22. um..yes it appears you are. That might be stretching it abit since you have argued so much against them and even said you don't need them. um you forgot to list work at home moms with two kids. well lets see..maybe because the bad boys have them and will continue to have them whether they are banned or not...remember honduras taxi story where taxi pays extortion to a bastard with an ak 47 that pulls up in a suburban? bty ak 47's are illegal in honduras but guess what? you can get one. several if you want. now tams you are sounding quite communistic here. but to be fair..well that has always happened in history..probally happening at this very moment in the outback too. it does happen until the poor gets tired of it and takes up arms (if they have any:haha:) see i told you so!! it is the fault of those gun toting law abiding citizens!!! ...but people haven't very much..they still lie..cheat..steal..murder..fornicate to your chagrin i think you may have that one correct. but if mm's favorite president has anything to do with it we may lose that freedom..except seems like i read about a marine who said he wasn't gonna register nor give up his arms or something like that...anybody recall that story? maybe a certain lady in gov does? thank you. same to you also ..you really gonna need it especially since you are a sharp shooter that ain't got no gun.
  23. i amquite sure that with your twisted contorted thinking you are heading down the road to "discover" that "alas the bastard exists because of law abiding citizens being armed." if they just would not have arms well the 280 pounder wouldn't exist. typical liberal doctrine. lets blame the victim for the perpetrators crime. now why didn't i think of that?:crap:
  24. well i can't answer that question but it may be possible that on jan 30 1948 that mr Gandi wished he would have had one???
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